Any Optifast users out there?



  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
    Started optifast last Tuesday. Going to get weighed in tonight, hopefully I will do good. I didnt cheat, completely followed the program faithfully and drank tons of water. Is it ok to drink crystal light zero cal lemonaide? I also drink apx a gallon of water a day now, including the 10 oz I put in shakes, is this ok?
  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
    1st week completed. I drink tons of water and walk during meal times. Im getting weighed in tonight. I also write all my feelings down and what I drink. I:smile: chew the allowed suger free gum . Only 3 -5 pieces a day though.
  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
    Dont get depressed, think of how strong you are to be able to do this, I bet all your friends say they would never be able to give up food. If you dont cheat you wont be hungry. Trust the program and have faith in your self. Thats what gets me threw it. I want to prove that I am strong enough to do this and I will do this. I also picture how I will look 65 -75 lbs thinner. I got an image in my head and I focus on that. I post optifast diet on face book. You can follow me on there if you wish. Let me know
  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I lost ~50 lbs on Optifast about 18 months ago. It is how I kick-started my weight loss and healthier living. I found it very beneficial and it helped me develop new, healthy habits - like exercising and portion control. It was very expensive and it is dangerous if you don't do it correctly under the care of a doctor or nurse practitioner. It is a medically supervised weight loss plan. It isn't for everyone, but it was for me. Unlike many of the people who were in the program with me (support group), I had never really seriously attempted weight loss. It was just what I needed to see near instant results that would stick and motivate me.

    If you think this is an unhealthy way to lose weight, that is your opinion. But, if users are truly following the program and working with their physician, it isn't dangerous.

    Good luck to all of you that are just getting started!
  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree, I have been on full fast for 1 week. I get weighed in tonight. I have not cheated at all and I do not feel hungry any more. Sunday though, was the toughest day, because that was my boyfriend and I cheat day. Thats the day I would eat whatever I wanted and so did he , but he stayed his 185 and I gained 35 lbs. LOL. You are right about the older you get, I am 39 and I cant eat like I did when I was 16 and having cake for breakfast.LOL. I feel good on this diet. I start to get tired when I'm due for my next shake. I drink the shake and I feel good again. The shake gives me more energy then the food I was eating. My skin, eyes and hair look better even after a week. Im seriously NOT hungry. Congratts on keeping it off for a yr. I hope I can do the same. Good luck to us all and stay in the race. :happy:
  • daniellesully
    daniellesully Posts: 15 Member
    great idea, im actually going to use that if i have to. thank you
  • harisv
    harisv Posts: 15
    why be a nag about optifast!? so annoying... this is a place for support, yes it's a public place (no need to get on your high horse) and we all have our own ways, try to drop the judgementalism- it does go against the "spirit" of myfitnesspal boards you know. We all have struggled with weight and fitness, I imagine that's why we are here, and there are lots of ways to approach it.

    Hmmmmm....I don't know that judgementalism is a word. :grumble:

    Regardless...if you think that MFP is a place where people will NOT voice their opinions you're on the wrong site.
    What's great is this: there are a lot of really knowledgeable people on this site who have had real success with lasting results-eating real food.

    In case you haven't noticed, this thread calls out for OPTIFAST users not REAL FOOD users. Which part of Optifast users you do not understand? Yes, opinions are to be expressed freely, however, they need to respect the organization of the topics.

    How people would like it if other people went to a "real food" thread and started making posts saying that the posters there should not be doing that and they should be doing optifast instead?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    why be a nag about optifast!? so annoying... this is a place for support, yes it's a public place (no need to get on your high horse) and we all have our own ways, try to drop the judgementalism- it does go against the "spirit" of myfitnesspal boards you know. We all have struggled with weight and fitness, I imagine that's why we are here, and there are lots of ways to approach it.

    Hmmmmm....I don't know that judgementalism is a word. :grumble:

    Regardless...if you think that MFP is a place where people will NOT voice their opinions you're on the wrong site.
    What's great is this: there are a lot of really knowledgeable people on this site who have had real success with lasting results-eating real food.

    In case you haven't noticed, this thread calls out for OPTIFAST users not REAL FOOD users. Which part of Optifast users you do not understand? Yes, opinions are to be expressed freely, however, they need to respect the organization of the topics.

    How people would like it if other people went to a "real food" thread and started making posts saying that the posters there should not be doing that and they should be doing optifast instead?

    Be mad all you want about my opinion, but...

    doesn't even the Optifast plan transition you back to...

    *insert dramatic music*

    ....real food?
  • harisv
    harisv Posts: 15
    Be mad all you want about my opinion, but...

    doesn't even the Optifast plan transition you back to...

    *insert dramatic music*

    ....real food?

    I am not mad about your opinion, I do not think that is appropriate for people to come and poo-pooh over other peoples diet plans because they don't like their philosophy. Again, if you are not a user of optifast or have a legitimate interest on using it, your opinion is misplaced in the thread that calls out for optifast users. You are welcome to make a thread "real food based diet plans vs. optifast based plans" and you can talk all about the real food merits all day long.

    BTW, I am almost finished with my optifast program; I am on maintenance for almost a month (100% real food since on maintenance), and I will be done in couple of weeks. I already met my weight loss goals and I have optifast to thank.

    Optifast is a great hiatus period from food. You replace all of your eating habits with optifast which go away since you do optifast for a few weeks, then you can start anew with healthier eating habits and real food.

    The optifast program is not for everyone, but do not pooh-pooh it for those that they are going through it.
  • PHF58
    PHF58 Posts: 23 Member

    harisv: Thank you for articulating your thoughts so well, I feel the same way and appreciate a more collaborative atmosphere :smile:

    The moderator has also suggested we can start a private group for people who are using/have used optifast .
  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    If there's a private group - can I join? I'm starting (medically supervised) HMR on Oct. 18 and could use some like-minded people to share thoughts with. :)
  • RosalieTheGood
    Hello, I just started Optifast last Tuesday, any help/comments appreciated!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    If there's a private group - can I join? I'm starting (medically supervised) HMR on Oct. 18 and could use some like-minded people to share thoughts with. :)

    I just want to say, I did the medically supervised HMR liquid diet - twice. Yes, you will lose weight, and most likely yes you will gain it back. Most people who do liquid diets do. You are better off being practical and making better choices on a daily basis, you will have to do that anyway. I regret doing it, it was a waste of time and money.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If there's a private group - can I join? I'm starting (medically supervised) HMR on Oct. 18 and could use some like-minded people to share thoughts with. :)

    I just want to say, I did the medically supervised HMR liquid diet - twice. Yes, you will lose weight, and most likely yes you will gain it back. Most people who do liquid diets do. You are better off being practical and making better choices on a daily basis, you will have to do that anyway. I regret doing it, it was a waste of time and money.

    and what's more, I cannot fathom a medical professional that would prescribe such an incredibly aggressive method for folks with 30 lbs to lose (at least according to their tickers).
  • Jessica_Mujahidah
    Jessica_Mujahidah Posts: 40 Member
    I've done just about every shake diet under the sun, had amazing results but the weight piles back on and more.

    I still use Opti fast sometimes for a quick breakfast or lunch on the go as it's nutritionally balanced, but I don't substitute all meals. I want to exercise, eat healthy and lose the weight slowly so that it's a LIFESTYLE change, and not a quick fad diet.

    I don't think anyone is disputing that it works, and that it can help. But just make sure you educate yourself and transition slowly back onto real food, up the exercise and make the changes for good. Otherwise, you will most likely gain what you've lost - sad, but true.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • PHF58
    PHF58 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Jessica. Yes, the transition to food is the test for sure- it has been an honest attempt on my part beginning with Optifast and seeing my body respond as it hasn't, it's been a good way to develop my food awareness as well. Nowadays I use two shakes or bars per day and fill in with food, tracking calories and exercise. The Optifast helped me to recognize what it felt like to have my nutritional/balanced needs met- not something I was used to by focusing only on calories. I feel stronger with the balance. Eating behavior is a whole other topic! I love to eat and I spent my first 43 years not worrying about weight because I was active, etc. Peri and Post menopausal issues have messed with my body's reactions. Tough to deal with.
  • stephicozar
    stephicozar Posts: 36 Member
    I started a modified Optifast diet 6 weeks ago under direction from my GP and dietician/nutritionist. I've been losing 1-1.5kg per week (about 3lbs). I have about 50kg (~100lbs) to lose to be healthy.

    The reason we went to the Optifast diet for starters was because I have crippling osteoarthritis in my spine. After numerous falre ups in the past few years and no amount of physiotherapy taking the edge off, the idea of the Optifast diet was to quickly drop some weight in order to relieve some pressure off my spine, so that I can exercise more easily, regularly and effectively.

    I have an Optifast shake for breakfast and lunch. I can't have the bars as I had an allergic reaction to them (not nice). I am having 'real food' for dinner every night and lots of the allowed veggies. The real food was because I have a family history of gall and colon problems and we didn't want to tempt fate too much by cutting out necessary fats and proteins.

    My daily calorie intake for the past 6 weeks has been 700 and thanks to MFP I've been able to track it easily.

    Optifast was really hard to start with. The first week I was so hungry, angry, tired, moody, the works. But then I got over it! I really don't get hungry anymore for no reason. I used to eat when I was bored. Now I don't. I used to crave sugar and carbs. Now I don't!

    I think Optifast has successfully re-trained my brain into craving lower GI foods and protein, not salty, sugary, carby foods. I actually feel perfectly satisfied with a small chicken salad as opposed to a massive bowl of pasta and dessert to match. It probably helps that the shakes are so gross that its a turn off right there!

    Already having lost about 6kgs I find walking easier. I can get to 4km easily - 'where can I walk next?' I ask myself. I'm still in pain but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I still have a few weeks to go. I visit my dietician every two weeks and am having regular blood tests to keep track of elecrolytes etc. I'm hoping to have lost about 15kg (30lbs) after the 12 weeks which will make my back much happier with me and I can get out and about more.

    I really miss fruit and can't wait until I can incorporate some yummy summer fruits into my diet. I'll be off the Optifast by the time all my favourite fruits are in season. I'll probably stick the the Optifast shakes for breakfast going forwards as it is my main weakness (so lazy in the mornings and I usually grab a naughty muffin or something).

    Good luck to all the others on here going through the Optifast fast. Feel free to add me or message me about it. I'd love to hear how others are faring.
  • MissDireWolf
    MissDireWolf Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all. First post on MFP and wanted to let you know I started Optifast800 (4 shakes 1 bar) on Sept 28th. So far, so good. My weigh in's are Week1 -10.5 ; Week2 - 5. Tomorrow (Friday) is my Week3 weigh-in and totally psyched!

    Some stats about me: I'm 5'9" SW275 / CW260 / GW160

    I really am enjoying the program. I've begun to walk 1.2 miles every day in the morning M-F and 2.5 miles Sat/Sun. I drink TONS of water and also have 2 cups of chicken boullion whenever I crave something to eat. My hunger is not an issue just breaking a the HUGE habit of eating.

    My Dr wants me on Optifast-only for 6 weeks and then will start incorporating a meal or 2. Not sure but I do plan on chiming from time to time to give my feedback and progress.


  • karifagain
    I hope you don't mind me jumping in too. I am mid way through my 4th week on Optifast. I lost 10 lbs the first week but nothing the 2nd or 3rd. I wasn't drinking all 5 shakes nor enough water; doctor thinks that's why. Am pushing myself for getting it all in this week and hoping for a change in the scale. No cravings so far; easier than I thought to do this. Here's hoping all of us can have success.