How much Do YOU workout ?



  • Mon-Wed-Fri - P90X ( 1 hour)
    Tues- Boot Camp ( Flip tires, jump walls, farmers carry with tires, run, sled pull) 1 Hour
    Thurs- Circut Train ( Run, squats, wall balls, pushups, trx bands..and more running ) 1 Hour
    Saturday Morning- 3 mile run
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    That seems rather excessive.

    I work out 5-6 days a week for 30-100 min.
    No , just dedication ..

    Or overtraining....then you get injured like I am now and you get to do jack **** while you heal...then you really have to watch what you're putting into your mouth.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    That seems rather excessive.

    I work out 5-6 days a week for 30-100 min.
    No , just dedication ..

    Not really.... Want a cookie?
    Lol i guess "obssessed is just a word that lazy people use for 'dedicated' ."
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I run 6 days a week (5 days on my lunch break, two more group runs with my marathon training group) and strength train twice a week with two shorter post-group-run core/stretching workouts. All told, I probably workout 6-9 hours a week.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Right now I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme and following the schedule. I'm just starting week 2 so it might change but so far it's been about 35 min of circuit weight training 3 times a week and cardio twice a week (once coupled with a short ab workout and once with a 20 min yoga stretch workout).

    I also do a lot of yard work (mowing, weed eating, gardening, chopping wood) and hiking.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    I was doing 60-90 mins cardio 4 or 5 times per week before I started Insanity, now I am just sticking to that program.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    Monday- 45mins strength, 6 mile run, 2500-3000m swim, 30mins cycling
    Tuesday- 10 mile run, 120+mins cycling
    Wednesday- 45mins strength, 6 mile run, 2500-3000m swim, 30mins cycling
    Thursday- 8 mile run, hot yoga class, 90mins cycling
    Friday-45mins strength, 6 mile run, 2500-3000m swim, 30mins cycling
    Saturday- 120+mins cycling, followed by a long run (13+ miles)
    Sunday- 3-4 hours cycling
    Thats alot of exercise my dude .
  • presbyreformed
    presbyreformed Posts: 36 Member
    4 days - 45 mins each day strength training on a weight lifter's progression chart
    5 days - bike 40 mins at +/- 12-14MPH on paved hilly terrain

    A rest day from weight lifting in the middle of the week seems to keep me well rested for my heavy lifting
    Weekends are complete rest days, and my middle-aged body needs it. I don't recover as fast as you younger folk do....
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week. I run 2 days for 20-30 minute each, and am starting to incorporate in a long run once a week, which will be about 45 minutes. On the other days, I do 10-30 minutes of strength. For the most part, it's about 30 minutes per day with a day off whenever I feel like I need it (1-2 times a week).
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    I hula hoop, march in place, walk outside, do cardio videos, act a fool in my living room for 35 minutes to an hour M-F. I go walking somewhere like a park ( my favorite is a Wilderness Preserve where I see a ton of bunnies ) once a week on Saturdays that is normally an hour.

    So..210 to 360 minutes of cardio a week?

    It's puny compared to you other guys but I'm just tryin' to have fun at the moment :)
  • SshQL
    SshQL Posts: 5
    Ironman Training!
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    That seems rather excessive.

    I work out 5-6 days a week for 30-100 min.

    OP's total workout is 105 minutes. 5 minutes more than your max. Doesn't seem excessive, really.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    ooo uhh lets just go with alot lol. T-F weights 4 times a week cardio 4-10 miles a day, Sa/Sun - well its a job but its similar to crossfit, I do that for 12 hours each day. So yeh Im a bit crazy^^
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    4-5 days a week, usually only 4 days.

    45-60 mins
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    65 mins cardio 3 days per week
    60 mins weights 3 days per week
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I do at least 20-30 mins of HIIT with weights, 5 x a week.

    I also wear a pedometer and try to hit 10k steps a day - but seem to be averaging around 8k.

    Sometimes a little more.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    For the past month i was cycling 130-195 miles each week. But i am scaling that back to around 100 mi a week. I love tennis and i have been out of it for 11 months because of an ankle injury. With taping i am now able to play twice a week, so will cut back somewhat on the cycling. But it is cycling and calorie watching that has enabled me to lose weight - so i am not giving that up!
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    Weight lifting for about an hr/4x a week
    Anaerobic/aerobic work 5x a week. Intensity and duration varies depending on how much needs to get done for the day at work
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    45 minutes of heavy lifting 3 days a week. I always look forward to my workouts.
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    I go for a 30 min walk at lunch every day, I do a 30 min workout video every evening Monday - Friday

    Saturday and Sunday's I go for a 45 min walk, but no workout Video
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The only things I do that I could actually consider a legitimate workout are 3 days a week for 30-45 minutes a day. However I maintain an overall higher activity level between playing with my dogs and aggressive motorcycle riding. Also, I will randomly do bouts of jump rope when I feel like it.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I workout 30-40 minutes 6 days a week. On the 7th day, I will do light yoga and stretching or rest.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I do kettlebells and body weight fitness for 90 minutes three times a week. On those evenings I'll also go kayaking for 3 miles. I go for a three mile walk pulling my kids in the wagon on an unpaved trail three times a week and on those evenings I'll also go bike riding for 5 - 10 miles.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I do roughly 5 hours of cardio a week (typically low intensity stuff) and hit the weights 3 - 4 times (split routine, working each body part once or twice per week).
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't.

    I do walk with short jog/run hour, four times a week.
    Walk another 2-3 hours with no jogging/running.
    Clean my house top to bottom for 2-3 hours.
    Go on hikes & bike rides every week (one, the other, or both)...and do lots of 6 hours of errands.

    That's my exercise.

    (Disclaimer: I think it's better to do all this AND "real" workouts, in a gym, etc...but for me that is not gonna happen unless I someday just really change my mind)
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    i do 30 min of cardio twice a day and weights for 45 min everyday . How long are your workouts , how many days a week ? Just curious
    Weight lift 2x week - an hour, run 3x week - 5-10k - 1/2 hr to an hour. A body needs recovery time.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I lift 2 days on/1 day off (so about 4-5 sessions per week), cardio 3-5 times per week (2-3x running 4 or 5 miles, 1-2x cross training on either the stepmill or bike). I do 50 reps on my ab wheel every other night. I also walk anywhere from 3-5 miles per day. This schedule means that I do not typically get a full rest day, which is fine with me.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    ~45 minutes (3-4 weekdays) and ~75 minutes (1-2 weekend days) cardio/strength combined. I typciallyalternate days between Running/weight intervals and BeachBody Videos (T25, Brazil Butt Lift, Great Guaranteed, 10 minute trainer, HIp Hop Abs).
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    I ride my bike about 10 hours a week and lift weights three times a week (about 30 minutes/session). I also take a yoga class twice a week.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    It depends on the season for me.

    My schedule from May to August was:
    M - run 30-45 mins
    Tu - 30 minutes lifting, 30 minute bike ride
    W - tri practice: 600M swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run
    Th - 30 minutes lifting, 30 minute bike ride
    F - run 30-45 mins
    Sa - brick workout (18-25 mile bike ride, 5k run)
    Su - Rest

    (sometimes the F/Sa/Su got flopped around, but that was my basic plan during tri season)

    Right now, I'm working to increase my run distance and pace, in hopes of breaking a 30 minute 5k time, and doing a half marathon next year, so my plan looks like this:
    M - 30-45 min fast run (or easy run if my long run is on sunday)
    Tu - 30 min lifting
    W - 30 min tempo run
    Th - 30 min lifting
    F - 30-45 min easy run (or fast run if my long run is on Sunday)
    Sa - 45-60 min long run or rest
    Su - rest or 45-60 minute long run

    I'm hoping to do the local Ironman 70.3 in June 2015, so next summer, I'm planning to do at least one half marathon and one 50-60 mile bike race (plus all of the practice that those require).