Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317

    I have 150 pounds to lose! This my first day, and I WILL be here for a long time,
    if anyone has healthy low cal snacks, real simple dinners, or just plain diet tricks that have worked for you, please pass along, I have a really big I need ideas, what I am doing is not working..

    cheers everyone

    My favorite new thing is Campbell's Soup at Hand. You can get the Veggie beef or the chicken noodle (I get the lower sodium one) and they are only 80 calories. Plus, because it's warm it tends to fill me up! I have been having one as a morning and afternoon snack every day! Also, 100 calorie packs are amazing. They're perfect for when you're craving something salty or sweet. Good luck!
  • nchandler22
    That is absolutely fabulous Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand and can relate totally
  • smillermom
    smillermom Posts: 38
    Tom, I am very impressed wit your weight loss!!! I think if you can find some high fiber snacks and even some protein snacks you like, it will definitely curb your appetite. I love fiber one bars and always have one with a cup of green tea. Water along with fiber or protein snacks also fill you up faster. Get into the mind set that every hunger pain is weight leaving your body. I visualize with a hunger pain a blob of fat being ripped from my bod causing the hunger pain. HEEHEEHEE!!!!!!:devil:
  • ChristyMourning
    Hi Everyone!

    I weighed yesterday and am down a total of 104 lbs. It feels phenomenal. I still have about 75 pounds to go and now I KNOW I can do it.

    Christy, I saw your challenge post about the 75 lb target by the end of October and the subsequent posts regarding it being too aggressive. I do think the number is a high one but......

    I started my life changes on March 3, 2008. I was down the first 75 lbs by June 3. It is possible.

    I have been working a very low calorie program and I know this approach is not for everyone but it has worked well for me and thats all that matters. This is a fabulous site (Thanks Banks!) and I really use it to track my intake and exercise. The Community support is also wonderful and helpful. I have seen a few postings by some indicating that they'd never pay money to help with weight loss efforts. I say that it is an individual decision and if it works for you do it.

    I don't pretend to have the answers at this point. I am sick of being fat. I am sick of buying clothes from a guy named Omar the Tent Maker (no cultural slur intended here). I am sick of taking large qtys of medicine every single day in the hope that my health statistics will improve. I am sick of not being able to fit in chairs with arms. I could go on for hours.

    My weight loss to date has done the following: I have been able to discontinue 5 of 7 daily medications. I am down 5 pant sizes and 3 shirts sizes. I sleep better. I am more alert during the day. Oh.......................... I can cross my legs for the first time in over 10 years.

    I remain committed to this journey.

    Cheers to all.

    what kind of diet do you use? and CONGRAT'S ON THE PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WAY TO GO! I am so flipping happy for you, I could cry! I so think you are an inspiration to us all!
    please keep us informed!

    Big hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member

    I was desperate to make a change in my life throughout 2007 and was being pressed by my regular MD to get Gastric Bypass. As I've already stated I think whatever solution helps any of us regain a life is OK. I simply did not / do not have an interest in additional surgery. I had a hip replaced in 2005 and a knee in 2007. Both joints were destroyed by osteoarthritis. Who can say for sure if the arthritis was purely obesity induced or just hereditary. At 426 lbs. prosthetic joints don't last a long time either. This leads to..... more surgery.

    I met a guy who told me he lost 160 pounds in six months working the same program I am working. It is offered through one of the local hospitals in the Houston area where I live. I am pretty sure its available in other areas around the country. If you have a Memorial Herman hospital I expect they will offer the program.

    Its a 1 year program (no contract) that starts with 90 days of medically supervised liquid fasting. I had to get a physical before I could start. I go to the hospital once weekly for a check up and a brain wash. The check up is cursory, blood pressure, quick visual check, etc. I am type II Diabetic so I also turn in a blood sugar log. Yes, the Diabetes is obesity induced. The Brain Wash (my label, not theirs) is a 45 minute session where a dietitian talks about different topics. As a fat guy I thought I knew everything about food, nutrition, etc. but I've learned some pretty good things. Ironically the ultimate approach to living a healthy nutritional lifestyle is the same as what you see on this site - understand caloric requirements, count everything, exercise. I also get a weeks worth of high protein, low calorie shakes in powder form. I drink 4 each day and can eat sugar free pickles (Mt. Olive makes some really good ones). I do eat some lean turkey meat almost every day because I am exercising much more than is viable on 800 calories daily. The turkey is not part of the program. After 90 days some participants begin to re-feed, reduced shakes, add meals of limited calorie. I chose to work the shakes longer than 90 days because i started out at such a high number. I've met lots of people who have lost 100+ lbs via this program. As your move forward the shakes go away completely and you are back on food. the education/brain wash continues. The last 6 months are just education.

    Everyone (including me) freaks out at the all liquid phase because it sounds like such a completely deprived way to exist. The irony is that the shakes are easier than you can imagine for one reason. There are no food decisions to make other than the flavor of the shake. It really works.

    This is much less extreme than having my digestive tract reorganized and I am loving it. I am happy to share more info if you or anyone else wants it.

  • dragonfly1138
    I have just joined today, and this is exactly what I need. I have health issues that hinder most exercises. I have no cartlidge in either knees and I also deal with fibromyalgia and severe depression along with the osteoarthritis. I am 34 and I have between 110 to 120 lbs to lose. I would love to be the "ideal" weight of 153 for my height, but I will be thrilled to hit 175! I have 2 sisters who are both tiny....:mad: neither one weighs over 120! How unfair! lol I have a long weighs to go, but I am getting started! Here is where I am today (day 1 of my fight)

    start 285
    goal 175-180

    need to lose 100-110
  • brownewell94
    brownewell94 Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel. I have a friend who lost 50 pounds in 6 monthes. I've been on MFP for 4 weeks and have lost 10. Several days, I've gained 2 or 3. I have a major "why do it day." But my husband tells me on those days (he has almost 250 to lose) that there are days in our lives we must binge to enjoy life. Just pick yourself up and start over. Kinda like riding a bike. This is a lifestyle change and we're not going to learn it the first try.

    Kinda started preachin there, sorry! Hope today is better and tomorrow is too!
  • ChristyMourning

    I was desperate to make a change in my life throughout 2007 and was being pressed by my regular MD to get Gastric Bypass. As I've already stated I think whatever solution helps any of us regain a life is OK. I simply did not / do not have an interest in additional surgery. I had a hip replaced in 2005 and a knee in 2007. Both joints were destroyed by osteoarthritis. Who can say for sure if the arthritis was purely obesity induced or just hereditary. At 426 lbs. prosthetic joints don't last a long time either. This leads to..... more surgery.

    I met a guy who told me he lost 160 pounds in six months working the same program I am working. It is offered through one of the local hospitals in the Houston area where I live. I am pretty sure its available in other areas around the country. If you have a Memorial Herman hospital I expect they will offer the program.

    Its a 1 year program (no contract) that starts with 90 days of medically supervised liquid fasting. I had to get a physical before I could start. I go to the hospital once weekly for a check up and a brain wash. The check up is cursory, blood pressure, quick visual check, etc. I am type II Diabetic so I also turn in a blood sugar log. Yes, the Diabetes is obesity induced. The Brain Wash (my label, not theirs) is a 45 minute session where a dietitian talks about different topics. As a fat guy I thought I knew everything about food, nutrition, etc. but I've learned some pretty good things. Ironically the ultimate approach to living a healthy nutritional lifestyle is the same as what you see on this site - understand caloric requirements, count everything, exercise. I also get a weeks worth of high protein, low calorie shakes in powder form. I drink 4 each day and can eat sugar free pickles (Mt. Olive makes some really good ones). I do eat some lean turkey meat almost every day because I am exercising much more than is viable on 800 calories daily. The turkey is not part of the program. After 90 days some participants begin to re-feed, reduced shakes, add meals of limited calorie. I chose to work the shakes longer than 90 days because i started out at such a high number. I've met lots of people who have lost 100+ lbs via this program. As your move forward the shakes go away completely and you are back on food. the education/brain wash continues. The last 6 months are just education.

    Everyone (including me) freaks out at the all liquid phase because it sounds like such a completely deprived way to exist. The irony is that the shakes are easier than you can imagine for one reason. There are no food decisions to make other than the flavor of the shake. It really works.

    This is much less extreme than having my digestive tract reorganized and I am loving it. I am happy to share more info if you or anyone else wants it.


    I checked here in Asheville NC and we have Optifast program at the hospital, is this it?
  • ChristyMourning
    I have just joined today, and this is exactly what I need. I have health issues that hinder most exercises. I have no cartlidge in either knees and I also deal with fibromyalgia and severe depression along with the osteoarthritis. I am 34 and I have between 110 to 120 lbs to lose. I would love to be the "ideal" weight of 153 for my height, but I will be thrilled to hit 175! I have 2 sisters who are both tiny....:mad: neither one weighs over 120! How unfair! lol I have a long weighs to go, but I am getting started! Here is where I am today (day 1 of my fight)

    start 285
    goal 175-180

    need to lose 100-110

    And we all stand beside you at the battle front and I commend you for taking the first steps! Let your path be happy and may your skinny jeans fit! Much love and welcome!
  • ChristyMourning
    I know how you feel. I have a friend who lost 50 pounds in 6 monthes. I've been on MFP for 4 weeks and have lost 10. Several days, I've gained 2 or 3. I have a major "why do it day." But my husband tells me on those days (he has almost 250 to lose) that there are days in our lives we must binge to enjoy life. Just pick yourself up and start over. Kinda like riding a bike. This is a lifestyle change and we're not going to learn it the first try.

    Kinda started preachin there, sorry! Hope today is better and tomorrow is too!

    It is totally ok to say what you feel. I binge eat aswell and if you look back in this thread you will see where I posted and was down about it but I took the next day as a new day, I want to be healthy more than I want food. Please let us know how you are doing.
  • ChristyMourning
    Measurements are in!

    Starting Measurements

    Neck- 16 1/2 in
    Under Bust- 48 in
    Waste- 52 in
    Hips- 58 in
    Forearm- 11 1/2 in
    Calf- 20 in
    Thigh- 27 1/2 in
    Over Bust- 47 in
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member

    I have heard of Optifast but really don't know anything about it. You'll probably need to call them to get the details of the program.
  • ChristyMourning
    Oh my goodness, I weighed myself just a bit ago and guess what??????????????????
    I went from 375lbs to........................ 341LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    I'm so Happy for you Christymourning, That is awesome!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Oh my goodness, I weighed myself just a bit ago and guess what??????????????????
    I went from 375lbs to........................ 341LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    thats so cool. Congrats. Keep up the great work.

    I had my long weekend and I getting back on track. I gained 1 lb this weekend which is way less then I thought. I went to the gym today, I only did 20 minutes on the eliptical machine but hey that 240 less calories then I would have had.
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    Maybe having a small breakfast (so it doesn't make you uncomfortable with your lap band?) then maybe have a few things for lunch? Maybe Salad and soup with a bread roll? That way you'd be quite full? Or if you can't manage that, having some filling snacks mid afternoon? :)

    That sounds awesome! I did quite good yesterday. I went to Walmart and I have a few hundred bucks to spend and in the candy Isle I only got one small pack of sugar free dove chocolates and I only had one serving of 5 pieces which is 200 cal. I put them in my car so they wouldnt be in my face and while buying food my husband got stuff to make chilli cheese slaw dogs and fries, I got 4 cans of soup and while everyone scarfed it down I had one can of soup, a few fries and a bite of slaw! and instead of ice cream later, I had a bowl of multi grain cheerios with soy milk! I'm so proud of myself, to just say "no" and be able to actually be happy with my choices.

    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

    Ohh well done! That's great!
    I caught up with an old friend for coffee last night, and i dont like coffee so i was stressing about the alternatives (eg hot chocolate) being really high in calories? I had a tall caramel frappuchino light (which according to internet resources is only 180 cal!)

    This morning i've had 2 slices of dry toast, a cup of tea and i fancied something sweet so i have a jar of Cow and Gate baby dessert, it's banana cookie crumble MMM! 125 cals in the whole jar!!

    Look out for jars of baby food ( i wouldn't suggest meals.. pasta/rice and chicken etc but the desserts are gorgeous!) be careful of calories though :)

    Going swimming in an hour to burn me some fat!!
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    Oh my goodness, I weighed myself just a bit ago and guess what??????????????????
    I went from 375lbs to........................ 341LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Congrats sweetie! That is awesome!
  • evonne32
    evonne32 Posts: 7
    I am just starting so you guys are all really encouraging to me. I want to lose 100 pounds but will feel so much better when I get under 200 .I have lost and gained the same 60 pounds over and over again .I need this time to be different .
  • scrumpy21
    scrumpy21 Posts: 19
    I am just starting so you guys are all really encouraging to me. I want to lose 100 pounds but will feel so much better when I get under 200 .I have lost and gained the same 60 pounds over and over again .I need this time to be different .

    I am just starting too! but my first day was good and spending 10 mins on the site in the morning gives me the will power to make it through today... I was shocked when I put down what I was eating being really honest helps you to change your choices to healthy ones.

    this time will work for you, stay with us, we will cheer when you do good and help you through bad days!

    Cheers and a big WELCOME
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I am currently 168 and need to get down to 125...I had a rapid weight gain over the last year. I even have a few stretch marks on my tummy from it! I know those will mostl likely never go away ....but the gut surely can! Im not exactly sure what caused my weight gain. I have been very stressed out latley, but Im ready to stay on track this time!