Non-Scale Victories! ♥

What is your non-scale victory for the day?
It's not much but, I chose a large and very delicious salad for lunch instead of the normal pasta or sandwich. I'm pretty proud of myself. It was healthy and delicious and made me feel good about myself. ^___^ NSVs are the best!



  • I decided to try on a pair of size 10 pants this morning and the actually fit!!!!! OH HAPPY DAY! :happy:
  • I love this post! Non- scale victories are so important. Mine was squeezing in a great workout last night despite a cold and a really busy day.
  • Congratulations! :D I can't wait till I can fit into my old jeans again!
  • I love this post! Non- scale victories are so important. Mine was squeezing in a great workout last night despite a cold and a really busy day.

    oh I know! :) They're the best! The scale can't tell you how you feel about yourself! To me, it's all about feeling good in your own skin!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I ran a mile in my fastest time 9:46 :)
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Mine was having a record fast power walk, my personal best! Walked 5.34 miles at an average speed of 5.04 mph!
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I woke up this morning and I wasn't feeling all that well. Despite how I felt, I got up and went for a nice run. By the end, I felt so much better. Not that long ago, I would have just stayed in bed.
  • I ran a mile in my fastest time 9:46 :)

    congrats! ^_^ I have to be careful about running, ankle and feet problems run in my family. I'm already having trouble with my ankles rolling when I walk.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    - My new Guns&Roses T-Shirt fits
    - I chose to celebrate my progress today by /not/ going to DD to get an egg sandwich
    - I'm excited to go running tonight (even though I don't think I'll have time to go until after 9:00PM)
    - I'm starting to seriously need some smaller jeans.
    - Edit to add: My wedding ring fell off this morning
  • Mine was having a record fast power walk, my personal best! Walked 5.34 miles at an average speed of 5.04 mph!

    Holy smokes! :o My fastest mile walking so far is about 14 minutes! That's amazing! Congratulations!
  • I put on a shirt that I thought fit me last year - but apparently I was wearing it too tight. I look amazing in this shirt today! I didn't know it was supposed to "hang" like this.... hahah
  • I woke up this morning and I wasn't feeling all that well. Despite how I felt, I got up and went for a nice run. By the end, I felt so much better. Not that long ago, I would have just stayed in bed.

    That's wonderful, dear! It's hard to pull yourself up sometimes, I know I have issues with it sometimes. But I just think about how good I'll feel afterward!
  • harpmark
    harpmark Posts: 5 Member
    Was asked "Why are you working out? You don't need to lose anymore." Feeling good!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    The convenience store near my house has some very very large cups for fountain drinks. I almost bought the biggest one but went with the next smaller size. It fit perfectly in my cup holder and the other would have been too big. That made my morning. NSV!!!
  • - My new Guns&Roses T-Shirt fits
    - I chose to celebrate my progress today by /not/ going to DD to get an egg sandwich
    - I'm excited to go running tonight (even though I don't think I'll have time to go until after 9:00PM)
    - I'm starting to seriously need some smaller jeans.

    Awesome! Keep it up! :) I'm taking a break from walking today. I've walked almost 4 miles in two days which isn't much but it's better than I was doing! I normally walk when I wake up in the morning and take my dog with me for a lap around the block!
  • I put on a shirt that I thought fit me last year - but apparently I was wearing it too tight. I look amazing in this shirt today! I didn't know it was supposed to "hang" like this.... hahah

    It's always nice to fit into old clothes! ^_^ I can't wait to reach that point!
  • Was asked "Why are you working out? You don't need to lose anymore." Feeling good!

    Oh wow! I bet that felt great :) congrats
  • The convenience store near my house has some very very large cups for fountain drinks. I almost bought the biggest one but went with the next smaller size. It fit perfectly in my cup holder and the other would have been too big. That made my morning. NSV!!!

    That's wonderful! :) It's the little steps and the little changes that really matter! Good for you!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm up to 3x10 push ups in full plank style in my morning routine (squats, hollow rock sit ups, push ups).

    2.5 weeks ago I started with 3.5 and struggled.
  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    Pulled Fall pants out of closet - they were too tight last year. Now they are TOO BIG! Had to go out and buy 4 new pair of pants - 2 were even a size 8! :)