Tall Women and Weight



  • I am 5.8 and 116pounds. I would like to be part of this discussion. I am trying to check in every day and record my food as well as my exercise but i am not fond of weighting myself so i only do that like every second week.
    I am not sure what i am about to do with my recordings at all, that might be my biggest question do far :-/
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I'm 5'9"ish.

    I was 143 pounds throughout HS. Then I was 155 for a long time. Then, all of a sudden, I put on fifteen pounds from January through June of this year. No one even noticed I gained any weight. Mostly because: (1) I'm tall. (2) I don't have a small frame. (3) My weight doesn't only go to one place. I'm slowly starting to lose that weight. And I'd like to head back toward my HS weight.

    I'm really trying to make lifestyle changes, especially with my eating habits. Too bad I used to eat four PB&J sandwiches in one sitting with four cups of milk in HS without gaining a pound or I would have a big Arizona Iced Tea with a big bag of salt n vinegar chips for lunch. Ah the good old days! Now I have to be more mindful.
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I'm 5'9 and my lowest weight was 134 in college. People would always tell me to eat because I was "bony". I was wearing a size 8-10.

    I am currently 162 and back into a size 8/10 (from highest 180 and size 16), but noone is calling me bony anymore. I'm trying to weigh myself maybe every 2 weeks. I'd rather focus on the clothes size and how I look in the mirror :bigsmile:
  • This post makes me want to start a thread about weight/height/SIZES. It is crazy to me how different bodies are even at the same height/weight. I am currently 258 pounds and 5'11". I am in a loose size 16 at the moment. I have been 220 and been a size 12. It's really interesting to me how builds different so very much,
    I'm 5'10 and started at 230. Now I'm 226.5 - not a huge difference, but I just recommitted and the important thing is that the scale is going down, right? When I graduated high school in 2002, I was 150 and a size 10. I think I was a 14 at 208; now I'm a 16. I feel like it takes a LOT of weight loss for us to change sizes.

    Couldn't agree more! I'm 5'10" and I started at 217 pushing a size 20, now at 165 and am between a big 14, but a 16 most the time on the bottom.. Aiming for 147lbs and a size 12! Tallness is awkward, however my gym trainer said that even when I was at 185lb my muscle/fat masses were absolutely fine and healthy. daft isn't it?
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5' 11" and was 217 (UK size tight 18 as I refused to get a 20!), I am now 151 (UK size 12 - which fits nicely). I am a classic pear so my bum and thighs can be difficult to accommodate in some trousers at times and I have a tiny waist for my height too. Also I have never really had boobs and what little I had have gone so I have a bony clavicle and that "classic red carpet chest".

    According to the Boots scale my BF is 30% which is in the higher side of "normal" and I'd love to get it down to about 25% but the thing is my legs are pretty muscular from running, my arms don't have bingo wings and although my rear is larger there isn't a huge amount of fat there so I'm not sure where all of the fat is?

    I did see a personal trainer about weights and core exercises but I love the way cardio makes me feel so it is hard for me to be bothered to do the weights programme - although I love (in a sick kind of way) doing the proper full sit ups and half press-ups.

    I do feel BIG though - especially around all the tiny girls in the gym, I would love to feel petite but alas it is not to be...
  • I'm between 5'9 and 5'10 and I've always been able to carry more weight than most people and have never looked as big as I really do weigh...but I'm looking to get down to 150. That's my GW anyway. Currently at 277 lbs. I think as far as your BMI goes...I'm not really 100% in support of following the BMI chart completely. It doesn't take into consideration bone structure/frame so I just figure feel it out for yourself and see what weight is healthy for you. If you feel good at 170-180 at your height...then hey, that's okay. My surgeon told me he'd be pleased with me being 170 at my height because I have a large bone structure. I wouldn't worry too much with the BMI. It's a good guide for most people, yes but it really doesn't factor in the details about your frame/build.

    But that's just my two cents.
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    I am about 5'10. I was 160 at my heaviest (size 12); I always had a fairly slim, athletic build but that turned to jelly at 160 lbs. After two years I got down to 135; looking back I was super thin and fit (running at least 15 miles every week) but a little miserable. A long winter took its toll and I want back up to 150.

    This spring I joined a gym to work on muscle definition, now I'm at 145 and dropped from size 10 to 6. I an now the same SIZE I was at my lightest weight. Most don't think I weigh as much as I do due to my height. As my boyfriend says "You are the only one that sees the number on the scale, I see you standing in front of me."
  • linzijoy
    linzijoy Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'10 and 136lbs at the moment which is exactly where I'm at my most comfortable. I have quite a small frame and I feel uncomfortable when bigger. I'm a UK size 8/10 and sometimes 12 which suits me fine - I'm happy with my weight at the minute, I just want to focus on building strength and fitness.

    As a side note to any other tall girls in the UK - where can I get longer lengths apart from Topshop and Next???
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I'm looking at a "goal" weight of 170. But when everything boils down, it's still just a number. I could drop to 160 and just look sickly, or I could build muscle and look fit as **** at 180.
    I have 170 in my mind because it's just on the top edge of a 'healthy' weight for my height, but once I start getting close to it I'm going to be running off how everything LOOKS, and not a number on a scale. It's all about perception and what's right for you!

    ^^ SPOT ON!

    We have an age difference but have nearly identical body types and weight goals.
  • cwrldpc
    cwrldpc Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'10 and started at 230. Now I'm 226.5 - not a huge difference, but I just recommitted and the important thing is that the scale is going down, right? When I graduated high school in 2002, I was 150 and a size 10. I think I was a 14 at 208; now I'm a 16. I feel like it takes a LOT of weight loss for us to change sizes.

    I totally agree! I weighed 240 and was a size 16 and I lost almost thirty pounds and was still as size 16!! I am 6'1" and my goal is 171. Which sounds odd, but it is the lightest I have ever been as an adult and I would like to get back there. BTW, that was probably a size 12, which I would feel FABULOUS in. :wink:
  • I'm 6'0" and hoping to get to a goal weight of 165-170. But, it does depend on muscle, your frame size, etc.

    Loving this thread! Love my fellow tall girls :)
  • I am finding all of this so interesting. Crazy how womens frames are so different. I am 28, 6'0 and about 175, I am an 8/10. My goal weight is between 165-170 for me this is a doable weight that will also allow me to live the life I know I live, sometimes crazy busy and a love of good food an wine/beer. For me, its not so much about the number but about how I feel, I am currently working on getting toned (doing a ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid) and seeing how that changes the shape of my body.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5'11 and weigh 140 both myself and my Dr are happy with my weight. I have a VERY small frame and I think that makes a difference a lot. I wear a size 6 and like it.
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'9" and look great at 160
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm 5'10.5", medium frame, 157 lbs and wear a size 10. I'm happy at where I currently am. My BMI is in the middle of the "normal" range for my height & weight and I feel great so I think I'm at a healthy place.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I'm a little over 5'9". When I gained fifteen pounds in a few short months, I could see it and feel it (in my clothes) but not too many other people even noticed. I'm also one of those people who seems to have weight go all over, which not many people do so that helped. ;-)

    At 170, I did not like how my body looked for my height. I felt gross. But those are my personal feelings about my body. 170 on someone else of the same height might look better.

    Now I'm in the 140s and I'm much happier and close to my HS weight. I'll probably move over to maintenance when I'm 135-140. I have a medium-sized frame so I have to often buy bigger pants for my giant, birthing hips but the legs/waist/etc. always end up being too big. Depending on the brand I can get into a size 6 but it's often an 8 and in some brands, 10-12. Yikes.
  • Greetings, tall, beautiful ladies :) It's sorta hard to judge what the ideal weight will be for our tall bodies. I agree with what some have said - having a tall frame means we can get away with a little more. We do carry our weight elegantly. I'm 6'2" and currently 170 pounds. Right now I am aiming for 145-150 pounds. I'm basing my number on the weight that I was after college, but I do aim to have a more fit and toned look so maybe I'll need to figure in some extra pounds of muscle. I guess I'll be able to decide once I'm closer to my current goal and have the chance to see how my clothes fit. Its our prerogative to change our minds as we go through this journey.
  • horrificat
    horrificat Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'10 and my highest weight ever was 190 lbs. That was about 10 years ago. Now, I weigh 172 and would like to be down to 160. I was 150 in college, 20 years ago but I was really unhealthy then so 160 is a good weight for me. But because of my height and general frame size, I will always wear at least a size 10/12. We should friend each other cuz I would love to have some fellow tall gals to motivate me!
  • maryeubanks39
    maryeubanks39 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 5 ft 10in and currently about 230 and wear a size 16 pants. My first goal is just to be about 199 as I would just love to be in wonderland. Ideally I know from my days in high school and early days of playing college volleyball that I felt happy and fit at about 160 so that is my ultimate goal. I have just begun my weightloss journey and seeing so many of you who have reached your goals is really encouraging to me!
  • Ladies, I cannot tell you what an encouragement this post is. I am 46' and almost 5'9" and although not as tall as many of you, I am still taller than most women I know, and men too. Is it not hard enough for us tall girls without this weight thing? I found that because I distribute weight well and wear it well, that I can be heavier than other women and not look like a pear or an apple type, total optical illusion right?

    Bad thing, who am I fooling? At close to 200lbs and very out of shape, I was really kidding myself and miserable. Now I am 171 heading into the 160's and out of a size 10. I truly believe that if you start at 10lbs...you are going to want another 10lbs especially when you feel better, and clothes fit better.

    Extra kudos for beginning the journey, and I hope that once you get 10' you discover the journey to another 10 and happiness at being fit and healthy!

    Maybe us healthy tall girls should stick together, friend me if you enjoy your journey and aren't a hater.