Any Runners? Newbie runner!

Ive been on a weight loss journey since January and im quite pleased with what ive done, but I wanted to take it further and I signed up for a marathon!! Huge challange for me.

Since entering the world of running a month ago its much more complicated than I thought, the right trainer, clothing, food, training plan.....

Basicaly Im confused by some of the termanology and looking for some freinds for advice along the way. Im under no illusion this is going to be easy but I want to do it!

First thing I need help with is the best trainners? Please add me if you think you can help!

Gillian xx


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    When is your marathon? Have you considered some shorter races to work up to that distance?? I have been running for about 2 years and have done multiple 5ks, a 7k and my longest coming up soon a 10 mile.
  • mcapone67
    mcapone67 Posts: 15 Member
    There is a great running club and its free - called "Moms Run This Town" and you can find clubs in your area and valuable information on their website
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    its May next year. So I have time and started training. Its something ive always wanted to do as personal achivement, Im scared a smaller race will put me off.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    That's very ambitious for a first race. There are plenty of other challenging distances that are shorter than the marathon. I suggest that one be running an average of 25 to 30 miles per week for a year to 18 months prior to starting an 18 week marathon training program.

    Doing too much too fast frequently results in injury.
  • AMNimlos
    AMNimlos Posts: 34 Member
    I recommend doing a couple smaller races between now and then because it will help you gauge your progress under racing conditions (first thing in the morning, fueling, etc.).

    That being said there are lots of training programs and apps that will help you train properly. Runner's World is a good magazine. Get fitted with proper shoes at a running store and see if they do any free runs, or look up local running programs or groups. can be a good place for that. Read running blogs and leave comments if something confuses you. It's all about learning, so if something is confusing you just need to look it up. I'm not really sure what you mean by best trainer? You mean a training program?
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    I was worried about the time factor, but the guy who dose my programs at the gym seems to think i can do it. Right now I run 4 times a week, a mixture of interval and distance.
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    sorry I ment trainers as in shoes, there are sooooo many, one I saw in a magazine said it was made with fairy dust or something!!
  • gsnthensome
    gsnthensome Posts: 23 Member
    Join a running club! And work your way up. I've done 2 5k races. After a few more I will do a 10k when I get comfortable w that then ill increase to 1/2 marathon. Don't burn yourself out. Make achievable goals and run races that give out medals for extra motivation and encouragement !
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    its May next year. So I have time and started training. Its something ive always wanted to do as personal achivement, Im scared a smaller race will put me off.

    Actually I think that the opposite is true. Entering and racing a smaller race will boost your confidence level and will really help motivate you to keep running and enjoying the sport. Do a couple 5ks and see what you think. It's great practice for other races. I did one this last spring and used it to practice grabbing cups of water without stopping which really came in handy during a half marathon race. Each new race and level you achieve is just going to make you a better runner. Don't skip the middle steps or you'll miss out on a lot of fun.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Wow, that is very soon. I say do shorter races because you may find they are challenging enough. Training just for this 10 mile race is quite time consuming. If you do some shorter ones you can gauge if a marathon is really something you want to do. I can possibly now imagine doing a HALF marathon and I've been running over 2 years. It takes time to adjust to longer distances. As for shoes I've used a few brands asics, under armour, and most recently brooks. How far are you running currently??
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    its May next year. So I have time and started training. Its something ive always wanted to do as personal achivement, Im scared a smaller race will put me off.

    Actually I think that the opposite is true. Entering and racing a smaller race will boost your confidence level and will really help motivate you to keep running and enjoying the sport. Do a couple 5ks and see what you think. It's great practice for other races. I did one this last spring and used it to practice grabbing cups of water without stopping which really came in handy during a half marathon race. Each new race and level you achieve is just going to make you a better runner. Don't skip the middle steps or you'll miss out on a lot of fun.

    yeh your mayberight, I just seem to have it in head that it will be horrific and it will put me off doing the marathon which I dont want to happen!
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    furthest i have ran is 8K and I add .5k on every week with the plan I have just now.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Ok so here are some things to help:

    1. go to a running store that has a good staff...they should watch you run before they recommend a shoe. or two or three. If they don't depart that store find another.
    2. Marathoning for Mortals a book by John Bingham will help with developing your training plan.
    3. will help you formulate and track your progress in your training plan.
    4. good advice site:
    5. supplies are here:

    And the rest of us will cheer you on and function as a cheering section....feel free to add me as a friend. I am gearing up for a 1/2 marathon next year and am putting together a group to meet up in PA at the Runner's World half in October 2014.

    I am a runner, how do I know this? Because I have been running for almost 8 years? No because last time it rained I thought wow what an opportunity to check out the traction on my shoes.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    its May next year. So I have time and started training. Its something ive always wanted to do as personal achivement, Im scared a smaller race will put me off.

    Actually I think that the opposite is true. Entering and racing a smaller race will boost your confidence level and will really help motivate you to keep running and enjoying the sport. Do a couple 5ks and see what you think. It's great practice for other races. I did one this last spring and used it to practice grabbing cups of water without stopping which really came in handy during a half marathon race. Each new race and level you achieve is just going to make you a better runner. Don't skip the middle steps or you'll miss out on a lot of fun.

    yeh your mayberight, I just seem to have it in head that it will be horrific and it will put me off doing the marathon which I dont want to happen!
    If you find a 5k horrific, I'd say you probably won't enjoy 23 additional miles. Marathons aren't for everyone, as I know that I have no desire to do one. I felt very accomplished after each of my 5k's and they are a great way to see if you like running races. I would definitely not do a marathon as my first.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Shoes. The right shoe for me might be totally wrong for you.

    Go to a specialty running store and get fitted (not one of the Big Box Sporting Goods Stores). They will analyze your gait and suggest the right kind of shoe for you in several different brands. You then choose the one that feels the best. If it's a running store, you don't need to worry about brand, they will all be good brands.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    furthest i have ran is 8K and I add .5k on every week with the plan I have just now.
    What is your plan to get up to 26 miles?
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Running a marathon involves some real risks of injury, illness, or even death in rare cases. Take the time to gain experience and be prepared. Run some 5ks and a half first. Give yourself at least another year. Otherwise you will likely end up walking it or quitting.
  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    I have a trainer at my gym who makes up my plan, I see him in a week when my plan ends and see what he says, as Im new to this.

    Thanks to those who have sujested books and website, i have made a note of them all. :o)
  • Sheff612
    Sheff612 Posts: 12 Member
    Just like with your weight loss journey i would recommend taking baby steps towards your ultimate goal. Too much too soon will almost guarantee an injury or burn out. So i suggest starting small and building yourself up! I went from a 5k a few years ago to my first half this past august and hoping to do a full next year! Oh and for my training plan if youre interested i used rookie
  • When is your race? Its good to go up about 3 miles every 2 months.

    I myself have been running for several months now and am training for a half marathon, if you have any questions I'd be happy to help as much as I can!

    Good luck! xox