What does your day look like? Fitting in exercise...



  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    I have two-day structures:

    Coaching days- don't make it to the gym, but I am on my feet for 3 hours while coaching:
    6:30 Up
    8-5 Work
    6-9 Coach
    9:30 Home
    10:30 Bed

    "Free" days:
    6:30 Up
    8-6 Work
    6:30 Errands, cleaning, and dinner
    8-9:30 Gym
    10 Shower and bed
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Great Post

    This has been my routine for Most of September - Weekdays only

    5:15-5:30 Get up -
    5:45-6:00 Out the door to Run, Walk, or go to the gym (On a streak of 18 consecutive weekdays) - My wife and I made a "pact"
    6:00- 7:15 Workout
    7:15-8:30 - Breakfast/shower/ Update the challenge I am running here
    8:30 - Work ( Travel a lot)
    12:00-1:00 Try to update the challenge I am running here (but if I am on the road all bets off)
    1:00-5:30 - work
    5:30 Dinner with family (clients if on road)
    6:30 - 8:30 Sports for kids / Hang with my wife (on the road work)
    8:30 - 9:30 Supplemental Walk/Run/workout if I am inclined
    9:30 - 10:00 Update my challenge on MFP
    10:00 - family
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    Work 7:30 4:30 then gym time 7:00pm 8:30pm
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    Oh, and one thing that helped me was learning to not be so rigid. I won't ever be able to be 100% consistent in terms of time or days. So, I need to be flexible.

    Next week, I won't get home until 9:00 p.m. pretty much every day b/c I have committee meetings for various things. I won't see my kids as it is, so I am not going to workout next week during the week. That's life. But, I will be back to it the following week and keep my Saturday workout.
  • arose544
    arose544 Posts: 31 Member
    I get up at 4am so that I can fit my workout in.
    maybe you could leave the kids at daycare an extra hour so that you can workout?
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    4:30am - wake up
    4:30-5 - chores around the house
    5-5:30 - shower
    5:30-6 - make lunch, get dressed and out the house
    7:00 to 3:30 - work
    3:30-4:15 drive
    4:15-4:30 get ready to go to the gym (Tuesday and Thursday)
    5:00-6:00 Boot Camp
    6:30-7:30 get dinner ready. Prep breakfast, lunch for next day for hubby.
    8:00 bed time

    On Wednesdays I have class till 10:00 pm and get home around 11:15pm.
    On Saturdays I have class ALL day.

    I'm in grad school, so any day that I don't have school or gym, I am doing homework.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    So my (week) days go like this:

    6:30am - wake up, shower, dress, food, teeth, leave
    7:45-8:45am - commute to work
    9-5pm - work
    5-5:45pm - commute home
    5:45-6pm - get changed into gym kit/plead with myself to just watch tv tonight
    6-6:30pm - do T25
    6:30-7pm - shower etc
    7pm - make tea and tidy/clean while that's cooking
    7:30pm - eat tea
    8pm - crash/watch tv/fall asleep/spend time with my boyfriend
    10:30pm - bed to do it all over again!!!

    See if there's anyway that you can get the kids involved? Bike ride? Walk in the park? Play a game of tag?

    :) I'm speaking as a girl with no kids so I'm not pretending I understand how hard it is to fit it all in! Hope you find a way to work it out :)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

    7am - up, get the kids fed, dressed, I'm in the shower and getting ready
    8-8:30 - kids are out the door, one for the bus, one taken to daycare
    8:30-9 - tidy up
    9 - I'm out the door (coffee in hand, sometimes breakfast)
    9-12 - Work
    12-1 - lunch, be lazy, tidy up a bit
    1-4:30 - Work
    4:30-5 - Supper, get the kids ready
    5-7:30 - take the kids to their TKD classes
    6pm - walk across the street in the middle of their classes, to the track - Couch to 5k
    7:45 - get home, kids showered, and into bed
    8pm - Tidy up from the day
    8:30 - Stronglifts
    10pm - Bed

    ** Some Wednesdays, I go from TKD to playing volleyball from 7 until 9pm

    Tuesday, Thursday

    The exact same from 7am until 4:30pm
    4:30- Supper
    5pm - tidy up, family time (but on Thursdays my daughter has dance from 5-5:30)
    6pm - start bedtime routine
    7:30 - I get ready and head to my class
    8-9:15 - Fitness/TKD class
    9:30 - home, shower
    10pm - Bed
  • SaraAxm
    SaraAxm Posts: 30
    i HATE that people say its about priorities - 2 full time working parents with 1hr commutes both ways to work and 2 school aged kids with sports and homework every night.... yup those ARE priorities!!! We are very active as a family - skiing in the winter and biking in the summer BUT making it to the gym for extended cardio and weight lifting is something that i CAN NOT do and for everyone who says i can if i WANTED TO then try a day in my shoes and GOOD LUCK!

    It is about priorities, there's always time to fit into some sort of exercise. Go to work 15 min earlier, park/jump of train/whatever 15 min earlier and walk/run the last bit. Go for a run when you're children are doing their sport activities or even better join your children in their activities.
    Work out at home when the children are doing homework - or even better make a game out of it will benefit both you and their children.

    No one says you have to go to the gym or dedicate 2 hour straight doing cardio. But there is always time to cram some exercise in. People are just to focused on going to the gym when the best exercise are done outside.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have completely hit a slump when it comes to exercise. I keep making excuses that I'm busy and too tired to add daily exercise into my day. I know I'm only BS'ing myself because there are TONS of people who have much busier schedules than mine but manage to get their workouts in. I have 2 small children who rarely sleep through the night so I never get a full nights sleep.

    My typical days looks like this:
    Wake up, get ready for work and get kids ready for daycare
    Go to work until noon
    Pick up the kids
    Nap time for the kids while I clean the house/organize/manage bills
    Make dinner
    Have quality family time
    Get kids to bath and bed (that takes anywhere from 1-2 hours, ugh, mentally exhausting!)
    Clean up the house (again)

    So ... how do you all do it? Have energy to go through your busy days but still get to the gym, do homework outs, etc ...

    I'd love to hear from others to get motivation and help me to tell myself to 'suck it up! this is life, just do it!'


    ditch one of the cleaning up sessions for a workout - whats more important, your health or a tidy house?
  • tiffanyletnes
    tiffanyletnes Posts: 14 Member
    i get up at 430am to get everything ready for the day (clothes,pack lunches, breakfast), work from 7am to 5pm, i get home at 6pm - take my kids to cross country, swim team, soccer, or baseball - depends on the time of year! home at 730pm if we are lucky - heat up dinner made from the night before! do homework with my kids (they both need my help they are 5 & 8) put kids to bed, make dinner for next day, and IF im lucky im not on call at the hospital i work at and i get to sleep 6 hours before i get up again! so when exactly should i go to the gym? wee bit yep :) but its because im TIRED of being told it is my priorities that are messed up!
  • TheBackStory
    My days are busy usually. I have 3 kids ages 10, 3 and 14 month. They are all in different stages and activities...

    4:50 am - Wake up - coffee and breakfast
    6 am - Work
    12-1 pm - Home to do laundry, dishes, run errands
    1-4 pm - Work
    4 pm- Pick up daughter take to dance and art
    4:30 pm - Pick up the boys from daycare
    4:45 pm - Home to cook
    5:45 pm - Pick daughter up from dance and art
    6-8:30 pm - eat, homework, bath time, get kids ready for bed
    8:30 pm - clean up kitchen and pick up a wreck of a house
    9:30 pm - try to get a workout in.

    Monday and Thursdays we have soccer games and Wednesdays we have church for a few hours. My husband takes the kids to school in the mornings. He usually doesn't make it in until well after the kids are in bed. I would say that it's intentional, but it's not his job is demanding and very consuming.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I have a husband working shifts and a son at secondary school, plus I work full time. here's what i do:

    6.15 make a cup of tea
    6.45 exercise - DVD workout, up to 25 mins
    8.00 walk to work (15 mins)
    16.00 walk home (same time - who knew??!!)
    Evening - workout - more DVD, or Wii Zumba 30-50 mins (except Monday when I hve a 1 hour Zumba class).

    weekends I do a longer workout Saturday morning and get a long walk both days, or cut the grass.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    I have completely hit a slump when it comes to exercise. I keep making excuses that I'm busy and too tired to add daily exercise into my day. I know I'm only BS'ing myself because there are TONS of people who have much busier schedules than mine but manage to get their workouts in. I have 2 small children who rarely sleep through the night so I never get a full nights sleep.

    My typical days looks like this:
    Wake up, get ready for work and get kids ready for daycare
    Go to work until noon
    Pick up the kids
    Nap time for the kids while I clean the house/organize/manage bills
    Make dinner
    Have quality family time
    Get kids to bath and bed (that takes anywhere from 1-2 hours, ugh, mentally exhausting!)
    Clean up the house (again)

    So ... how do you all do it? Have energy to go through your busy days but still get to the gym, do homework outs, etc ...

    I'd love to hear from others to get motivation and help me to tell myself to 'suck it up! this is life, just do it!'


    ditch one of the cleaning up sessions for a workout - whats more important, your health or a tidy house?

    I agree. I only clean up maybe 15-20 a day during the week. If I have more time during the weekend then I'll devote some time to it then, but for the most part making sure the house is spot less is not a priority.
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    My kids are grown up and gone, but we still work full-time, have both Senior Mom's to deal with daily and the granddaughter two days a week.

    On the bad weeks I walk AND lift weights at work (45 minutes) on a early lunch break.

    On the good weeks I walk at lunch, drive to a gym twice a week and go for evening bike rides on the American River bike trail.

    Since I walk, ride or lift almost everyday for 30-45 minutes, I no longer worry if I miss a few days in a row. I'll find the time

    (heaven forbid I have to cut out more calories)
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    My kids are older (teenagers) and I have joint custody, so I don't have them all the time. Luckily my ex is good with them and I can share the responsibilities.

    -Work all day until 4pm MON-FRI
    -Drive home - arrive about 4:45ish
    -Workout - most days, depends on the day
    -Mon - after work jog and arms
    -Tues - after work 3 hours Volleyball
    - Wed - Recovery day and dinner with kids
    - Thurs - jog or jump training, arms, sometimes 2 hours of Volleyball depends
    - Friday - 3 hours of volleyball
    - Sat - legs and cardio
    - Sun - arms or legs and jog

    Of course, not every week is the exact same, because events and things do come up. But I try to keep a routine and most of my non-sports days I can be done working out by 6pm!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    5:30am up - get ready to leave. pack waters, dress, load truck
    6am leave
    6:30am kid's xc pract - I run but not with them.
    7:40am to showers offsite - shower
    8:10am drop kid at school - drive to work - simple butt exercises in car (laugh but it works)
    8:30 - 4p work
    4p leave work to pick up kid - simple sit down ab exercised in car (again - it works).
    4:30p - pick up kid
    5pm ish - home (stop on way home for fresh veggies if necessary)
    5 - 8p work
    8p - 9:30p help kid with homework
    Maybe work or sit with hubby here - depends on what's going on
    11p bed

    I'll be coaching track soon so son and i wont get home til 6:30p. I do run with my track kids, especially the LDs when Im fixing form.
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Usual work week.
    5:30am-6:45am : Get ready for work, eat breakfast, take care of dog.
    6:45am-7:45am : Commute to work.
    7:45am-5:00pm : Work (desk job ugh).
    5:00pm-6:45pm : Commute from work.
    6:45pm-7:30pm : Help son with school work.
    7:30pm-8:00pm : Walk dog with son.
    8:00pm-9:00pm : Cook & eat dinner.
    9:00pm-10:00pm : Showers and bedtime.

    Monday/Wednesday/Friday : 11-11:30am : I can usually squeeze in a workout at our buildings gym under the Wellness Program that they offer us, as long as it doesn't get canceled by fire drills or what not...

    Wednesdays 6:45pm-9:00pm We drive to the barn and take care of our horses and usually have to eat a meal out because its so far.

    Saturday and Sunday: House work. Horse work. It never ends.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Always after work and I started bringing a gym bag, saves from having to go home and change and then double back. That way I'm done by 7 and I'm not eating dinner at 8:30. Saturday and Sunday I will occasionally go up about noon or so.

    I really wish I was a morning person and could get up early and knock it out but I hate waking up and I hate going to sleep before 11pm.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Make part of "quality family time something active like walks, playing, dancing around the living room or even playing "pick up" so you will have less to do later. Make sure this active time is about an hour before bath/bed time. You may also want to limit naptime to an hour. My kids would refuse to go to sleep on time if their nap was longer than an hour.

    7:30 - Wake up, shower, bath son, get dressed
    9:00 - cook/eat breakfast
    10:00 - clean
    11:00- Walk pushing stroller about 3mi while walking dog lol
    1:00 - make/serve lunch
    2:00- nap time (if walk was canceled due to weather/whatever work out then. if not actually eat my lunch)
    3:00 - Start dinner/clean
    4:00 - eat dinner (bf works nights and has to leave home at 6pm)
    4-6 - family time
    6-9 random activities.cleaning, bath son, put to bed.
    9-10 tv/bed

    My son is two and it seems like as soon as I clean one room and start another the previous one is a mess. He's like a baby tornado.