ACE weight loss



  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    WOW, that cheap? Will those have vitamin B6 & Spirulina? You DO realize the benefits of spirulina, right? lol I honestly don't want to argue about it. I will do what I will do...Take ACE, log intake and exercise and keep on Re Learning a lifestyle that's gone terrible wrong in so many ways.

    I wish EVERYONE Success and Amazing results in whichever way you choose to improve, Progress.

    From my heart, God Bless :)
    If you're not sure who the actual manufacturer is (and most companies use a 3rd party manufacturer) chances are you are getting low grade product derived from raw materials that were imported from places like China who have no regulation. And Spirulina is one of those that can contain microcystins and heavy metals depending on where it's grown.
    And spirulina isn't some "magic" substance for health. Health is more dependent on several other factors besides what you eat.
    It's obvious you aren't going to be convinced, but hopefully others looking at ACE will read more and understand that it's not needed for weight loss. No pill works without a calorie deficit for weight loss.

    I seriously applaud you for continuing to fight the good fight on this one. But, I think the very obviously ACE-employeed woman isn't going to give up until she converts hundreds more to her, er.."their" product. Move along, sheep....move along.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    NInerrbuff u are doing a great job!!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    "Natural source of caffeine" hmmm... But does it give mg/mcg of everything or just list what's in it? Because I thought for any herbal supplement they needed to list what's exactly in it.

    But no these pills are not bad for you kinda like taking a multivitamin and an energy drink. And the reason and the success stories are out there is let's take me as an example. I have lost over 50 lbs in about 7 months. If I were taking ACE during this time I could of gave ACE the credit but it's really all me.

    Oh and I also wanted to add if you are taking other mess please share with your doctor that you are taking ACE.

    Best of luck to you!
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    I DON'T use these pills and have lost 51lbs in 5 months on a 1450 calorie a day diet. Cut back on eating, move more and you will lose weight without spending a small fortune on these. There is no magic pill, guys.
  • monicarf2010
    I just ordered my fist 30 day trial of has not arrived yet but can someone please tell me if it actually works. I have lost a total of 30-35lbs and have been stuck since June. I work out 4-5 times a week at the ymca for over an hr after work. I changed my diet a lot but not completely. Please let me know if this can give someone the boost it claims. My short term goal is to loose a little less then 10lbs right now then go from there! Thanks :)

    where did you get the first 30 day trial of ACE?
  • mehollaway
    No, ACE is not a magic pill, BUT it does help the craving! I started taking ACE 9/26/13. I usually crave chocolate and cookies and drink a ton of pop. I started a 1200 calorie a day diet before ACE and it was very hard. Since taking ACE I have not eaten anything sweet or drank any pop. I haven't had the urge too!!!! That's the main reason I LOVE it. I have lost a pound and 2" total. It helps me control my eating, I don't want junk, and it makes me feel great! Now I don't have any trouble following a 1200 calorie diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    No, ACE is not a magic pill, BUT it does help the craving! I started taking ACE 9/26/13. I usually crave chocolate and cookies and drink a ton of pop. I started a 1200 calorie a day diet before ACE and it was very hard. Since taking ACE I have not eaten anything sweet or drank any pop. I haven't had the urge too!!!! That's the main reason I LOVE it. I have lost a pound and 2" total. It helps me control my eating, I don't want junk, and it makes me feel great! Now I don't have any trouble following a 1200 calorie diet.
    In other words, you'll need the pill to help you control your cravings the rest of your life. Rest assured that that's the reason people regain weight...............................the get off whatever program they are on, then submit to what they missed while on it. And that's ANY diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    There are days that I don't take it and I don't go after the junk food. I am a lot better on this plan than any other plans I have ever been on. Even when I have worked out and ate right I never lost any weight, but now I am. They have also improved the formula and took out the DMAA. It now has raspberry ketones that Dr. Oz raves about. This new ACE is going to be awesome!!!! Let me know if you need more information.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    There are days that I don't take it and I don't go after the junk food. I am a lot better on this plan than any other plans I have ever been on. Even when I have worked out and ate right I never lost any weight, but now I am. They have also improved the formula and took out the DMAA. It now has raspberry ketones that Dr. Oz raves about. This new ACE is going to be awesome!!!! Let me know if you need more information.

    Raspberry ketones do not effect weight loss. So they added another gimmick to their product... speaks tons about how quality this company is. Its just an appetite suppressant. You get the same results with veggies.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    There are days that I don't take it and I don't go after the junk food. I am a lot better on this plan than any other plans I have ever been on. Even when I have worked out and ate right I never lost any weight, but now I am. They have also improved the formula and took out the DMAA. It now has raspberry ketones that Dr. Oz raves about. This new ACE is going to be awesome!!!! Let me know if you need more information.
    And of course Dr. Oz is a great authority on nutrition...................................not. Don't buy into the hype.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    Something to think about:

    ACE is an MLM (Multi Level Marketing) program. The person that sells it to you makes money, which means the person that signed them up makes even more money, and so on and so forth. If you want to make more money, you sign more people up as distributors.

    Eventually, that house of cards falls. And then the money dries up. And everyone moves on sell the new, hot product.

    OR, the product is taken off the market for one reason or the other (company goes bankrupt, lawsuit, FDA shoots it down, whatever).

    Does this REALLY sound like a company or group of people that have your best interests at heart? The person that sells it to you makes money from you. And the person "above them" makes even more money. When the person that sells it to you signs you up to be a distributor, they make even MORE money from YOU.

    I know many ACE distributors. I went to high school with them. Someone signed up one of them, and then she signed up a couple of other people I know. I've watched this unfold on my FB feed. It's treated as a home-based business. As in, a way to make money "on the side". The same people that have signed up to be ACE distributors have also sold Advocare, and even that Noni juice from years ago.

    Remember THAT horrible stuff? Where is it NOW? Back in the day, their distributors wouldn't shut up about it. Now, they're selling something else.

    Regarding the water - "you have to drink a lot of water to make it work". Guess what? You have to drink a lot of water to make your body function properly ANYWAY.

    I think it was ninerbuff that pointed out that energy comes from calories. Quality calories equal quality results. The more crap you eat, the more sluggish and tired you feel. And vice-versa. "Cutting out soda and junk food" is awesome, and for some people, it's that step in the right direction towards better health. You don't need a pill to "make" or "help" you do that. Do it gradually if you have to. Your body will learn (on its own, without a pill) what you teach it.

    You also don't have to "cut out" anything if you don't want to. That's personal preference. Moderation. Once in awhile. Not everyday.

    And you certainly don't need to be paying an ACE distributor to tell you to drink more water, stop eating crap, eat less, and exercise more. (Oh, and take these magic pills.)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Ok, I want to have a serious conversation here about these pills.

    If you want me to be serious, taking pills to lose weight is a waste of cash when you can just eat less. That's the only proven method that works.

    Go ahead and buy the pills if you like spending money.


    I don't think comparing some weight loss aids to snake oil is a fair one. They are weight loss AIDS, not magic, and I think everyone here pretty much realizes this. As for me, anything that helps with cravings, etc is worth at least trying as long as it's not too expensive, and is safe. I find Crave Control to be helpful in staving off binge modes, and find that I think about food less when I take it. I haven't heard of ACE, but caffeine is a well known appetite suppressant, and very safe for most people to consume. I think that anything that makes eating less easier and is safe, go for it! Why not?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I've been taking ACE for a couple of weeks now. Within the first week I lost 5 lbs. But now, I've just stopped losing. I eat right, I'm on a 1200-1800 calorie diet. And most days I only make it to 600 calories. I only drink water, and I exercise. But after a total of 11 lbs lost (I had lost 6 lbs before starting ace) I've just stopped. Any suggestions??

    600 calories a day is NOT good for your body. You will lose tons of lean body weight, which in turn, will lower your basal metabolic rate. It starts a really viscous cycle. Eat at LEAST 1200 and eat back your exercise calories. Please.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I just wanted to add that I hear what people are saying about learning to deal with cravings and hunger is an important part of the process of changing your lifestyle and keeping your changes permanent. I do hear it. HOWEVER. When I'm sick, I take Tylenol to feel better, even though it might be prolonging the illness by artificially reducing my fever. But I'm really not that into suffering, and I need to be able to stay on my feet and keep working. Some weight loss aids may do just that for people, because being hungry a lot of the time is HARD. Some people can deal with it better than others. Weight loss aids might not be for some people, but for others, they can be a tremendous help, and I don't think shaming people who have found something that works for them is productive.
  • Dmarie2068
    I guess I struggle no more with the credibility of the weight loss pills than I would with a fitness expert who was 30 pounds over weight and wanted to be judgmental about what others are doing to reach their goals. We can all state our objections but there's no need to argue with and belittle people who feel like they may have found something that helps them. Geez, let it go.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I just wanted to add that I hear what people are saying about learning to deal with cravings and hunger is an important part of the process of changing your lifestyle and keeping your changes permanent. I do hear it. HOWEVER. When I'm sick, I take Tylenol to feel better, even though it might be prolonging the illness by artificially reducing my fever. But I'm really not that into suffering, and I need to be able to stay on my feet and keep working. Some weight loss aids may do just that for people, because being hungry a lot of the time is HARD. Some people can deal with it better than others. Weight loss aids might not be for some people, but for others, they can be a tremendous help, and I don't think shaming people who have found something that works for them is productive.
    I believe the difference is that taking a drug like Tylenol is usually not going to be on a day to day basis, whereas weight loss aids usually end up being a dependency go to for many. This is why it's one of the most largest billion dollar industries that ISN'T federally regulated. Many don't even know the purity of the supplements they are taking due to 3rd party manufacturing and raw materials that aren't regulated in the countries they come from. I don't think ALL weight loss aids are useless, but the majority of the threads that tout them are trying to sell an idea of sales of the product rather than an objective look at how they are just an aid and not a solution.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I guess I struggle no more with the credibility of the weight loss pills than I would with a fitness expert who was 30 pounds over weight and wanted to be judgmental about what others are doing to reach their goals. We can all state our objections but there's no need to argue with and belittle people who feel like they may have found something that helps them. Geez, let it go.

    Ones knowledge of a subject isnt tied to their weight goals or physique. Just look at how many over weight doctors their are.. or ones that drink and smoke, etc... so to suggest one isnt credible based on weight loss goals is kind of ignorant. How do you know if they didnt just do a bulk phase and are now cutting?
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    bump for later
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    A friend of mine was trying to get me to try it and I keep telling her no. She started it three months ago and is down 30 pounds, I started losing weight 4 months ago and am down 40. She eats Snickers, McDonald's, drinks beer and doesn't exercise. I eat good, exercise daily and count my calories. I asked her what happens when you get to your goal and stop taking it. Her response is that she will never stop taking it because then she will gain weight because she never changed her eating habits. Uh...Hello??
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
This discussion has been closed.