Starting Again - TODAY

I haven't been on MFP for over a year, but I am starting again TODAY. I really want to make it work this time. I need to lose 80 pounds total, but I am trying to focus on the first 20 pounds right now. It seems impossible when I think about the entire amount.

No more excuses....I am the queen of making excuses for myself. I need to completely change my attitude and my relationship with food/exercise. I am a to eat and use it as comfort for everything. I reward myself with food when I'm happy and I am an emotional eater when I'm stressed. Everything needs to change!! I'm tired of being fat, tired of my knees hurting, tired of being out of breath when I walk up the stairs. I may not even make it around the block, but I'm going to get outside and walk today.

I am hoping that if I make it through one week sticking to the plan, it will start to get easier. It's been 3 hours since I started my new eating plan, and I already have a hunger headache and feeling the carb withdrawal kicking in. I know it won't be "easy" but hopefully it will become a routine that I can stick with. Just trying to make it through today...


  • Same here!! I was active on MFP a while back with moderate results, but after a frustrating few months, I'm back at it today. We can do this!
  • Romayor76
    Romayor76 Posts: 1 Member
    starting this today as well. keep it up!
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me I totally understand how you feel I am the same about food but I tend to graze a lot on bad foods. My problem is I stick to a excercise plan for a week then I stop. We can help each stay on track.
  • chunky134
    chunky134 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you, I would like to lose about 50lbs. I'm a stay at home dad since I got laid off in March. If something distracts you from your goal and you don t do so well for a few days, don t beat yourself up. Refocus, and try again. Thats what I am trying to do.
  • chunky134
    chunky134 Posts: 2 Member
    great job on losing 21 lbs!!
  • Also starting today :) Good luck to everyone!
  • One day at a time. Good luck!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    It's been 3 hours since I started my new eating plan, and I already have a hunger headache and feeling the carb withdrawal kicking in. I know it won't be "easy" but hopefully it will become a routine that I can stick with. Just trying to make it through today...
    I started in November 2011 (when it says you've joined) and I've lost 65 lbs so far! My advice is don't make it harder than it needs to be. Start with just focusing on calories. Pick an easier goal, not 1200, and ease your way into it. There's no reason to cut carbs immediately and you shouldn't have a headache after 3 hours of your new plan!

    I have not given up anything that I like, not even fast food. I eat less of it, and I'm more aware of how many calories are in what I'm eating, but overall I've made changes that I'm okay with sticking to for a really long time. I think that's the key to not wanting to quit, and not wanting to quit is the key to success!

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • mizzliv
    mizzliv Posts: 13
    Also starting today! Congrats on what you've lost so far! Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives, right? Looking for new MFPs myself. Good luck!
  • killenmc
    killenmc Posts: 7 Member
    I totally relate to what you are saying. It would be easier if I had some to MAKE me follow my plan, but as I am a grown up, I guess I shouldn't need it. I am hoping this helps me, and maybe people here can provide motivation too!
    Here's to day one! :happy:
  • mishlll
    mishlll Posts: 16 Member
    Starting over is a GREAT place to be. Feel free to add me - Let's do this!
  • mishlll
    mishlll Posts: 16 Member

    I have not given up anything that I like, not even fast food. I eat less of it, and I'm more aware of how many calories are in what I'm eating, but overall I've made changes that I'm okay with sticking to for a really long time. I think that's the key to not wanting to quit, and not wanting to quit is the key to success!

    I like what this person said...I agree! don't make it so hard. Enjoy foods you like - just eat less. My best advice is - if you bite it right it! Good luck!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I also just wanted to add that I have been there right along with many of you, starting and quitting! My ticker says I joined in May 2011, but I didn't start using it until November after gaining an additional 20lbs. And I was on here for a few months in 2010 also. Sometimes it takes a few tries until you really get it, but once you get your head in the right place and your motivation solid, it's so much easier!
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    I had surgery 8-13 and was told I couldn't exercise for 6 weeks. With that being said. I've basically started over myself. I gained 10lbs in those 6 weeks. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    Restarting today as well. I did great from January to April but then started slacking.

    So today is the day I restart and do this for me!
  • alymae7
    alymae7 Posts: 11 Member
    welcome back ! Feel free to add!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    One day at a time. Good luck!

    Great advice. Baby steps.....and keep logging even though it may seem excessive.
    Get a whole bunch of good friends who can provide support and you can do the same for them.

    Good luck.
  • Welcome back! One day at a time... Focus on the small goals! :)

    Any one can feel free to add me! I have an open diary and I log every day!
  • betinafrantz
    betinafrantz Posts: 31 Member
    Im also starting again today!
    Last year I managed to lose 10kg, but I got them back this year by not dieting at all and not exercising :( it helped my weight gain that I started to study gastronomy, so I cook almost everyday and almost everything we do at classes is very fattening, and we have to taste everything (and of course everything is very delicious and I not only just taste but eat the whole plate)
    So Im back today to put out those 10kg again! (or 5 at least)
    Also I lost most of my mfp friends during this year I was not active, so please add me if you want!
    Edit: just noticed that I also first started in Nov 2011 :p
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Welcome Back!!! Making that decision is hard but sticking to your guns will be the best decision ever in the long run. If you are in need of friends or anyone on this thread for that matter. Feel free to send over a friend request. I am a daily logger and do my best at motivating my friends :smile: