Do guys prefer straight or curly hair?



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member

    Having said that, I believe that we subconsciously associate straight hair with good (quiet, nice, pure) girls and curly hair with bad (crazy, loud, easy) ones. But this is just a subconscious general idea that doesn't have any real impact when you meet the whole package person. There must be some exceptions to this too, but I hope you get the idea.

    I don't know about extroversion, but I'd agree that curly, *frizzy* hair connotes being out of control or shabby, maybe incompetent, out of date if you're over a certain age. Frizz also suggests age, I think, while a smooth cuticle (reflecting light, looking shiny) is associated with youth.

    Re 'goodness', curly hair *to me* suggests being childlike, juvenile, sweet (think Shirley Temple, idk, lots of babies). I mean stick a curly haired woman in a conservative frilly dress or something, see what you imagine. Proms & weddings, girls/women used to love ringlets along the side for that, going for I think that sort of idea.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Love curly hair, straight always seems to look too flat and sometimes oily, but thats just my preference
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Why not just get half your hair permed & have the best of both worlds...?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    my fiance said it was kind of hot when i shaved off my hair and went bald for a charitable event.

    Other than that who cares guys just know it feels good or doesnt feel good. They probably wouldnt even notice if your head got chopped off just as long as the azz is still there.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I like it wavy, so neither strictly straight nor curly.
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    I think they prefer straight hair. Straight hair is what's in right now. :sad: I remember watching a video in my experimental psych class where a woman was rated more attractive to men when she straightened her hair. But when she went for a job interview the employers rated her better with curly hair. So it looks like I'll be alone but with a great job :laugh:

    No matter what I do it never stays straight. So I try my best to go for the wavy look. It sucks having curly hair, but sometimes I like it because curly hair makes my big fat face look smaller :laugh:
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    straight - if its curly then bigger curls <--- just my general preference some girls pull of the tighter curls well (example masukas daughter on dexter)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think they prefer straight hair. Straight hair is what's in right now. :sad: I remember watching a video in my experimental psych class where a woman was rated more attractive to men when she straightened her hair. But when she went for a job interview the employers rated her better with curly hair. So it looks like I'll be alone but with a great job :laugh:

    No matter what I do it never stays straight. So I try my best to go for the wavy look. It sucks having curly hair, but sometimes I like it because curly hair makes my big fat face look smaller :laugh:
    I was at a party Tuesday night. I was the only woman there with curly hair. Every guy in the place was all over me even after I told them I wasn't single. And they all complimented my hair several times.
  • TheCalorieSMASHER
    TheCalorieSMASHER Posts: 162 Member
    Why, if the answer doesn't comport with your own features are you going to run out and dye your hair and have an iris transplant?

    Most of us want to be attractive to whatever sex we're attracted to, but straight women give too much power to straight men. Threads like this only reinforce the notion that a man's opinion of a woman's looks is more important than the woman's opinion of herself.

    PREACH IT, GRRRLLL!!! We definitely give men too much power (even though they probably don't realize it). Be confident in yourself and how you look, whatever that might look like, and men will be attracted to the confidence that shines through. This means that first, though, you need to love you.

    Yeah men have too much power. That's why women always pay when we go on dates with them, women buy us flowers, give us jewelry, and put in tons of time just to hopefully actually get somewhere. Yup. Men are just too powerful.

    With all the hoops we have to jump through the least you women can do is worry a little about your hair.

    Yeah, way to overgeneralize. I don't require any of those things, and I prefer to pay for my own portion of the date, TYVM.

    Oh, and I don't care what anybody thinks of my hair.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Generally speaking, do you prefer straight or curly hair for girls?

    Carpet or drapes? And with carpet, are we talking wall-to-wall shag, a nice area rug, a simple runner, or natural flooring?
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Oh man, I'm a total sucker for curly hair... its nothing like a deal breaker, but it definitely scores a lot of extra credit.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I think I get more compliments from guys with straight but I usually leave it wavy. It works out cause women hit on me more when my hair is wavy.
  • Definitely straightened hair or hair that has been artificially curled with a curling iron and chemicals. Naturally curly hair = NO.
  • Why, if the answer doesn't comport with your own features are you going to run out and dye your hair and have an iris transplant?

    Most of us want to be attractive to whatever sex we're attracted to, but straight women give too much power to straight men. Threads like this only reinforce the notion that a man's opinion of a woman's looks is more important than the woman's opinion of herself.

    PREACH IT, GRRRLLL!!! We definitely give men too much power (even though they probably don't realize it). Be confident in yourself and how you look, whatever that might look like, and men will be attracted to the confidence that shines through. This means that first, though, you need to love you.

    Yeah men have too much power. That's why women always pay when we go on dates with them, women buy us flowers, give us jewelry, and put in tons of time just to hopefully actually get somewhere. Yup. Men are just too powerful.

    With all the hoops we have to jump through the least you women can do is worry a little about your hair.

    Yeah, way to overgeneralize. I don't require any of those things, and I prefer to pay for my own portion of the date, TYVM.

    Oh, and I don't care what anybody thinks of my hair.

    If she's confident in who she is, if she's real, if she's herself and just owns it curly or straight don't matter to me. Also, don't buy women a bunch of stuff or put them on a pedestal, just show them who you are, listen to them, make them laugh, focus on having a good time with them, not getting something out of them.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    i like the straight hair but if a women has long hair and curls it like that too
  • jeromykaplan
    jeromykaplan Posts: 205 Member
    i prefer curly, women waste to much time straightening it, i like the natural look
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    I have a quick silly question for guys. I know that it all depends of the girl, blah blah blah… But:

    Generally speaking, do you prefer straight or curly hair for girls?

    Generally speaking, men tend not to all like the same things as all other men.

    Individual preference = individual preference.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member head hair at all! Proud to be one! :)
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member head hair at all! Proud to be one! :)

    I like the bald look on my men. And I'm sure there are guys who love it on their women as well. Be proud. You rock it. It looks great on you.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member head hair at all! Proud to be one! :)

    I like the bald look on my men. And I'm sure there are guys who love it on their women as well. Be proud. You rock it. It looks great on you.

    Why, thank you :)