Couch to 5K: Starting Monday Oct 11 -- Join Me!



  • cazb330
    cazb330 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I really need some motivation to get me exercising so what better way to do it!
  • wicci
    wicci Posts: 2
    Def up for that, start weight 252 would love to get to 200, (mini goal ) 220 by christmas

    Good luck for you
  • PhoxyLaydee
    PhoxyLaydee Posts: 5 Member
    I wanna join but I am on Week 1 Day 2, is that ok?
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm in...but doing 5K101...same type of program, but podcast based..... I'm running a 5 K before I say goodbye to 40, so I need to get MOVING!!!
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I tried it a year ago, and didn't fair to well... never made it to week 4. Stayed on week 3 FOR EVER... I even tried switching to treadmill and that didn't break the barrier. I'd love to get some advise on that because I'd love to be able to actually run an entire 5k.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Im in ! Ive been wanting to start this and monday is as good a day as any although I may warm up this weekend with my step daughter LOL
  • I'm in! I've been walking for the past couple of weeks - up to 6 miles now! : ) - in preparation for C25K. I've never really jogged so I'm a little worried and haven't set up a start date. So let's all do it together starting Monday!
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in, but as winter is coming to Canada soon I will be on the treadmill and your start date is Canadian thanksgiving so what better way to burn off the turkey butt!
  • I'm in!! I've been trying to get back into running, I use to run a couple of years back.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    you know i'm definitely going to try this out i'm with u october 11th:drinker:
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    wow!!! i'm so excited to start this...i was wondering how in the world i was going to do this after i signed up for it...was i needing to look at my cell phone the whole time i was doing this or what??? my cell phone has a stopwatch mode anyways so i looked on the internet for like a couch to 5k music thing...and sure enough i found it :-) below is the link to it

    after ur walking interval is up it makes like a chime sound...and very NOTICEABLE....and it does the same thing as when ur jogging interval is does play music so its not like there's someone saying for u to start walking or jogging every so i said that's what the chime sound does
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    I kept telling myself that as soon as I lost 15lbs I would join. I'm at 13lbs but I really want to try this so I'm in!!!
  • holcjm
    holcjm Posts: 5 Member
    I"m on week 2, day 3. I've never been a runner but i actually got up an hour early so i could get my run in today! Some co-workers and I are planning on running a 5k at the end of november and while we will probably run/walk, i want to know that i could run the whole thing. Plus as i've been pushing 85 lbs (45lbs of stroller, and 20lbs each of two little girls). Im in as long as ya'll dont mind if i'm ahead a little bit.
    btw there are some great apps for android and i'm sure they are on iphone too, one is c25k, and it times the intervals and beeps when its time to change and the other one is Runkeeper. It keeps track of your distance, the elevation, your pace and then you can view your route on the map! those are great motivators too!
  • I want to do something. I used to run and then developed asthma and stopped. I may be briskly walking, but count me in to start moving with you on Monday.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I'm in. Do they make mens sports bras??

  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in. Do they make mens sports bras??


    Lol! I don't think Kramer and Mr. Costanza ever followed through with their bro/manzier idea! (Watch Seinfeld?)
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    I"m on week 2, day 3. I've never been a runner but i actually got up an hour early so i could get my run in today! Some co-workers and I are planning on running a 5k at the end of november and while we will probably run/walk, i want to know that i could run the whole thing. Plus as i've been pushing 85 lbs (45lbs of stroller, and 20lbs each of two little girls). Im in as long as ya'll dont mind if i'm ahead a little bit.
    btw there are some great apps for android and i'm sure they are on iphone too, one is c25k, and it times the intervals and beeps when its time to change and the other one is Runkeeper. It keeps track of your distance, the elevation, your pace and then you can view your route on the map! those are great motivators too!

    I got the C25K app on my iPhone. I had to pay $3, but I think it's worth it because it allows you to listen to your own music while running, instead of the pre-programmed music that comes with most other C25K podcasts/apps I've found. Can't wait to use it!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I'm in. Do they make mens sports bras??


    Lol! I don't think Kramer and Mr. Costanza ever followed through with their bro/manzier idea! (Watch Seinfeld?)

    I'll have to watch it now.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I'm in! I need to start training for a marathon relay that I will be running in May and what better way to get started :smile:

    Wow. How far do you have to run for the marathon relay?

    my leg of it is only 4 miles. I took the smaller leg since I'm new to running :smile: can't wait to start this on Monday!!!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    wow i wonder if there's anything on the internet to customize your c25k music???? that would be pretty awesome i think
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