France bans Beauty Pageants...



  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member

    Just wow. France/Switzerland would be less beautiful if religious people walked around?

    Well, as a "something or other" male living in France and Germany, I believe that it's a personal religious choice - I am not for niqab or religious dress, per se. But I consider it a personal choice. As to your exaggerations - clearly Paris is not France. There are very few niqab in Paris in general and they are breaking a law - that it isn't being enforced just shows, once again the silliness of another social law. BTW, I was in Dubai last year - and it's highly unlikely that Paris will ever look like Dubai. And if it does? So what. Religious freedom is a thing.

    Should Orthodox Jewish women not be allowed to cover there heads, should Christians not be allowed to wear crosses in school? Because if you take the reasonable logical step of your statement concerning the declaration of religious values then my daughters teachers should not be wearing a cross around their neck. And yet... freedom for some is not freedom for all with this law.

    Let's face it - this "centrist" attitude by that past government was playing into the xenophobic fears to vote grab. The niqab concerned less than 1% of the population.

    You say you'd "hate to see the coutries become extremely religious" but isn't a persons religion their own damn business. So much for some basic French principles.

    I believe in the separation of state and religion, laïcité. No public organizations, more over no schools should be influenced by any religious institutions. Exactly that people should be able making their own choices without being pushed from the childhood towards any religion.

    Nobody prosecutes for wearing big crosses or hijabs on the streets, but school is school and there are general rules to be followed.

    Seperation of church and state does not mean ELIMINATION of church. Which, in this case, you're suggesting. To be perfectly honest from what you've written, you seem to have a problem with Muslim religion. Or at least, all religions. You claim that there are too many people wearing hijabs in public which apparently makes the city of Paris somehow less beautiful or how you think France and Switzerland is less pretty because of Muslims walking around in it but it sure sounds like you hate the religion itself.

    You have completely misread what I have written.
    How exactly can I have a problem with Islam considering that I am Muslim, as I have stated earlier.

    Where have you seen that I suggest elimination of church? Lol, thats quite a logic you have. Separation of church and state does not mean elimination of church.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    You have completely misread what I have written.
    How exactly can I have a problem with Islam considering that I am Muslim, as I have stated earlier.

    Where have you seen that I suggest elimination of church? Lol, thats quite a logic you have. Separation of church and state does not mean elimination of church.

    As a Muslim woman living in France and Switzerland I support that law - I'd hate to see these beautiful countries becoming extremely religious. And I like that its not regarding Islam only, it's about all religions.

    Wearing a Hijab is extreme? How exactly? Are you suggesting that any Muslim following and, by their own choice, wearing what they wish but isn't a part of others religion, being an extremist? Sorry but not every Muslim girl following her religion is an "extremist".
    I don't think its too strict, it just provides certain limitations - governmental offices and schools are not a place to declare religion values, there are churches, mosques and sinagoges for that.

    So the Government can dictate what Muslims can and cannot wear. How is wearing a Hijab declaring a religious value btw? I mean when I lived in US and saw the hessidic Jews wearing their yamicas etc (sorry for spelling) I didn't thought "damn those jews, they're trying to force their religious values on me!". No. They got their believes and they use it. Whats wrong with it?
    There are still so many Saudis walking around Paris all covered up. Before Ramadan Paris looks like Dubai.

    There are so many non arabs walking around Dubai that it looks like Europe. Whats your point?

    Answer these and then we'll talk
  • Suleya
    I love that they banned it, the sexualisation of young girls is so wrong. Also, these pageants never seem to be fun for the children but only for the parents.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member

    Answer these and then we'll talk

    Excuse me?

    Do you think I'm interested in talking to you considering your rudeness?
    You're wrong.

    Maa salama.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    Answer these and then we'll talk

    Excuse me?

    Do you think I'm interested in talking to you considering your rudeness?
    You're wrong.

    Maa salama.

    So thats a no. Thank you for your hatred towards religion and Muslims. Kindly keep that off the forums.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Aww. So I take it that France wont be getting their very own 'Honei' Vou Vou' show? Injustice, I say!
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