8 Cups of water a day... HOW?!



  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    It was very difficult for me at first. I was afraid to drive more than 20 minutes away from the house for the first few days because I was peeing every 2 seconds, lol. But you get used to it and it becomes normal after a while. I used to never drink water, and now I drink 10-12 glasses per day.
  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
    Step one: Put it in the mouth hole.
    Step two: Swallow.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    Step one: Put it in the mouth hole.
    Step two: Swallow.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??


  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice

    Well there you go.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Well, it's more like 8 cups of UNCAFFEINATED beverage. So if you're drinking decaff tea or coffee, it counts. The goal is to stay hydrated. AND - research has shown that people often confuse thirst for hunger. So, many times when we think we're having a snack attack, we're really thirsty. (I am a former Weight Watchers leader who's fallen off the wagon and rolled into the gully... but that's where I get my info.)


    Generally speaking, caffeinated beverages DO contribute to your water intake each day... our bodies are really good at developing tolerances to things like caffeine.
    Every 10 years, the IOM appoints panels of experts to update Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), which are the official nutrient intake guidelines for the US population. The expert panel for the 2004 DRI report on water and electrolytes carefully reviewed the existing scientific literature related to caffeine and hydration, including a number of newer studies published within the past decade. They determined there was sufficient scientific evidence finding that caffeine-containing beverages do not increase 24-hour urine volume in healthy individuals compared to other beverages and that caffeinated beverages appear to contribute to the body's daily total water intake in amounts similar to that contributed by non-caffeinated beverages. In other words, the common belief that caffeinated beverages don't contribute to hydration is a myth.
  • Ce87girl
    Ce87girl Posts: 24 Member
    I find it really easy but here's why - when I first started my weight loss journey, I started with cutting soda and pop first, then milk. I still have coffee and almond milk from time-to-time, but when I do, I make a point of drinking extra water (coffee tends to stunt my appetite).

    Also - I try to keep water with me at all times. Often i find that when I feel a craving or hungry, I'm not hungry at all, I'm actually just a little dehydrated and instead will drink some water first, wait 5 minutes and see how I feel..
  • owl_93
    If I add a lemon slice to my water, I tend to drink the recommended amount of water a lot easier.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I keep my water bottle filled at my desk. I don't really "like" water, but I find I'm more apt to sip on it if it's sitting right there.
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
    I used to HATE water unless it was flavored. I was never a soda person but I could have drank Arizona Green Tea for the rest of my life. I bought a 24 oz Camelbak bottle that I can sip from and I find that unless I have this I won't drink water. For me, sipping on something makes me able to drink more- no clue why. So I make sure to down 1 bottle before lunch- refill- down 1 before I leave work - refill- down before/during workout to get 3 a day :) My body CRAVES water now and I prefer it over all other drinks. It's amazing what your body learns to love
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I add a little flavored balsamic to mine (currently rotating between tangerine, blueberry and fig). I get the health benefits of balsamic and a little flavor in my water (2 TBS for a 24 ounce cup). I try for 4 refills at work and then 2 more at home. My skin has shown much improvement and I feel better (but to be fair I've also switched to a plant-based diet so I'm sure that's helping too).
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I just drink all day in a refillable cup with a straw...I know 2 cups of water fit into my cup, so 4 cups is the 8 cups a day. Easy. And I drink WAYYY more than the 8 per day usually too. Of course if makes you have to go to the bathroom more but I just suck it up and deal.
  • Flabulousss
    I was always dehydrated when I used a stupid cup. Then I got a 34oz Nalgene water bottle (with the wide opening for my cleaning and chugging convenience.) Fill it twice. Bam.

    I can't enjoy eating if I'm the least bit thirsty. It will drive me insane until I chug something.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I'm good for about 100+ oz a day of water, every day. It's the only thing I drink (other than the occasional alcoholic beverage ;) ). Luckily, I have a desk job where I can go to the bathroom whenever I need to, so that's not an issue. I space it out. I have 2-3 bottles in the morning, a bottle with lunch, 2 in the afternoon, and then 1-2 with/after dinner. I find it helps with water retention, especially on high sodium days. Mondays I am usually heavier from the weekend since I tend to be more free with food on the weekend. I can be up 4 lbs in water retention Monday morning, and then Tuesday morning 3 lbs of that is gone...just by drinking water and flushing out my system.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    It's the matter of a habit. Just develop this habit of drinking water and you'll be good.

    Hating plain water is like hating clean air, both are necessary for life.
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    I have a 24oz water bottle that I fill up twice before lunch, drink one full 24oz bottle at lunch, and then fill it up at least twice in the afternoon at work. I then drink a few 12oz cups at home in the evening. I drink more than that when I work out, which is about 5-6 times a week usually depending on my ice hockey schedule. Yea I probably go to the bathroom way more than I used to but if it gets you up out of your seat for five minutes an hour or so it's worth it.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    These little Mio & similar flavor enhancers are wunderbar for my water intake. The Kool-Aid tropical punch is my favorite.

    And yeah, artificial blahblah and bad for you yacksmack, whatever.
  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    I find that if I drink through a straw, I tend to drink more and drink faster. Lemon, lime, and cucumber slices help change it up, too. If it's something you want to do, you'll find a way to get it done.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I have these Contigo water bottles I bought at Costco and they seem REALLY easy to drink from. I can take down 12oz in a few gulps and it doens' t feel unnatural or forced. LOVE these bottles!

  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??

    I didn't read the other replies, but that should be rephrased. You need 8 cups of LIQUID a day. You can get to this not just by drinking water, but by eating fruit, or chicken soup, or other things of similar nature.