Oh god scared.



  • EliteCon
    I'm impressed, keep going, u might rich ur goal
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    OMG.... I just burned a ton of calories just trying to read this post....

    ditto! hahaha

    But to the OP, if you want to lose weight, do it properly. Don't lose weight just to be skinny, but lose weight to feel healthier. Don't be in a rush, because you will surely set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Set up realistic mini goals, and you will get there eventually :)
  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    What are you current stats, height, weight, waist?

    If you are really high in body fat and big this is possible. If you are not, very difficult. IF say 180 is your ideal weight and you weight 220, it is much harder than if you weight 300 and your ideal weight is 180 to cut 40 pounds.

    The MyFitnessPal app will definitely help a ton. Log everything that goes into your body. It will tell you what to eat as far as macros (protein, fat, carbs). I modify mine from 15% protein to 25% and take the 10% from carbs. Upate your setting after about every 10 pounds are so.

    Are you active at all? Have you done running or weight lifting before? There are alot of variables, but the one simple thing that works regardless of what you do exercise wise or food wise is to consume fewer calories than you burn. The app is great at this.

    For best results, I say to full body strength training 2 or 3 times a week. Do cardio as well 3 times a week. Whatever you are capable of e.g. walking , running, elliptical, stairs, biking etc. For me running burns the most calories but I mix it up to prevent boredom.

    Everyone is a bit different in what works for them. For me on eating, I drink milk and eat yogurt everyday. I eat tuna no mayonnaise with hot peppers, onions, spinach and tomatos. I eat roast beef, chicken breask, even hamburgar meat sometimes. I try to hit my protein requirements first, fat second, carbs 3rd. I also try to get all the micronutrients Vitiam A, C, B, D, calcium, potassium, etc. For me personally, if I don't get my fat requirements, I feel as I'm starving. So I try to get a little fat every meal. The high carb low fat doesn't work for me at all. Most people here find this to be true.

    Good luck and just get started, you will learn along the way.
  • EliteCon
    So say 20lb lost in two months, is that realistic enough if I'm around 220-215lb?
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    OMG.... I just burned a ton of calories just trying to read this post....

  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Okay then
  • EliteCon
    Height is 5 foot 7, wait is 42-39inches, I know I have muscle, a lot but I know it's covered in the fat, I'm hench, as in unite built but ft, if u know what I mean.

    I'm not really that active, I would walk for 35 mins for 3 days a week, I do fitness blender for 40mins (it's actually 1 ho 30mins for 1000 calorie burn, it does cardio and strength training and HIT) but I just started that today. I've just started planning on consuming around 1200-1300 calories a day, with protien and salads and some sandwiches.

    I'm not sure if this is good but sounds okay, plus I started all this diet plan, and exercise plan today, so far I've completed most of them
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    What I need is a good amd firm workout which is easy and quick to do to burn at least 1.5lbs a week

    Well that part is easy to define, at least. To burn 1.5 pounds a week, you need to burn about 5000 calories a week, or 700 calories a day, on average. At/around your current size, you can do that by:

    - run 5 miles a day
    - walk 10 miles a day
    - swim about a mile a day
    - cycle 15 miles a day

    Those are all very doable, but I would suggest working up to them first, as it sounds like you're coming from a place of relatively poor fitness.

    Things like Fitness Blender are fine, but they don't burn anywhere near the calories people seem to think they burn. Just cut that number in half, as a reasonable starting estimate.

    Good luck!
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    Good luck! Remember weight loss starts in the kitchen. Your diet plan is great. I would add a little good fat to help you stay full, like olive or coconut oil. They are actually very good for you, for your hair and skin.

    I recommend eating less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day, less is better. But of course what you choose is up to you. Doing this will help your body use fat for energy first instead of using carbohydrates, meaning you will be able to lose fat efficiently and safely. This is what I do and have had good results so far. If you would like to read more about it, it's called the ketogenic diet. I've done a lot of reading on it. Check out http://www.reddit.com/r/keto everyone will love to have you there.

    It's great that you are working out, but remember that eating right is the most important thing. For example it is easier to not eat two cookies than to run a mile to burn it off. Also, I think that working out when you have extra weight is hard on your body, so try the ketogenic diet first and then harder exercise when you are at a healthier weight and you will have less chance of injury.

    Don't be scared, just stick to your plan and be amazed with the results. I want to be able to see my muscles too. :). Wishing you the best. Also remember to take progress pictures to stay motivated!
  • unknownexile
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok look at my profile pics. Starting weight 210's last November. By May I was in the low 170's.

    So yeah it is possible. But don't be in a rush. Follow a plan but don't get ahead of yourself.

    1)start by building an exercise habit. Don't try to lose weight during this period, eat enough to power the exercise. Log all your food and use a food scale to weigh it. No excuses!
    2)when exercise starts to relieve stress instead of causing it, you can start cutting calories. Make sure you get enough protein!
    3)use your exercise habit to relieve the stress of dieting
    4)measure your body fat, not your weight. Very important!
    5)ideally you will do 3-4 strength workouts per week, and one cardio workout. Only do more if it helps you pass the time, and then eat more to make up for it.
  • EliteCon
    So using that plan it took u technically 6 months?, damn, I thought I would have to every aching day to loose weight
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    So using that plan it took u technically 6 months?, damn, I thought I would have to every aching day to loose weight

    Maybe, or you might need more time. It depends on so many factors.

    Big advantage I had: I did not have a job or busy life. I'm a performer and I made it my job to get fit. That's all I did basically for the first 4 months.
  • EliteCon
    I can't find the keto diet idk what it is, pls help
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Juice fast. that will get you on a roll. Kill cravings, give you time to make a plan. Try a 7 or 10 day fast. You will be amazed.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I'm an atheist. I don't get "god scared"

    however, 800 cals a day is too little. 1200 is the minimum for a biological reason. You need to function and function well.

    You can eat 1200 plus calories a day and still lose 2 pounds a week (on average as weight loss is not linear - by that I mean some weeks it will be more than 2 and others will be less or none at all. but you will see loss)

    don't get hung up on a number, that's the quickest way to lose your everluvin mind.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    New to this, so scared, I mean I need to loose as much as possible by march 14th. I hope I can do it but it just need help, and a good workout easy to do, aims to loose 2lb a week, which is like 8lb every 4 weeks, which will help me lose 40 lb in 5 months, this seems to hard, so il try minimum 800 cals a day, or 1.5 lb, which is idk how much calorie a day I need to burn (pls tell), and my diets good I think, I eat tuna mayo tomato lettuce and cucumber sammich for lunch and an orange caprison, for diner I eat a small salad with tuna mixed, and that's it, from then on, just water, dunno if good, but this is how I start it, any advvice would be great.

    For workout, I do like walking for 3km and an average pace, dunno how much burnt, do that for 3 days, then like for 4 days - 5 I do between 400-700 calorie burn, so I don't exactly know how much lb's I'm actually loosing or burning a week, (someone pls tell would be great). And yeah, I'm like 5'7, around 230-210lb, not exactly sure how much, my scales broke.... Because my little bro threw down staires, don't have to believe it but it's true. So my dream goal would be 150lb, and my short term goal is 190-170 lb

    deep breath! and relax!.. not a race.. anyway.. i lost 40 pounds (and 5 pant sizes) my first 4 mo on mfp! went from 234#'s size 18/20 to 194 size 12/14 and with life happening and a boyfriend ive maintained within a few lbs for a year!! and wanna start loosing again.. anyway.. u can do this.. but try not to obsess with a time frame goal.. and i lost wt by tracking on here.. i did the 1200 cals a day (too low kinda but mfp told e to) for a cpl mo and i worked out.. (walking/gym/zumba) and i always ate my exercise cals back or nearly all of em.. i was dedicated and the pounds AND inches fell off! i also did a class at the gym called 'body pump'.. weights/squats/core.. good stuff. after a cpl mo i jumpe dup to 1380 cals then to 1480 and lost more when i bumped up..if you go down to 800 u are gonna wreck your metabolism and long term wt loss...

    best wishes!

    What I need is a good amd firm workout which is easy and quick to do to burn at least 1.5lbs a week

    Pppppppppllllssssss help , thanks so much, and I know it's a cruddy intro from my behalf, but I didn't know what to say
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Juice fast. that will get you on a roll. Kill cravings, give you time to make a plan. Try a 7 or 10 day fast. You will be amazed.


    More likely you will lose water weight and come back from it with a binge.

    OP -Eat real food. You want about an 800 calorie deficit a day - that doesn't mean you need to burn 800 calories from exercise. It means you need to consume 800 less than your body burns (through RMR, daily activity, and exercise). Go to the scooby calculator (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/), put in all your stats, and set it to sedentary or lightly active. From there it will tell you TDEE (the amount you need to eat to maintain your weight). You can just take 800 less as your daily goal, or you can have it calculate your TDEE -20%, which is often a safe amount with your 55 lbs to lose. Then eat that many calories every day.

    Reduced calories for weight loss. Exercise for health and fitness, and to look better. Don't set yourself on the number and time frame. Maybe it will happen, maybe not; either way, don't let it distract you, keep going. Also don't use the scale as your only method of measuring. Take measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs, neck, etc), before photos for comparison, and bf% if you can. Walking is a good exercise, especially for just starting out, but consider adding in some weight training. It can help your efforts in losing body fat, and make you look better.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    What I need is a good amd firm workout which is easy and quick to do to burn at least 1.5lbs a week

    Well that part is easy to define, at least. To burn 1.5 pounds a week, you need to burn about 5000 calories a week, or 700 calories a day, on average. At/around your current size, you can do that by:

    - run 5 miles a day
    - walk 10 miles a day
    - swim about a mile a day
    - cycle 15 miles a day

    Those are all very doable, but I would suggest working up to them first, as it sounds like you're coming from a place of relatively poor fitness.

    Things like Fitness Blender are fine, but they don't burn anywhere near the calories people seem to think they burn. Just cut that number in half, as a reasonable starting estimate.

    Good luck!

    Just to clarify, thIs is the sort of exercise that you could do to lose around 1.5 lbs a week while eating at maintenance. You don't need to do this much (which is a lot) if you are also eating at a deficit. You can use a calorie deficit or exercise to lose weight, or a combination of the two.

    Also, please don't be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of, you're just going to be eating slightly less and moving slightly more. Nothing scary.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Oh sorry, what I ment to say was, I burn around - or an trying to burn, utleast 800calories through workout, but what I eat is quite minimal-ish, but besides that, did u truly lose 40lb in 6 months by losing 1lb a week, because that actually sounds too good to be true, say it is true,,,(be honest lol), and if so, how intence were your work outs, also also, lifting weights- is it important cus I'm just trying to loose rather thn gin muscle but is it important?

    It was about 6 or 7 months, something like that. I lost quite a bit initially, which is typical of many people when they first cut calories...a lot of that initial loss was water weight, but it was weight loss none-the-less. I had a lot of 2Lb and 1.5Lb per week losses early on, and like I said, even more water weight...a few months into things and they slowed to a more modest rate of about 1 Lb per week. I did not exercise at all early on...I think I was a good 2-3 months into things before I really started working out. I 100% use my diet for weight control and I exercise for fitness. Also, I had lost a good 5 Lbs or so before I really even started trying to diet or anything...it was some winter weight that came off over the summer...so really, I guess I've lost 35 Lbs actually trying to lose weight.

    What you really want to focus on is the process of becoming a better you...focus on being more awesome today than you were yesterday and know you're going to be more awesome tomorrow than you were today. Focus on getting your nutrition and getting your fitness on...focus on changing your bad habits to better habit for now and the future. Focus on the new you that will ultimately emerge. In the end, there really is no finish line...if you truly make a lifestyle change you will always be setting goals and higher standards for yourself. When you're over the top focused on the scale, everything and anything can set you back...this stuff isn't by any means linear and you're going to have dissapointing weeks when you weigh in...it's just the nature of the beast.

    Focus on the results and you rarely see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results.