I can't eat breakfast



  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm with kim on this. I'm not always hungry in the morning, plus when I do eat breakfast, I'm hungry the rest of the day and end up going over on my calories. I keep it small and easy to digest so I don't get that empty stomach feeling so bad a few hours after breakfast.

    I have the same problem with being hungry for the rest of the day if I eat breakfast. I used to not get hungry until 4-5 pm, I was losing a lot of weight by skipping breakfast and lunch. Since I started making myself eat breakfast not only do I get hungry fast if I don't eat it, but I am constantly hungry for the rest of the day. I usually munch on some dry cereal or an apple.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think what everyone needs to keep in mind is that everyone is different and we all don't fit a "mold."

    I eat my heaviest meals in the evening because that's when I'm hungry. I am never hungry right when I wake up. Some days, I get hungry for breakfast. Some I don't. During the week, I get to work at 6:30 and usually am ready to eat something around 8 or 9. On weekends, it varies.

    I am satisified on a very light lunch a few hours later and then I eat a good-sized dinner and I'm good to go the rest of the night. When I'm being "good" about tracking calories, I lose consistently about 1.8 pounds per week, which is a very good rate of loss.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You have to make yourself learn to eat breakfast - it's a process and won't happen overnight. I used to never eat breakfast - all though high school, college and after. I started by just eating fruit or toast in the mornings. I slowly added things and now I usually eat two eggs (scrambled or fried) and some combination of fruit/veggies and occasionally bread or oatmeal. Most days I have 250-350 calories for breakfast.

    Start small, make small changes and work your way up. You know breakfast is good for you and the right thing to do - so just make it happen!! I am hungrier the rest of the day when I eat breakfast, but that tells me that my metabolism is going and I overall I feel better when I get 3 square meals a day plus healthy snacks.
  • determined99
    i used to be the same............would never eat breakfast even as a kid. Now i can't do without it and wonder how i did without it all them years. I would suggest you eat a smaller dinner and have it early eve so that when you wake up your body asks for food. It won' happen overnight but its good for your metabolism.

    Breakfast is now my favourite meal of the day, particularly on weekends :smile:
  • valerierackly
    I dont like eating breakfast either. sometimes i can but mainly i just cann't face it.so i have my breakfast at 10 o'clock, or i have two biscuits with my morning coffee. I leave the packet in the kitchen and only take two out. I cann't be bothered with expensive diet breakfast bars they are often high in suger and low in taste. a few hob nobs a few times a week and i've still been losing a bit of weight. my short-term goals not that high but longterm i hope to lose the weight i've put on over years.
  • ANNIET2006
    Have you tried a fruit smoothie? My best friend cant stand breakfast but she can sip on a small smoothie in the mornings
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I get nauseated and usually vomit if I eat breakfast but I can hold liquids so I blend a slim fast with ice (to add to the volume) and drink it over a half hour to an hour in the morning. I get 200 calories for breakfast, lots of nutrients and I don't hork. (watch sugar the rest of the day though cause it's high in that)
  • carlajp18
    carlajp18 Posts: 50 Member
    I am not a fan of breakfast either but I read a great piece of advice, don't eat as much for dinner and you'll eventually adjust to that a be a little bit hungry by 9 or 10 a.m. instead of noon.

    Now I regularly eat a small breakfast (half glass of juice and wheat toast w/pb) and then a snack a few hours later. I stay fuller longer by eating something for breakfast and I'm not starving by lunch time.

    Everyone is different so you might want to start with small adjustments. Baby steps! ;-)
  • DKWaggoner
    I was at my thinnest weight when I didn't eat breakfast. A lot of people don't eat breakfast and manage to lose weight and maintain the loss just fine.

    I say if you're not hungry, don't eat.

    Its not about losing weight all the time,its also about health..so saying if your not hungry,dont eat is somewhat irresponsible..NOT eating is never the answer to healthy eating habits or weight loss
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was at my thinnest weight when I didn't eat breakfast. A lot of people don't eat breakfast and manage to lose weight and maintain the loss just fine.

    I say if you're not hungry, don't eat.

    Its not about losing weight all the time,its also about health..so saying if your not hungry,dont eat is somewhat irresponsible..NOT eating is never the answer to healthy eating habits or weight loss
    You try to eat when the thought of food makes you want to puke then.

    I am not a breakfast eater, but my doctor will tell you I'm one if his healthiest patients. Eating breakfast or not will not make you healthy or not healthy if you're eating healthy the rest of the day.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    If you want to incorporate it into your day then I would try small things and build it up gradually. xxx
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Try a low calorie protein powder. I just mix it with 8 oz. of water and take my vitamins with that. It'll be easier on your stomach to take the vitamins with some substance rather than just water. I take ISO FLEX whey protein powder. It's light and mild and delicious. Your body will aclimate if you stay consistant
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    totally get where you're coming from on this. I don't usually eat breakfast until I get to work. that's an hour or two after waking up. then I have some oatmeal or cottage cheese. my advice...don't force yourself to eat if you feel sick, but maybe try to eat a little sooner than lunch time even if it's not very much.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I struggle with breakfast until I've been up an hour or so. Once I've woken up properly though I'm starving. When I was working I got up at half 5 and was eating breakfast around 7 when I got to work. Now I'm getting up around half 10 and eating breakfast around 12.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    eating breakfast will not make or break your weight loss, nor will it make or break your health. there are some pretty good reasons to do it, but if you seriously can't stomach it, then don't.

    instead of water to take your vitamin, try milk, juice or a spoonful of yogurt. or nibble on one saltine cracker after it goes down.

    try getting up 20 minutes early and exercising on an empty stomach. it will 'jumpstart' your metabolism just like eating breakfast would. plus, you might become thirsty or hungry from the exercise. :)

    it is not practical to force yourself into eating something only to puke it back up each morning. talk about counterproductive. i have been there (when i was pregnant with my boys) and my doctor's advice was to skip it, but try to eat something small within 3 hours of waking up. by then my stomach would be a little more calm and i was hungry for a string cheese, slice of bacon or fruit.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Drink a protein shake. I recommend BSN Lean Dessert. www.bodybuilding.com
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    My opinion... if you have a healthy metabolism, you couldn't go 14 hours without food and not feel hungry at least SOMETIMES before lunch! If not right when you wake up, I would think within a couple of hours. Especially, if you are someone that exercises regularly. There's a point where your body gets used to not eating enough and/or not frequently enough and it adapts. That's why people can survive severe periods of famine, etc. Slowing the metabolism and getting used to going for long periods of time without eating can cause loss of the body’s natural mechanisms for regulating hunger and fullness; even an aversion to food.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    There is another school of thought that says delay your first meal. It's supposed to burn fat instead of what you've eaten for breakfast. I dont eat my first meal until about 4 hours after I wake up. I do have tea and milk/xylitol and I work out within that time. Once I've worked out, I'm starved!

    Eating breakfast doesnt mean eating it straight away, just try not to skip the meal althogether :wink:

    Pushing back all my meals for the day means I'm never hungry either! :bigsmile:

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • butterbritt88
    butterbritt88 Posts: 4 Member
    Trust me! I know how you feel. I'm in the same dumb boat you are. I'm starting by drinking a cup of hot cocoa and like and apple. Or even if you start by nippling on a banana after about 30 min. after waking up. Or if the fruit makes you sick try nibbling on cracker or a piece of dry toast. Start small and it's all in baby steps.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I can't eat in the AM's either, especially on the mornings I have to be up and out by 7 or 8 am. On those mornings I try to mix an instant breakfast in with my coffee, not sure that it counts, but i figure the extra vitamins and proteins are good.
    On the mornings that I don't have to leave till later, I will try to eat an apple...some mornings though like this past weekend I woke up starving and ate alot. I just go by what my body tells me.