Running Everyday, Eating Right... not losing :(



  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I do the same and I eat more than 1200 - 1500 calories, I eat closer to 1800-2100 most of the time. Maybe try eating more, especially protein and carbs and see if that helps you?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You may also need a some rest. You may be overtraining.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    You should be eating enough calories to balance the amount you burn thru exercise. Muscles need that protein, vitamins, minerals and carbs to repair themselves.

    When you don't consume enough, your metabolism will slow down and weight loss will slow as well (may not completely stop... but will get harder).

    I would re-evaluate your 1200 calories... eat back your exercise calories in terms of lean proteins and vegetables.

    A couple of notable examples for you: We all know who Hugh Jackman is right? When Hugh Jackman prepares for his role as the Wolverine, he ramps up his workout, consumes 4 meals a day plus snacks and eats an astonishing 5000 calories per day. He is also working out 11 hours per week doing intensive weights and intensive cardio.

    Similarly I have a friend who was a fighter in UFC... he triples his calorie intake when he is training for a match. He does 1 hour cardio, 1 hour weights and 1 hour sparring per day. While training he is consuming almost 6,000 calories per day.

    These are people who have the best trainers in the world training them... how do you suppose we get their physiques if we aren't willing to train like they do?

    Eating back your exercise calories isn't a bad thing. You need to fuel the weight loss engine.
  • Change what you're eating somehow. Cut carbs down, cut out something that might be borderline "healthy", switch to fish and chicken (if you eat meat). Could cut out meat completely for a while, that might jolt your system. And no, I'm not a closet vegetarian, I've just found that if I shift what I'm eating my body takes time to figure it out and I lose weight. Don't ask me why either, but it works for me. Maybe it will for you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    1200 cals and high intensity exercise......sigh

    Let's wait for the wolves to devour you....

    Yup. OP, add something in that isn't cardio. Like...weight training. And take a rest day every once in a while.

    ETA: If you don't have much to lose, there's going to be plateaus. Measure something different besides the scale, like your fitness goals. That way, you still feel like you're achieving something when you haven't lost weight.
  • running_free_1984
    running_free_1984 Posts: 115 Member
    I was eating very little calories and exercising about as much. I stopped losing and was totally disheartened. But I upped my daily intake to no less than 1800. Usually it's a little more. I felt stronger and was able to cope with all the running and intense strength training better. Best of all I lost a kg after 2 weeks of eating more. I guess I'm doing tdee -20% ATM and it's better for me.
  • foodfastfit
    foodfastfit Posts: 154 Member
    Another thing you can try is 30 minutes of light cardio upon waking before any meals. This small addition to my daily routine seems to melt the fat off.
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    Type your info into this:

    Figure out what your TDEE -20% is and start eating more. You said yourself you are starving. Eat more, keep running and you will lose weight. Give it 4 weeks, if it doesnt work, try something else.

    Wowww thanks for the share! Interesting when it's 'aggressive 25%' fat loss still recommends more calories than MFP does...
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    I have to agree with many that you need to increase calories...and that is hard because it will take your body a bit to get used to it, and you may go up a little on the scale. But be patient. I am having the same issue, I have been running for 6 weeks and I am not seeing results on the scale. I do feel stronger and my endurance is definitely better. I was reading some articles and you may be interested in this one. Know that you are not alone!
  • Take a rest! Even when i've done marathon training, I rested a day--or modified my activity - a bike ride, walk, yoga or weight training. I've also found that too little calorie intake when you are running a lot puts the body into "starvation mode"- I was doing 20 mile runs before a marathon and could not lose weight.
  • Starieyes30
    Starieyes30 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been doing this for a little over 3 months. I have lost about 10-12lbs but have been stuck at about 151 for a little over 3 weeks. I am taking vitamins everyday.
  • Starieyes30
    Starieyes30 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I woke up feeling down about this, but I came to the right support group. Thanks for the advice :)
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    What are your macros set at? If you're running, your carb macros should be bumped up.