Safe to lose 8lbs a month while pregnant?



  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Just eat healthy, do light exercise, but focus on being healthy NOT losing weight.

    Congrats! :bigsmile:

  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    My goal is about 160 by June, I jusy found out Im preg. I will need to lose about 8lbs/month to acheive my goal. Is it safe/ a tangeable goal? Opinions? I will def talk to the dr apt about it when I get an apt, also.

    Is this a trick question?

    The usual answer would be a big fat 'no'.

    If for some reason childbirth will be hampered by your weight then that might change to a 'yes'.

    Your obsetrician is the only person who can answer this question. Nobody else alive can answer this question.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising? I ran an 18 minute mile for goddsake!!! I have been lightly jogging! Why should I stop eating healthy? Drs encourage pregnant woman to eat healthy. Must I reiterate, PLAN on talking to my dr? (And adding cal as needed, I eat when im hungry and eat back my exercise cal!)Btw, I just reread it and I dont want to be 160-165 when I deliver, I want to be 160 after I deliver. I know I wont lose 8lbs every single month, just askong if it is tangeble. Never said ANYTHING about not putting baby first. Its my third. Both other pregnancies went perfectly. Please dont explain that its better to have a healthy baby than a baby that is ill or premature. Im not an idiot. My second had a case of hip displaysia caused by how he was sitting in the womb( not due to anything i did, because I wasnt even exercising , well i did walk a few blocks)and ate what and when i wanted) and had to wear are harness so it would fix it self. We did it for two years a 3 hr trip one way to a great hosp every month. I appreciate answers, but some comments are making it seem like Im not putting the baby first. I did make a mistake in saying I wanted to get down to 160, I meant after delivery, so Id weigh 170-180lbs the third trimester. Most answers were great and appreciated, but a few were kind of offensive. Difference of opinion fine. But lectures on better to have a heathy baby than a nice body or bby with defects? Save your breath. I know that I said 4 times I was checking w dr.

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt until this post. See my user name? Eat at that large of a deficit during pregnancy and I can pretty much guarantee you we'll be meeting in the NICU.

    I'm not a "baby nurse" but I am a former nurse, and you're spot on!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    You do not want to aim to lose like that when you're pregnant. You don't. You just don't.

    Let me tell you a little bit about when I was pregnant (and this happened both times, BTW). I was overweight when I got pregnant. I started eating better, to make sure that I got all the nutrients I needed for the baby. I gained only 24 lbs in the first pregnancy (exactly what the doctor said I should). I gained only 18 lbs the second time (3 lbs more than the doctor said I should). Within a month of giving birth, I was already back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and within 2 months of giving birth, I was 15 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. I did nothing to try to lose the weight - all I did was try to make healthier food choices (which meant I was eating less chips and fries - my kryptonite).

    TL;DR - eat well, your body will reward you post-baby.

    ^^ this!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I don't think you should aim to lose weight. I think that if you simply eat healthily and go out of your way to consciously make good choices then you should manage the amount of weight you gain. Also, I think it depends on how much weight you have to shift. Healthy choices can often be enough to help you shift some kgs, pregnant or not.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I didn't read anything before me, because I'm pretty sure I'm the only Ob/Gyn in the forums.

    The answer is NO. NO. NO. It's NOT Ok. Period.

    You will likely lose a few pounds in the first trimester due to morning sickness....this happens to almost everyone and is perfectly fine, but after that your doctor will want to you to either MAINTAIN your current weight (if you are overweight / obese) or gain <15-20 lbs, depending on their practice style. Personally, I have my patients maintain, and then help them lose weight afterwards.

    Also know that some women lose a little bit of weight because they start eating correctly in pregnancy once they "know" they are pregnant (I can't tell you how many bad habits are broken due to unintentional pregnancy). This is fine as well, assuming you are taking your prenatal vitamins, etc. You should NOT be intentionally dieting, at ANY time, during pregnancy. Period.

    PS- this is not specific medical advice for should talk to your doctor, of course.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    If you lose weight, your fetus should still be fine. 8lbs/mth might be unrealistic though. Obese women don't need to gain any weight during pregnancy. Your fetus is a parasite, it feeds off of your body. Just eat healthy and exercise.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    WOW!!! Just WOW...are you mature enough to be trusted with a child with 'thinking' like this?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude.
    No. Just no.

    You ask a question and then get mad at us for the answers we give. Nobody was rude, nor did anyone say you didn't care about your baby. We were simply answering your question:
    TOPIC: Safe to lose 8lbs a month while pregnant?
    And then, you gave this explanation:
    My goal is about 160 by June, I jusy found out Im preg. I will need to lose about 8lbs/month to acheive my goal. Is it safe/ a tangeable goal? Opinions? I will def talk to the dr apt about it when I get an apt, also.
    If you want to be 160 pounds by June while losing 8 pounds a month, that means that you will be losing weight your entire pregnancy, which will definitely affect the growth and health of your child. Maybe you didn't realize that when you posted, or maybe that's not what you meant, but it certainly is what you wrote.

    You are right to talk to your doctor, but please keep in mind that any doctor who encourages you to lose eight pounds a month while pregnant is a quack.

    Oh, just as a side note, my friend DID lose lots of weight with both her pregnancies, but it was because she couldn't keep a thing down. The doctor had her on constant watch to make sure both the baby and she stayed well. Because of this, her pregnancies were very scary for her.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    The definition of "rude" is not "dare to disagree with me".

    The only people who are posting here are people who are genuinely concerned about your fetus. Which, considering this is a semi-anonymous forum, is pretty remarkable as there are 3 pages of replies from total strangers, concerned about the health of your baby.

    1200 calories is below your BMR, guaranteed, even without the baby. Factor in your child's BMR and you must raise your calories. Our bodies don't automatically take energy from fat, they try to reduce output, which is why you read in these forums about people losing hair and splitting thin fingernails. I'm not a doctor but I'd be concerned about your body's life support system for your baby.

    Go ahead and continue doing light workouts. I did with my second pregnancy and had an easy labor. But please, for your sake and that of the baby, raise your calories to a sustainable level! Not just "keep me alive" but "keep me alive, build my baby's bones and hair and teeth and brains" level.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    this is a question that is 100% for your doctor to answer.

    Weight loss during pregnancy, CAN be ok.SOMETIMES - - - - BUT - - - - it depends on a couple things - 1 - your weight - 2 - what part of your pregnancy you are in.

    From research I have done for myself on this situation, for the VERY VERY overweight, they say it is ok to lose some. But it says to NOT lose during the 3rd trimester, since that is when the primary baby growth happens.

    Just remember, no matter what, that baby relies on you for ALL of it's nutrients. And if you are losing, or losing too much, you will be depriving the baby of much needed nutrients for growth!

    edit add - don't quote me here, but from what I can remember, you are supposed to add between 300 and i think it was 600 calories a day to your diet for the baby.

    edit add part 2 - with my last baby, i wasn't really losing weight, but I wasn't gaining either. Along with moving(from 1 house to another) - so lifting more then I should have....and I think that was part of what contributed to me delivering roughly 3 months early! whatever you do, be safe for you and baby!

  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not going to really disagree with others on the point of deliberate weight loss in pregnancy.

    I would say, however, that the idea that the baby would be hugely in danger if the mother eats a low calorie diet is a little alarmist. I have a friend who couldn't really eat anything for much of her pregnancy (was hospitalised a couple of times) and her baby was fine. The mother's health is likely to suffer before the baby's.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    definitely talk to your doctor, but I will say that I weighed over 25 pounds less after delivery than before I got pregnant - but because I was very very sick, picc line, feeding tube, etc. I don't recommend losing it that way of course but I just wanted to point out that baby was healthy, on time, and weighed nearly 9 pounds! They get what they need regardless. You won't want to compound your exhaustion needlessly though. I have friends that are pretty over weight get the ok from their doc to try to lose a little or at least not gain - I'm sure you and your doc can come up with a plan that you will be happy with.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I listened to a trainer on Jillian Michael's podcast and only 1/2 a lb a week I heard is the general consensus while pregnant.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm not going to really disagree with others on the point of deliberate weight loss in pregnancy.

    I would say, however, that the idea that the baby would be hugely in danger if the mother eats a low calorie diet is a little alarmist. I have a friend who couldn't really eat anything for much of her pregnancy (was hospitalised a couple of times) and her baby was fine. The mother's health is likely to suffer before the baby's.
    This is true. The body canibalizes itself to feed the baby. I had terrible morning sickness for nine months. I started at 110 pounds and right up to my third trimester, I weighed 102. Thankfully, never had to be hospitalized. I delivered at 155 pounds, all belly.

    However, the idea that you can be at your non-pregnant goal weight at nine months pregnant is absurd. I wouldn't try to lose weight while pregnant, though it may be out of your control.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Wow. Talk about rude. Why should I stop eating 1200 calories/day and exercising?

    I don't... I just can't... are you actually serious??
  • Baby First ! Welcome to Motherhood. You will have plenty of time to make your goal once your little one is here. Instead put away some $ or add to your baby gift registry a running stoller. There are lots of free Mommy and Me classes that are great after the baby is born, and a wonderful way to network with other new Mom's.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    Ha you are me last year. SMH no matter what you do, you WILL gain weight while you are pregnant. I made it until my 7th month without gaining weight. I ate right and exercised and STILL gained 20 pounds from months 7 to 9.

    Don't be stupid. Don't risk the health of your child because you're vain.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Are you seriously wanting to lose 8 pounds PER MONTH of pregnancy? You really want to lose 72 pounds and grow a baby.
    Yeah...smarttttt idea there. That's incredibly selfish.

    As far as those with morning sickness, that is different than DELIBERATELY not eating the nutrients your growing baby needs. Very different. Even if you are overweight, or obese, I couldn't imagine an OB/GYN thinking dropping weight, especially 72 pounds throughout your pregnancy is a good idea. I read that you need 500 extra calories a day while pregnant.

    Now, there is no reason you can't eat reasonably and not inhale junk while pregnant. Eat healthy. If you get on that routine NOW, it will be easier to continue on that routine post baby. Also, continue to exercise while pregnant, but don't go out and start doing marathons if you haven't done them before. I was told I you can continue to work out as long as your body is used to it.

    Again, you are growing a human. You are setting them up for their LIFETIME. Don't be selfish and try to make your goal weight at the risk of their health.
    TO ADD: no one said you can't eat right and eat healthy, but the fact you still want to lose 8 pounds a month while pregnant is a little absurd sounding.
    Good luck trying to pinpoint your weight after pregnancy. If you are 168 and have an 8 pound baby that doesn't equal you will be at 160. There are so many varibles including all the fluids you lose, the hormones going through your body, and retention of water. Each woman is different.

    WHY ARE YOU ASKING HERE IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON TALKING TO A DOCTOR? What did you expect people to say? "OMGZ thats TOTES a good idea and don't listen to what that stupid doctor says!". I mean really? Come on.
  • dcapulet
    dcapulet Posts: 30 Member
    Don't ask this advice here. Talk to you doctor.