Looking for friends 40+



  • brendamueller37
    brendamueller37 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok - Well I just turned 50 does that count - I know the feeling, I'm new here so I can use all the friends I can get, so please add me also,and anyone else also
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Didn't really start focusing on physical fitness until 6 months before turning 40. I lost 30 lbs and I'm now training for my first full marathon. I find my 40's to be the best for me to focus on me. Kids are older, job is stable, hubby is a HUGE supporter. It's a great time, for me, to make goals and strive for them. Feel free to add me if you like. :-)
  • bertasmom
    bertasmom Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, yes it sure is hard! I too am looking for more friends so go ahead and add me if you want to.
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    I think the main reason it is harder to lose weight when one gets older, because with all other responsibilities, it is hard to make fitness a priority. For me, it was not hard to lose weight. I just had to shift my priorities, and reorganize my life. I am a woman in my 40s without kids though, so I know most of you ladies have much much much busier lives than me. If you are serious about getting in shape and finding new lifestyle, you´ll achieve your goal. Good luck with your journey! We are all rooting for you!
  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    43 here.. been here 2 months and loving it. Add if you like.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    43 here. Been working hard at being healthier since April. Feel free to add.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi my name is Mary but all my friends call me Penny. 48 years old, married 27 years, one son who is 24 and three dogs. :happy:

    I am NOT on a diet. I am on a journey called a life style change. I have to do this for life. Not just for a few months. Have lost several pounds but still have more to lose. Feel free to add me if you would like. Here to be an inspiration and to help motivate just as others have done for me. MFP is amazing and I love this site and all my friends on here.
  • helenphilp36
    helenphilp36 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. My name is Helen im 50 next year and have found this app very usefull as i scan everything before i eat it, iv been sick with my back the last couple of weeks. but now back on track
    i do find it hard when i put weight on so any one that finds it hard at times is welcome to add me then maybe we can get through it together.
    look farward to hearing from people that want the same as me which is reaching my target weight loss

  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi I'm Tammy and I am over 40 as well, always need more friends and the more support the better, I am on everyday. Anyone please feel free to add me...
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 43 next week. I just started on this site (well, my profile is a lot older but I've started for REAL and in earnest last week) and I'm still trying to find my way as far as calories and how many to lose on!

    How much are those of you who are losing eating?
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    Im 42 and losing very slowly....5'6 and wanting to get to 133....lost 14 pounds in 6 months...last 2 months maybe one pound loss...I think the less you have to lose the harder it is! anyway, I try to net 1200 daily...I eat back most if not all exercise calories
  • I feel we all do have difficulty at 40+ to stay within a goal weight. Within reason, and not losing myself over to unrealistic expectations I've re-taken some of the activities I used to do when younger. At 48, not expecting performance, rather having fun, keeps me coming back to these activities often, and burn the excess calories in the process: surfing, paddleboarding, snorkeling, hiking, mountain bike, skateboarding. Then learning new things keeps the spice up. In my case, mat pilates-accesible, good for the aging joints, balances the other activities well.
    Nutritionally, I've crossed out the excess carbs, specially simple ones, and have allowed my natural hunger signal to do it's thing.
    Feel free to contact me, I love to share my perspectives in fitness.
  • robyer8
    robyer8 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, I'm from Italy with an open diary.Will be' 41 in october. Hope to give you some help and to recive any.
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 48 I have been married 22 years and have 1 dog. Feel free to add me.

  • Sure, 41 here. MFP has basically been a lifesaver for me. My diary is open to friends, and I am very supportive. I like making connections with anyone who is the same. :)
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Hi. New here and have learned that the mutual help and encouragement here is very important to success.. Add me if you'd like to...
  • cpacan
    cpacan Posts: 9 Member
    No, you're not the only one struggling harder past 40 :-)

    It helps to log, so I noticed. And each time "I can't find the time to work out" I seem to gain weight. So, this time I'll try with support to and from community members. Add me if you like, anyone up for some team work? My goal is 36 lbs before summer.
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I've just turned 40 and have 4 stone to lose. I started back seriously on a new diet and exercise plan yesterday. I'm looking for friends for motivation too so please feel free to add me too :)
  • VoicelessRide
    VoicelessRide Posts: 395 Member
    45 and determined to have that hot mid life body!
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    I have zoomed past the + part of 40:laugh: I am at my third anniversary of my 20th year plus 1:laugh:
    Started this journey in August of this year. Yes a journey not a diet, a journey for it is a lifestyle change to become healthier.
    Friends and encouragement/support is helpful.
    Feel free to add or send friend request.