Ladies who are 5'2 , please stand up !! :D



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    Age: 49
    SW: 201
    CW: 143
    GW: 141 (Healthy BMI)

    Dr. wants me at 138ish.

    I'm REALLY struggling to lose these last few lbs. However, I'm in the best shape I've ever been. I run, walk, or ride my bicycle at least 4 days a week. I've gone from wearing very tight 16's and XL to size 4's and loose mediums.

    I pretty much eat (and drink) whatever I want as long as it fits the calories.
  • missnee21
    missnee21 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and my goal weight was 125 lbs. But I've recently started to really enjoy my extra curves, particularly in the rear lol. So now, I'm thinking somewhere between 127-130. I've weighed about 115 going into college and looking back, I was wayyy too skinny.
  • I'm 5'2" and 27y/o and have always been on the heavier side. I played sports all through school and like to the blame the weight on muscle mass :ohwell: but I was never as lean as I should have been.

    SW: 176
    CW: 154
    GW: 140 - I'll re-assess when i get there and see how i feel
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    I am 5'2 and my starting weight was 264
    I got down to 112 but that was to low.
    I want to be at 117, I am 121 right now
    It is really hard to keep the weight off,
    It goes up very quickly and comes back down very slowly.
    Eating the right number of calories is not so hard,
    it is the treadmill, that I do not do as much as I should.
    it is a life process.
    Good going to you

    Until I saw your post, I thought I was going to be the only shorty in here who started at such a high weight. My stats:
    SW: 264.7
    CW: 236.2 (as of today!)
    GW: 140, though I may re-evaluate when I get there

    Height: 5'2.25"
    Age: 32

    My high school weight was 135lbs, (but I was made fun of for being fat?), and even though that's the high end of the weight range that someone my height should be in, I thought I looked rather sickly, but that could also be contributed to the bad eating habits I had as a teenager. I have wide hips, so I worry that 135 doesn't look good on me, which is why I'm so nervous about going below 140. I feel like I looked best when I was in the 150s because I was soft and curvy, but I'm curious as to how toned I can get. I don't have any body comparison photos because I just took what I consider to be my starting photo only this week. I do have my wake-up photo, a face comparison photo of before I started, during, and at 32 pounds lost, the photo I consider my starting photo, and a couple of photos of me in high school, so I an sort of do a reverse comparison.


    These were my wake-up photos. I was probably pretty close to SW of 264.7 in these photos, taken in Summer 2011

    My wedding in 2009, I was in the high 210's/low 220's in this photo


    I was at about 238-239 in these photos that were taken a few days ago, (please excuse the mess).

    Facial comparison photos, L-R: Summer 2011, Summer 2012, Fall 2012.


    Me at my high school weight, first photo was in March 1998 at my 17th birthday party, second photo was 3 months later, in June at my graduation party.

    As you can see I've gone through a lot of weight changes in the last 15 years. I should also note that I'm pretty sure I was about 5'4" in high school and have lost almost 2 inches of height due to weight gain. :frown:
  • I'm 5'2" and 27y/o and have always been on the heavier side. I played sports all through school and like to the blame the weight on muscle mass :ohwell: but I was never as lean as I should have been.

    SW: 176
    CW: 154
    GW: 140 - I'll re-assess when i get there and see how i feel

    Same here! :smile:

    Hi everyone! I'm in the short club too! I started trying to lose weight in January... then I got married in May last year and piled on the pounds from being too happy and carefree. I have such a love of biscuits and chocolate that it doesn't help my cause when people bring in lots of treats to work (I'm a nurse). I need to be more disciplined and find something to scare me into action!
    Maybe a little accountability would help. My husband lost just under 2 stone from just diet and brisk walking up a hill every day.

    I was skinny when I was younger and then I did a whole load of sports throughout school and bulked out (netball, basketball and tae kwon-do). Now I just need to get rid of some of this fat,

    Age: 24
    HW: 165
    SW: 160
    CW: 153
    GW: 140 - I don't know if this will look good on me but we shall see! :laugh:
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Any other 5'2 ladies out there on maintainance ? Interested to know what your maintainance calories are like and what kind of exercise routine you do
    I see some 5'2 ladies saying they can't eat above 1400 calories or they gain , I couldn't live on that a day I'd crack up
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I lie and tell everyone I am 5-4............................. But I still only reach the guys armpits.................
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 5'2 started last year at 179.9, currently 147 , and hoping to reach 135 then will reevaluate
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Any other 5'2 ladies out there on maintainance ? Interested to know what your maintainance calories are like and what kind of exercise routine you do
    I see some 5'2 ladies saying they can't eat above 1400 calories or they gain , I couldn't live on that a day I'd crack up

    5'1" and I maintain at around 1900-2000 cals. I'm currently eating more than that and lifting weights to try to gain muscle and strength.

    Also, those people who say they gain on 1400 cals/day... they're probably not actually gaining fat. After you've dieted for a while, especially if you were on low carb or very low calories, your body's glycogen stores are depleted, and when you raise your calories, e.g. to switch to maintenance, the glycogen stores refill, which means your body also stores more water, some people see around 5lb scale weight gain from this... but once the glycogen stores are full, the gains stop, unless you're eating over your TDEE on a regular basis.

    A lot of women see this weight gain and freak out, thinking that they're gaining fat, and that their calorie needs are much lower than they actually are. You have to be very tiny and completely sedentary to gain on 1400 cals/day.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5'2". Started at 196, currently at 168. My goal is 146.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am 5'2 (maybe 5'3 if I stretch!). I have been maintaining 130 for about a year now, I got down as low as 128 and typically I see around 132 lately. I am marathon training so weight loss is not a goal at the moment.

    I can't go down past 125. I have too much muscle mass. Everyone says I look like I weight a lot less so I gave up on the scale getting too low awhile back. I look sickly when I get too thin (my face locks caved in and my curves are gone). I wear a size 2 or 4 depending on brand. So ladies, set a goal but small increments to try that out for a bit, don't go all crazy at once!!!!!

    Oh, I am 34, mom of 2.
  • amyrob56
    amyrob56 Posts: 27
    Whoo Hoo!! Finally broke the 140 mark. 139.0 this AM. We start a Fit for Fall challenge at work today so it is time to start adding excercise to my life. I need upper body strength mostly. Any tips to help me get my arms, shoulders and neck in shape. I ride a motorcycle and moving the beast around when I am in slow manuvers or parking it is my biggest challenge.... Thanks!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    5'2 124lbs. Started MFP Janruary 2012 at 130 and wasn't happy with my body when I dropped down to 110 in 6-8 mths. Slowly put weight back on in Janruary of this year and sit at 124lb. The split photo, on left is June 2012 of 112 lbs at 17% BF, 124lbs on the right at 14.5%. Profile pic is still 124lbs. ;)

    Can't get photos to show that aren't huge so pics on profile.
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Bumping this thread up again to get some more inspiration from fellow shorties :D
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    Age: 49
    SW: 201
    CW: 143
    GW: 141 (Healthy BMI)

    Dr. wants me at 138ish.

    I'm REALLY struggling to lose these last few lbs. However, I'm in the best shape I've ever been. I run, walk, or ride my bicycle at least 4 days a week. I've gone from wearing very tight 16's and XL to size 4's and loose mediums.

    I pretty much eat (and drink) whatever I want as long as it fits the calories.

    Since I posted this I have lost 4 more lbs! I'm now at 139 and have reset my goal weight to 135. I am happy with the size I am at now, but still have a little fat to lose!
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    Congrats on your loss :) 62IBs is a great achievement , well done :D
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Bump to read later
  • bsteves06
    bsteves06 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not sure how to add a picture to my response. I'm 5'1 and a half, i was 110 pre preganncy, gained 40, and now 9 month post partum, I'm at 122. Hope to get down to 105 again sometime.
  • What was the plan you and your doc made? I'm struggling doing this on my own. I'm 157 and 5'3 and my goal at this point is to be at 130 by spring 2014. Not a hard goal I think, but I would like input on how others manage to lose the weight.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Any other 5'2 ladies out there on maintainance ? Interested to know what your maintainance calories are like and what kind of exercise routine you do
    I see some 5'2 ladies saying they can't eat above 1400 calories or they gain , I couldn't live on that a day I'd crack up

    I am 5'1" and maintaining at between 1300 and 1700 (lift heavy and circuit training & some HIIT). I just averaged out my TDEE over the past 32 days, and it puts me at 1590. FYI, I am 100 lbs. I suspect that I am probably not eating enough for more strength gains, so I may be upping my calories/revisiting my macros.
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