Is Wii Fit worth buying??



  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I have been thinking of getting Wii Fit for a long time, i am going to check Kijiji first for a cheap one ,though, that is where i got my Wii; 200$ for it and 4 games :-) . One question i have for those using it, is there a lot of jumping/ jogging involved? I live on the 2nd floor and i do not want to be jumping around bothering the downstairs people in the mornings. I was using one called My Fitness Coach 2, but after a few weeks it was a lot of jumping jacks etc. Is Wii Fit the same?

    Thank you,

    Yes, there is a good bit of jumping and jogging on the program. There is a yoga program on Wii Fit, but obviously, if you're looking for cardio, you're gonna have to jump around to burn cals!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I have been thinking of getting Wii Fit for a long time, i am going to check Kijiji first for a cheap one ,though, that is where i got my Wii; 200$ for it and 4 games :-) . One question i have for those using it, is there a lot of jumping/ jogging involved? I live on the 2nd floor and i do not want to be jumping around bothering the downstairs people in the mornings. I was using one called My Fitness Coach 2, but after a few weeks it was a lot of jumping jacks etc. Is Wii Fit the same?

    Thank you,

    You are not supposed to jump on the balance board. I never jump on mine and I get a good bit of cardio exercise. Mind you, it isn't my only form of exercise. I also walk three miles a day out in nature! But the directions warn you not to jump or jog on the board and I never do. I still work up a sweat though. There are many different exercises, yoga, strength training, cardio. The only one I can think of that I've tried that might be a problem for you being upstairs is the jogging (which you don't do on the board, you put the remote in your pocket). There are a few that I've not tried so I can't comment on those but the karate, boxing, hula hooping, step aerobics, bicycling, yoga, strength training, and many others shouldn't be a problem.

    You can set it so that you don't have to weigh yourself daily. Its your option. I'm a health professional and I will tell you that different doctors will tell you different things. I recommend weighing once per week. But I don't see it being a problem to weigh daily if you understand that your weight can fluctuate daily as much as 5 lbs if you are eating too much sodium and not getting enough water. So if that will discourage you, don't do it. Once a week is more than enough.

    You CAN find used one at a good price if you are patient and persistent! Good luck! :)
  • crimsonrambler
    crimsonrambler Posts: 17 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus and I LOVE it. It does take time to "unlock" levels, but with any new exercise, you should always learn what you're doing first so you don't hurt yourself.

    If you get one, DEFINITELY get Wii Fit PLUS because it has Rhythm Boxing (my fave), Super Hula Hoop (Created by the devil because it SERIOUSLY works your mid-section), Advanced Step, Free Step (which is basically a metronome that encourages you to walk while you watch tv.), Rhythm Parade (which is a little like being a drum major in a marching band), and Rhythm Kung Fu.

    I try to use it every day, especially since a lot of the time it doesn't feel like I'm working out because it's a video game. (:
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I have been thinking of getting Wii Fit for a long time, i am going to check Kijiji first for a cheap one ,though, that is where i got my Wii; 200$ for it and 4 games :-) . One question i have for those using it, is there a lot of jumping/ jogging involved? I live on the 2nd floor and i do not want to be jumping around bothering the downstairs people in the mornings. I was using one called My Fitness Coach 2, but after a few weeks it was a lot of jumping jacks etc. Is Wii Fit the same?

    Thank you,

    You are not supposed to jump on the balance board. I never jump on mine and I get a good bit of cardio exercise. Mind you, it isn't my only form of exercise. I also walk three miles a day out in nature! But the directions warn you not to jump or jog on the board and I never do. I still work up a sweat though. There are many different exercises, yoga, strength training, cardio. The only one I can think of that I've tried that might be a problem for you being upstairs is the jogging (which you don't do on the board, you put the remote in your pocket). There are a few that I've not tried so I can't comment on those but the karate, boxing, hula hooping, step aerobics, bicycling, yoga, strength training, and many others shouldn't be a problem.

    You can set it so that you don't have to weigh yourself daily. Its your option. I'm a health professional and I will tell you that different doctors will tell you different things. I recommend weighing once per week. But I don't see it being a problem to weigh daily if you understand that your weight can fluctuate daily as much as 5 lbs if you are eating too much sodium and not getting enough water. So if that will discourage you, don't do it. Once a week is more than enough.

    You CAN find used one at a good price if you are patient and persistent! Good luck! :)

    She's right. I totally forgot that jogging is done off the board! Whoops! :ohwell:
  • statquo33
    statquo33 Posts: 13 Member
    I've had one for about 2 years...I think it's good for helping you keep track of of your info and for when you don't have time to step out of the house. Doing something on the wii fit is better than nothing...and its convenient to have around...but for a real workout, well, it might be really depends on you and how hard you want to workout...its a game so you can cheat it, but you can also work it out...
  • samii13
    I suggest you buy the Wii Fit Active - Personal Trainer as well. this game is more focused on actual exercise instead of training your body in balancing etc. With this game you have to do a whole lot of
    stride jumps
    kick ups
    boxing and
    lots of arm exersices with a resistance band.

    You end up burning calories really fast and whats good is that you can do all different things so that you dont get bored, also your body tends to get used to certain exercises and then its harder to lose / tone up. So with the wii fit you can make sure you are always doing something different each day so that your body cant get used to it.

    It also has fun activities on there like Step Aerobics (which is good with the wii fit balance board and even better when you have the step that makes your balance board higher) and some other games like tennis and squash. (which actually break a sweat!)
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    It's starting to sound so complicated!!! LOL (and even more expensive if I get the other things too)

    Wonder if I can rent one somewhere to try it out first for a week or two.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Another one that might be worth a look for the Wii is Biggest Loser. Bought this yesterday, did the beginner workout for the 4 week plan it recommended for me and it really was a workout. Squats, lunges, some jumping jacks, the plank, press ups on your knees and I think I've blocked the memory of the rest of it in my attempts to keep going lol. Also tells you what calories you should be having (told me I should be eating 1700, MFP has me at just under 1700), lets you record exercise you've done off the game and has recipes, do individual exercises and a few other things.

    I really enjoy the Wii Fit Plus but Biggest Loser seems more serious. It hasn't got me doing an exercise routine every day, just every other day so I'll be using the Wii Fit on my off days if I can ever move my legs again. I've also got the My Fitness Coach Dance workout but I'm not getting on very well with that, I can't figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with my arms.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    If you have a moderate level of fitness and a good amount of energy, the Wii Fit gets boring REALLY quickly. Ours is currently collecting dust in a house full of runners. To each his own!
  • missak610
    missak610 Posts: 34 Member
    I am very overweight and I LOVE the Wii Fit Plus...I get very sore. I try to do 30 mins to an hour every day. I always try to keep going on something until I've beat my previous score. I'm rather competitive, so that works for me. I'm sure once I've really gotten into shape, it could possibly get boring for me, but for rainy days, it's awesome :-) I also notice that I get VERY sore after really giving it my all.

    Good luck!
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    Check out online places, like Craig's list, Ebay, or my favorite, Kijiji.
    I just found a Wii, with the Workout kit (checked prices, 44$ at Wal-Mart) and Wii Fit Plus & board (109$), as well as an extra remote, nunchuck, and another game, for 275. I have a Wii, so i can re-sell this one on Kijiji for about 180.

    If the person answers me, i can get it all, re-sell the 2nd game and the 2nd Wii, and get my Wii Fit at a savings, plus the Wii Fit workout kit, which comes with weights, a battery pack, a mat, and a wristband/towel/water bottle.