Calling All tall Ladies 5'7 n up



  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi there. I'm new to the message boards. I'm 5'8 and have around 30 lbs to lose.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello! I am 5'7" and am working on toning. I am not sure how many pounds I want to lose but I know I want to lose about 5" off my waist, chest and hips. I don't get on the scale often but I do take measurements.

    I tok a break from the site for a month or so due to a family emergency but I am back now and would like to have some more friends!

    Good luck to everyone.
  • 1QtwithaQ
    1QtwithaQ Posts: 37 Member
    (waving) HIIIII!
    I'm 5'7 and want to loose 20lbs add me!!
  • Hey, I'm Katie :) I'm around 5'9" and just trying to get a little more trim for college. I've been on MFP for a while but never really checked out the community so I don't have any friends yet. I'd love to get to know some people, though. Especially fellow tall ladies. :D
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 5ft 7 and always on the lookout for new friends...
  • Hello! Im 5´11 and have about 30 pounds to loose! please add me as a friend so we can motivate and help each other! I am from Norway btw. But I would like people all around the world to be my MFP friends! :)
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5'7 and want to lose 99! Lets be friends and support one another on this journey!
  • ryacarter
    ryacarter Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7 looking to lose 15-20lbs. Gained about 15lbs from Aug 2012-Sept 2013 and now I want it off! Eating about 1200-1350 cals/day and doing yoga every other day. 5 days in so far! Let's help each other out :)
  • Florameg456
    Florameg456 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 5'10 and 145 pounds, Ideally id like to be 127 pounds
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    5'11" and nowhere near my goal...
    My weight goal is almost done (though I'm starting to think I could go further than my goal in time)...
    but I also have other goals to get closer to my ideal body!!
  • I'm 5'7. My goal is 150 for now. I started here in mid-July at 225. I'm down to 213 as of 9/23. Anybody looking for a new friend for motivation can add me!
  • Yurizzle
    Yurizzle Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here, i am 5'9 and lost 40lbs btwn January and May. It has been an interesting journey learning how to maintain (and lose a little more) but not become obsessed with it. I weigh myself every morning just to keep myself in check (it IS football season, if you know what I mean lol) but I recently started a bootcamp program and although the number on the scale hasn't gone down too much I have noticed that my jeans are a little big now :). Anyway if you'd like someone to help keep you motivated or need an accountability partner feel free to add me :)
  • Averysfairytale
    Averysfairytale Posts: 10 Member
    Hi There,

    I am 5'7 and started this journey on 8/31. I have lost 21lbs in 6 weeks. My starting weight was 236.6 and my goal, at least as of right now, is 175. So far I have not started exercising but am planning to start couch to 5k and 30 day shred soon, I am so excited to be making progress! I should add that I cut my calories to 1200 a day. I had no idea how many I was really consuming till I started tracking them. I think most days I was probably eating around 3000. It was a shocking revelation!
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    HI! I'm 5'9" and want to lost 25-30 pounds. I like a little curves but not this muffin top I've been working on! People think I'm pregnant... so bye bye tummy is my goal! Add me if you would like

    I'm also 5'7" and have a big muffin top. I hate it. Trying to lose 40 pounds.
  • fitgirlcookie
    fitgirlcookie Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'7". I started at 240 pounds and had been overweight my whole life due to numerous health issues and being on a lot of steroids and other meds when little. I have lost 75 and been maintaing around a 70 to 80 pound loss over the past year now. I am now working towards toning up and gaining muscle! I am happy to have anyone as a friend and would love to offer support and advice to anyone who made need it. One pound at a time it's not a race race it's a lifestyle.
  • I'm 5'7 started at 160 (was on antidepressants that made me gain weight.). Quit the antidepressants and am now 135, hoping to get down to 130 then 125 (hopefully soon :)) but can't seem to stop snacking.
  • Hey everybody! I'm 5'8, 150 pounds, looking to lose 20 pounds in about 10 months.

    I'd love if you would add me. Some weight-loss encouragement would be really nice.

    P.S. This is my first post. If someone could explain to me how this forum works, that would be awesome...
  • Alm0stAwesome
    Alm0stAwesome Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 5'7, 29 years old and my goal is to lose 110lbs. I'm 6 weeks in and 12lbs down. It's so cool to see the progress you all have made. Please feel free to send me a friend request, I log every day with no cheating lol

    My first goal is to lose 30lbs by 19th December because that's when I fly back to America (Georgia) to visit my family for the holidays. I'll be there for two weeks and will be doing plenty of eating at all of my favorite places that I can't go to in England. I'll just try not to gain and do plenty of exercise while I'm there. After that it's on to my halfway goal of 55lbs!
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I'm 5'10, looking to lose between 50-60 lbs. That is my long term goal. For now my main emphasis is to KEEP ACTIVE, control my portions and track my efforts. :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    5'9.5". ;-)

    Close to reaching my first goal. Then I will do a second and possibly third goal. Feel free to add.