I'm back... and ashamed

So back in 2010-11, I went from a pretty flabby 217 down to about 185 using (among other things) MFP and the calorie logging. I felt great. I couldn't seem to get below 185, but I felt good anyway (I'm 5-10) so I didnt worry about it. Slowly but surely, it crept back up as I ignored it, and I didn't come back here till yesterday.

"It has been 20 months since you've logged" blech!

I'm sitting at 220 right now, ready to start this whole thing over again. I remember what it was like to be going in the right direction, and I want that feeling back.


  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    Fall down 7 times, get up 8. You can do it, and the important part is you are back in the game.
  • caryn7780
    caryn7780 Posts: 54 Member
    I am right there with you. I just started back up today after being off for a couple months and gaining back all the weight I had lost. If you would like to add me, feel free. I am a firm believer that the more support you have, the better!
  • Heaven2017
    Heaven2017 Posts: 15 Member
    I am also coming back from going off track. I haven't gained all my weight back yet but I've lost and regained 100 pounds. You can get that feeling back, after a few days of eating healthy you will feel so much better. You did it before so you can do it again. Check out www.halfsizeme.com it helps me a lot!
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    The hardest part is not losing the weight, but keeping it off :)
    At least you know it know and can start again. Good luck :)
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    Good luck Erik. I am pretty much in the same place you are. I dropped down to 170--the lowest since college--using Weight Watchers. I stopped using the plan and the weight packed back on. I have been on again/off agin with MFP and decided this week to get back on again. I am up to 214--3 pounds short of my all time (known) high of 217. I could easily have been higher when I was not caring about what I ate or how much I weighed.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    WELCOME BACK. Last time, I got down to 200 and thought I didnt need MFP anymore. Pretty soon I was 215. Then I got pregnant and ended up back at 235. But I have been back and ready to go since August 1 and I am doing it this time. Add me if you want.
  • gabrielsnapcity
    "Success has been, and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you've been knocked down."
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    I'm back myself, I gained all but about 10 pounds of mine back, and started back a month ago, feeling better about the way it is going, but you just gotta keep at it and stick to it. We are here to support you.
  • kmorales_4
    kmorales_4 Posts: 208 Member
    You'll shed that weight in no time. Welcome back. Friend request sent.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Ive been on here for a while and keep losing and gaing the same weight One of these days Ill get it right and will stay here until i do welcome back !!!
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Good Luck Erik, I'm sure you will be down again before you know it. You already know what it takes to lose, so just do it! :) Stay strong and consistent. Aim for a life style change so your newly acquired habits stay with you forever :)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    welcome back.

    I did the same two years in a row. I am about 5'7" male. 50 yrs.

    Went from about 200-205 down to 175-180 and then gained it all back two years in a row.

    This year I am now looking back.

    Feel free to friend!
  • AliciaAnne1984
    I'm a member of the very same club. I've changed my approach this time (slightly) because I feel it will be more sustainable in the long run. Better to notice now and be doing something about it. Well done for coming back and not letting it get the better of you :)
  • bubbliemae
    We as human beings are a constant work in progress! It is ok be as human as you need to be!!! Most of us are right there with you!!!!
    WELCOME BACK!!!!!! Add me as a friend if you like, I'll try to encourage you!!!!
  • Robyn0letair
    Nothing to be ashamed of. The shame lays not with falling down but staying down. Good luck and awaly's remember there is hundreds of people on there cheering you on!!: wink:
  • wenle66
    wenle66 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't be ashamed for taking a step in the right direction. Use the memory of how great you felt before to kick-start this part of your journey. We're ALL here for you!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My 1 y.o. is just learning to walk...he falls down all of the time...then my 3 y.o. says, "Henry...when you fall down, you just get back up."
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    Been there myself. I am back for the 3rd time just finally committing myself again this week. So your not alone but we just pick ourselves up and do it again. Feel free to add me.
  • tarsha426
    tarsha426 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome back....weight loss is a way of life. It's not a diet to loss weight it's a life style that will change you. You can add me for motivation.:smile:
  • prat27
    Never look back unless you are planning on going that way. You got this :)