Ladies around 5'5-5'7 - at what weight do you have abs?

Obviously you have them all the time, but at what weight are they visible for you? I'm 5'6, & they weren't visible at my lowest weight of 106. Is this my genetic fate, or do I just not have enough muscle for it to show?


  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    I am 5'7" and currently weight 148. My upper abs show now, but my lower abs don't make an appearance until I'm at around 135. At 125 I have veins in my lower abs, but not as much definition as I would like...genetics play a huge part. :-)
  • CJewel22
    CJewel22 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'5 and weigh 111. My upper abs show and my lower "v". A HUGE factor in abs is in your diet. You have to eat in a manner that allows your body to "shed" fat over the ab muscles. Genetics do play a great factor in abs.
  • derbygirl
    Weight is a factor but not what makes or breaks the point of showing off abs. 1) Abs are created in the gym. You have to do a lot of abs exercises. I'm talking like 200-300 reps (about 4 sets of 25 reps of 2 or 3 abs exercises). Some of my favorite are captain's chair, reverse crunch, leg lifts, ball crunches, etc. 2) Abs are revealed in the kitchen. No matter how hard you workout or how little you weigh, in order to reveal those abs you have to eat clean and know how to "tighten" your look. A friend and I compete in body competitions. I just started and I am currently trying to lose more weight for my next competition. If you look up/ Google "a figure competition diet and workout plan", that will be step one to getting you on your way. I have some abs showing and I am 5'4" and sitting at 125lbs. My upper abs are currently what show, my lower abs are a work in progress (that will take me losing a little more weight and tightening my diet). Diet Diet Diet are everything when revealign abs. If I drink a glass of wine, I can see the "softness" coming back and my muscles don't look as "hard". Just always remember, muscle weighs more than fat and you can't always rely on the scale. Its helps, but doesn't always work. Another thing is go to your local gym and ask for a body fat % measurement. Average woman is at 21-25% body fat. Body competitiors are around 15% at show time. Anyhow, hope that helps!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently weigh 113 lbs and 'bulking' at the moment. I can still see my upper abs but not the lower ones. Of course I'm 46 and have had three kids so that's a factor as well. You may want to do more abdominal exercises, because at your weight you should be able to see just about every muscle you have. Genetics probably does factor in some but try to build those muscles more. Especially if your body fat % is also low.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    5'7. dont have abs till im at 118-120. bf% is what really matters tho. i imagine w/ the right muscle mass you could have abs at a variety of weights. also gotta consider your body type/ethnicity
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Its not all about weight.

    I'm 5'7 and weigh 62kg and my abs are visible, still have some fat to shed though.
  • laurenptravers
    laurenptravers Posts: 3 Member
    Your weight will have nothing to do with your abs displaying. You can be underweight, but still carrying a layer of body fat over your stomach region which means your abs wont show. Abs are made in the kitchen! Make sure you are eating a clean diet and doing adequate cardio to eliminate stubborn belly fat, and then with some ab strength training your abs will pop through in no time :)

    For example, I'm 5'6 and weigh 48kg (I'm currently trying to gain) but my abs arent showing through because i still have some stomach fat to shed.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    Work your core. Compound lifts such as squats will be key.

    Get your bodyfat right down = abs

    Abs are made in the kitchen. ;)

    Whatever your weight happens to be at that time is inconsequential...
  • CantStopWontStop92
    Finally a thread my height fits in! So I'm 5'6'' and about 107lbs. I've been at the same height and weight for years, and what really made the difference was switching from a cardio-intensity training routine to one centered on weights. That and upping my protein. Omnomnom. Still working on getting my absquares but looking at my profile pic, I think I'm well on my way:)
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm going to see if my university's gym has bodyfat calculating equipment... but at the moment, I'll keep with my regular routine, which has been upping protein, calories, & doing strength training. Hopefully it'll pay off, since I was skin & bones before, without the curves & toned look I wanted. :\
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 130 pounds I'm still working on my abs my upper ones are visible but my lower ones are slowly trying to come around!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Agree with those who said that abs are made in the kitchen. :) No matter how little you weight on the scale, if you still have a layer of fat on your belly, it will obscure the abdominals.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Agree with those who said that abs are made in the kitchen. :) No matter how little you weight on the scale, if you still have a layer of fat on your belly, it will obscure the abdominals.

    The only problem for me is that the stomach area is where my body likes to store fat, so I'm afraid that if I lose enough to show abs, I will be totally flat-chested & buttless. :( Not sure if I'm willing to make that compromise, frankly, but if there's a way around it, I'd sure be glad to hear it!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    When I worked out my abs or was young (teens and early 20's) I remember seeing them from 117-125. I am 116 now and do not see them. I am 5'6. If I were 116 and 18 years old, I would be seeing them. At 28, not so much.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Weight is a factor but not what makes or breaks the point of showing off abs. 1) Abs are created in the gym. You have to do a lot of abs exercises. I'm talking like 200-300 reps (about 4 sets of 25 reps of 2 or 3 abs exercises). Some of my favorite are captain's chair, reverse crunch, leg lifts, ball crunches, etc. 2) Abs are revealed in the kitchen. No matter how hard you workout or how little you weigh, in order to reveal those abs you have to eat clean

  • Majda1234
    I'm 5'6" and mine were visible when i went down to 100 lbs( if not lower) but now that i am 110 they are no longer visible. Of couse it has to do with how much you train, my body fat was lower back then, i was exercising 2 hours a day too and i was eating healthy so obviously those were the main factors since now i am binge eating o unhealthy foods \nd exerciing twice a week.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 126 lbs and my upper abs show. I'm around 19% BF. No idea what I'd need to be to have super defined abs.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Agree with those who said that abs are made in the kitchen. :) No matter how little you weight on the scale, if you still have a layer of fat on your belly, it will obscure the abdominals.

    The only problem for me is that the stomach area is where my body likes to store fat, so I'm afraid that if I lose enough to show abs, I will be totally flat-chested & buttless. :( Not sure if I'm willing to make that compromise, frankly, but if there's a way around it, I'd sure be glad to hear it!

    I feel the same way! I'm 5"5.5 and currently weigh 150lbs. My upper abs and obliques are showing, plus I have the outline from top to bottom. Those lower abs are what I'm working towards. I don't want to get too small, but I'll see where I'm at once I get down to 140lbs.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Weight isn't much of a factor. I weighed 115 I am only 5'1 and I had 16% body fat and had a crazy 8 pk going on before getting pregnant again. I am 115 today (3 months post partum) however only at 20.5% body fat… still working on that. You can see in my picture my abs are showing but not well however my weight is the same because I need to loose a lot of fat and gain a lot of muscle. Body fat is really what you should be tracking. I find that after 19% body fat with me I can see a 4 pack nicely, 18% my 6 pack, and at 17% or under my 8pk. It has to also do with you and your body. You can't tell your body where to loose the fat so you can see the abs. You might have to get down to 15% body fat or you can see them at 21%. There is not fits all to this. It also has to do with how much you are working your abs as well. You can’t see what’s not there muscle wise no matter how lean you are.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    5'6, 118 and still not much ab definition. There is a bit of a V, but that's about it, unless I flex. I'll just keep working on it and hope I can see them by next summer!