Couch to 5K: Starting Monday Oct 11 -- Join Me!



  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I completed week 1 day 3 today! I'm not going to lie, I was dreading going to the park this morning but I did it and it felt great.
    I'm also going to do week 1 over because I don't feel comfortable andvancing just yet! I hope everyone did well:flowerforyou:
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Dang it! Found out we are now having company when I get home from work at 8pm so probably will not get time to do day one today. Will have to do it tomorrow morning before work, at least it is only 3 days a week so I will just have to shift it over by one day!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I cant start yet b/c I have no running shoes and no sports bra and no MONEY sooo blah... : (
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    Phew... Week 1, Workout 1 completed. It was manageable, but I had to do it on the treadmill inside as its pouring with rain out. Really really hot though.. Will have to rig up a fan.
  • This is great motivation! I think I attempt day 2 tomorrow and I think I'm going to have to do week 1 twice as well.
  • Ok, so my big old body did not do as well as I hoped! It will probably take me 4 times as long to complete the 9 week program, but I am not going to give up!!! I figure any exercise is better than NO exercise. The best I could do today was only jog about 1/2 of the 60 seconds. A little dissappointed, but I will keep at it and believe it will get better!!!

    Congrats on everyone who had success!!! Looking forward to doing better!!!
  • I did W1D1 tonight. I do it on a treadmill, and I'm a s-l-o-w jogger, but that's OK -at least I'm moving! I started with 3.3 for the brisk walk and 4.5 for the run. I must have made it to week 6 last time I did it- I only had weeks 6-9 in my iPod, so I was glad I had my phone with me and had downloaded the NHS (?) one that was mentioned earlier. I liked that one better, anyway. But I didn't remember running 8 intervals the first week with Bob.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I had planned to do it last night but got home and my hubby wasn't feeling well. So, I stayed home and entertained the girls to keep them out of his way.

    I really wish I had a treadmill though.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I'd like to but maybe starting tomarrow! Just did a workout video this morning and i can't exactly drag my 5 year old and 1 year old with me while running. Hopefully i can do it. I tried running before but got bad shin splints...hopefully those dont show up again.

    Stretch your calf muscles really well before you start running, that will help some. Calf strength training will also help keep the shin splints away.
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    I cant start yet b/c I have no running shoes and no sports bra and no MONEY sooo blah... : (

    I'm right there with you! I don't get paid until the 30th of the month so I will walk until then. "The girls" can't be flopping all over the place and my current shoes are crap.:cry:
  • I'm in! (gulp) :-)
    I don't know why running is something I'm afraid of. hmmm......

    Good luck to everyone. I'm going to try and get my sister on board also.
  • I did my Week 1 day 1 on Sunday :)

    It went good... though 60secs of running was longer then I though, but I did it! And I feel good about it! It so nice to be running again...I ran in jr high and high school, but 4 years of university have left me very little spare time, it just nice to be moving again!
  • Wow. Just did Week 1, Day 1. Surprised myself that I did nearly all of it. I walked the first running interval as there were lots of people around and I felt self-concious, even though it's dark here! I know that's silly. Apart from that I obeyed the commanding but gentle female voice on the C25K app on my iPod. Halfway through the last run my body slowed to a brisk walk without any warning.

    No shortness of breath, no shin-splints and not too much sweating. Not sure when Day 2 will happen, but it will.
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    Good job everyone!!! Going to complete day 2 tomorrow!
  • heppin1
    heppin1 Posts: 32 Member
    Well I finished day 2 of week 2 today!! It was tough and I'm scared what will happen week 3. I am using the treadmill, but I walked the track and it was soooo difficult. I walked sooo slow and it gave me shin splints. :( I think I'm gonna stick to the treadmill for a while until I can get my stamina up.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wanted to wish you guys all the best!! I just started running in March and was very, very unfit and unhealthy. On Monday, Oct 11th I ran my first ever 5k race! Took me wayyy longer than 9 weeks (didn't do the C25k program) but it is doable and you'll end up loving it! :bigsmile:

    GOOD LUCK! :drinker:
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    I can't wait to run a 5K. Thanks for the motivation!
  • I REALLY REALLY want to start running. Never, ever have I been able to. I read through the whole c25K thing and it seems great!! It's just being able to actually go through with it. I'm 2 days late reading this post. Have you all already started??
  • Theres a really good podcast you can download at for all 9 weeks
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm going to try it tomorrow. Add me so we can all be in this together. :)
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