I've never dated...ever!

Remember that guy I was talking about in a few threads back. The one asking if 5 years is too big. Well, I've never had interest in anyone but him before and I want to choke up the courage to ask him out but I don't know how and if I get a yes, I don't know where or how to act!


  • HeyImMarcus
    Ask him if he wants to go see a movie, then after the movie tell him you really like him and have feelings no venture nothing gained!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Do you want to go to the pub? Go to the aforementioned pub. Have a few drinks at the pub (dutch courage). Be yourself. Don't get too drunk at the pub :drinker:
  • Probably should have mentioned that I live in the states, though, I hear European pubs and their alcohol are pretty damn awesome. Nice horse BTW
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    I would go with whoever suggested the bar unless you know him quite well and could find something else to do that wouldn't be too awkward.....but pubs take a lot of that "date pressure" away...
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Probably should have mentioned that I live in the states, though, I hear European pubs and their alcohol are pretty damn awesome. Nice horse BTW

    Thanks. It's actually a life sized plastic cow :laugh: (not a good pic)

    Anyways if the pub is out. What about something near you that unique or interesting? I went on a date with a guy who took me to a commercial building with a glass roof you could walk on. Okay, not mind blowingly exciting, but it wasn't bad doing something different. The cinema is good if you're worried you'll run out of conversation (nerves). Also substitue pub for coffee shop maybe.
  • Probably should have mentioned that I live in the states, though, I hear European pubs and their alcohol are pretty damn awesome. Nice horse BTW

    Thanks. It's actually a life sized plastic cow :laugh: (not a good pic)

    Anyways if the pub is out. What about something near you that unique or interesting? I went on a date with a guy who took me to a commercial building with a glass roof you could walk on. Okay, not mind blowingly exciting, but it wasn't bad doing something different. The cinema is good if you're worried you'll run out of conversation (nerves). Also substitue pub for coffee shop maybe.
    Jamestown Historical Park?
  • Via_14
    Via_14 Posts: 992 Member
    Remember that guy I was talking about in a few threads back. The one asking if 5 years is too big. Well, I've never had interest in anyone but him before and I want to choke up the courage to ask him out but I don't know how and if I get a yes, I don't know where or how to act!

    oh SNAP!, im in a same/similar situation. Ive been crushing on a family friend since i was 10, now 26, and I never had such a strong interest in him till now because he cheek kissed me but thats not it. I really like this guy and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go on a date and if all works with time the M word............. marry him! LOL I dont know how to contact him or approach him but i have a fair idea of how i should act. Note im from an asian background so pub is not a good start lolz. Mind you i love a good vodka shot =D

    oh and Frethe>>> I think you/we should just take the plunge and ask because if we never ask we will never know! Im pretty traditional in that i would expect the guy to ask out the girl but who does that anymore, 21st century!! So if he says yes to you, trust me you will know how to act. You might be really shy and quiet at first (i think) but you will open up to him with time. All the best!! And guys advice over here toooo pleaseeeee thanks youuu ^_^
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Sure the park National Park would work really well. Depending on if he's into walking that is :happy: Throw together a small picnic & go on a ramble together. Plus it's not too "formal date". You can just be all casual about it & say "I haven't been to X in ages! Do you fancy a look out there some time?" If he says "Yes" you're set for a date, but if he says "no" you can just brush it off as "oh well it was just a thought no big deal".
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    Cold approach him. You have nothing to lose
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Remember that guy I was talking about in a few threads back. The one asking if 5 years is too big. Well, I've never had interest in anyone but him before and I want to choke up the courage to ask him out but I don't know how and if I get a yes, I don't know where or how to act!

    oh SNAP!, im in a same/similar situation. Ive been crushing on a family friend since i was 10, now 26, and I never had such a strong interest in him till now because he cheek kissed me but thats not it. I really like this guy and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go on a date and if all works with time the M word............. marry him! LOL I dont know how to contact him or approach him but i have a fair idea of how i should act. Note im from an asian background so pub is not a good start lolz. Mind you i love a good vodka shot =D

    oh and Frethe>>> I think you/we should just take the plunge and ask because if we never ask we will never know! Im pretty traditional in that i would expect the guy to ask out the girl but who does that anymore, 21st century!! So if he says yes to you, trust me you will know how to act. You might be really shy and quiet at first (i think) but you will open up to him with time. All the best!! And guys advice over here toooo pleaseeeee thanks youuu ^_^

    Email/FB? , drop by his place of work? (when you happen to be passing).
  • Don't know his email, does not have facebook (Thank g-d, I need to get off mine)?
    Might try the stop by the workplace?
  • I feel stalkerish about the workplace one!
  • LurveTheDoctor
    How old are you both? It does kind of change the approach.

    I haven't dated in a very long time and typically dated people I already knew through work or school and they did the asking.. So, I can't be a ton of help.
  • desertSNOUT
    I have only ever dated two people and one was a shortlived after work bite to eat.
    Lol do you wear nike? JUST DO IT. Being nervous is part of the experience. When
    that leaves you need something else to make your heart race so enjoy it while
    You can!

    Now if I could only afford being a skydiver....
  • I'm 18 and he's like 5 yrs older than me!

    @ I wear whatever fits my feet and feels the bests
  • Via_14
    Via_14 Posts: 992 Member
    Remember that guy I was talking about in a few threads back. The one asking if 5 years is too big. Well, I've never had interest in anyone but him before and I want to choke up the courage to ask him out but I don't know how and if I get a yes, I don't know where or how to act!

    oh SNAP!, im in a same/similar situation. Ive been crushing on a family friend since i was 10, now 26, and I never had such a strong interest in him till now because he cheek kissed me but thats not it. I really like this guy and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go on a date and if all works with time the M word............. marry him! LOL I dont know how to contact him or approach him but i have a fair idea of how i should act. Note im from an asian background so pub is not a good start lolz. Mind you i love a good vodka shot =D

    oh and Frethe>>> I think you/we should just take the plunge and ask because if we never ask we will never know! Im pretty traditional in that i would expect the guy to ask out the girl but who does that anymore, 21st century!! So if he says yes to you, trust me you will know how to act. You might be really shy and quiet at first (i think) but you will open up to him with time. All the best!! And guys advice over here toooo pleaseeeee thanks youuu ^_^

    Email/FB? , drop by his place of work? (when you happen to be passing).

    I dont have his email, im not on FB, dont know where he works. we see each other at weddings and the sort.

    Im 26 his 28-29 =D
  • LurveTheDoctor
    I'm 18 and he's like 5 yrs older than me!

    @ I wear whatever fits my feet and feels the bests

    5yr is not bad for 18yos.. When I was 18 I dated a guy 10yr older than me..

    But I'd just be frank w. him.. if he works at a place that you can go to casually.. like to eat or buy something that'd help.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    My SO is six years older than me, it seems about the norm.
    I like doing dinner and a movie on the first "date", go to the movie first so there's no pressure to make small talk, go to dinner after and talk about the movie, which naturally leads into other avenues of conversation.
    There is no worse feeling in the world than being too nervous to think of anything valid to say ):
  • I'm afraid. What if I come off as weird? or stalkerish? Cause the man is super duper fit but he is nice too. I feel weird cause I'm not (i'm getting there!) so I feel so out of place asking him out and I don't know if he is dating anyone!
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    sounds like you need to do some research on this guy. Research meaning ask some mutual friends if he's seeing anyone. I wouldn't just drop by his work cause that's awkward. I'm all for putting yourself out there but that's pushing it a little. start texting him or calling him and go from there. Then when you know more about him and get closer then say "hey you wanna grab a coffee or something?"