Getting tired all the comments

Why can't people mind their own business. My boss had to defend me the other day because someone said I could not have lost all the weight by not eating and exercising. He swore I had to have had surgery. She told him I couldn't have had because I had not missed a day of work. I am so sick of hearing that I am too skinny I need to gain weight. This coming from people who I don't even know. I have been told they are going to buy me a sack of potatoes so I will gain I look like a Q tip. I am the one that lost the weight with the help of no one. it was my diet my exercise plan and its my success. I have had a lot of positive comments but it gets tiring to constantly be told negative things especially from people that need to do what I have done. The benefits have been great no more medications with all the bad that comes with them. A new wardrobe and self esteem.


  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Small minds, jealous people. Take it as an extreme compliment! I can't wait until people start telling me i am too skinny! Thats my goal! Never been there - but am on the train........
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Give them a big smile & walk away.Let them stay where they are weight wise.You are a big winner,so why care?
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    This coming from people who I don't even know.

    Who cares? Screw em.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Jealousy is quite loud sometimes. Also, take the potatoes. Free food is awesome.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Yeah, but you'd get a free sack of potatoes! That would make so much vegetable soup! In all seriousness, it's better to just brush it off. It's not an easy thing to just let it go, but it's worth getting into a different mindset. No point in packing on new emotional baggage after losing the old physical baggage! I like to have little sayings for those times. It depends on what inspires you, but just something that will be able to give it a positive spin. And of course, this is a great place to vent and get reassurance that you're on the right path and not alone!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    No one is jealous, they are just shocked at the change. There are so many misconceptions about weight loss and nutrition that people assume that unless you're eating salads for 3 years you cannot lose. And when they see someone successfully lose, especially if they are still enjoying food, they feel insecure about their own inability to manage their fitness.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    If it was someone I didn't even know, I would tell them to STFU.

    If it was someone I knew being like that, I would pat them on the shoulder, give them the most condescending look I could muster, and say "Bless your heart, you poor thing. You really think that's how it works?" Then walk away before they could respond.
  • rhondamik
    rhondamik Posts: 21 Member
    Jealousy is quite loud sometimes. Also, take the potatoes. Free food is awesome.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It's natural for people to have got used to you looking larger to think you look 'too thin' as their mental image of you is much larger.

    It doesn't mean they're being nasty, jealous or any other 'bad' emotions people like to superimpose on such situations to justify the receiver being angry about it.

    When I've had that, I've just it off with a 'thank you', including to things like "you look ill" (I was healthier than I'd ever been and still had body fat probably in the very low teens - way more gut than most movie stars and the like.)
  • PiercedLibrarian
    LOVE IT!
    "Bless your heart.." the Southern equivalent of STFU:)
    Thanks for the serious giggle.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Are people really flipping over 27 pounds or is your counter inaccurate?
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I hate the comments too. Pretty much anything other than, "hey, you look good!" is unwelcome. I also hate how some people treat me differently. I am really struggling to not let it all sabotage my efforts so far. It's one thing to know that you should be flattered and that they are out of line, but it's another to realize that emotionally.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Why can't people mind their own business. My boss had to defend me the other day because someone said I could not have lost all the weight by not eating and exercising. He swore I had to have had surgery. She told him I couldn't have had because I had not missed a day of work. I am so sick of hearing that I am too skinny I need to gain weight. This coming from people who I don't even know. I have been told they are going to buy me a sack of potatoes so I will gain I look like a Q tip. I am the one that lost the weight with the help of no one. it was my diet my exercise plan and its my success. I have had a lot of positive comments but it gets tiring to constantly be told negative things especially from people that need to do what I have done. The benefits have been great no more medications with all the bad that comes with them. A new wardrobe and self esteem.

    You're happy with your results and you worked hard to achieve them. Why should you care what negative BS other people have to say?

    Clearly they're jealous of your success.
  • trevebyn
    trevebyn Posts: 26 Member
    If you had had surgery, so what? It's none of their business. If you feel good and are healthy thats all that matters.

    Love the comment of 'bless you'
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Are people really flipping over 27 pounds or is your counter inaccurate?

    27 pounds is pretty significant. At my highest weight, I was only about 20 pounds overweight, yet it made a MAJOR difference in my appearance. Just because some people don't start out "obese" doesn't mean their results don't have a significant impact in their appearance or that they have any less reason to be proud of their accomplishments.
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    People are weird. And too often act like 15 year old girls. Just remember ** it will eventually stop!**
    You're looking svelte and sexy. You're obviously healthy and happy. And you can still enjoy your favorite foods. As soon as people get used to that, they'll revert to their normal, broadly catty selves instead of their temporarily specific catty selves.

    No worries!

    Plus, you've always got us, hon. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Pity the poor fools. They are beneath contempt.
  • LoreleiEvil
    LoreleiEvil Posts: 65 Member

    "Bless your heart.." the Southern equivalent of STFU:)

    This would make an awesome Woot shirt design.
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    That happened to me last time I lost the weight (before I got pregnant again).

    But it was coworkers and customers that I knew. The comments were irritating but I think it's just the shock of such a huge drop in weight even though I was the same size before I got pregnant the first time... I guess people just expected me to stay big? SMH.

    Just brush it off, i'd rather have comments on how thin I am than people thinking i'm still pregnant.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    Are people really flipping over 27 pounds or is your counter inaccurate?

    27 pounds is pretty significant. At my highest weight, I was only about 20 pounds overweight, yet it made a MAJOR difference in my appearance. Just because some people don't start out "obese" doesn't mean their results don't have a significant impact in their appearance or that they have any less reason to be proud of their accomplishments.

    Point taken, but if someone starts at 20 or 30 pounds overweight, no one is going to assume they had surgery to lose it. When someone starts at 100 pounds overweight, surgery is the first assumption.