I need Nike+ Running friends



  • please add me jaydelossantos :) thanks!!
  • jpgarcialopez
    jpgarcialopez Posts: 1 Member
    Hi add me too please! jpgarcialopez
  • vwu1983
    vwu1983 Posts: 18 Member
    Anyone can add me too. I started running again. If anyone wants to do a challenge to stay motivated, count me in!

    Username vicki_wu
  • Awesome!!! Lots of fellow nike run appers☺️ I would love to have some friends who actually use the app I have one friend and he ended up going in active on me after a week ???? my username is jlck7 I would love any adds and have some motivation to get out and get some mileage in!
  • Oh yes! Please add me also! I'm actually going to add as much of you guys that I can! I really want to get into this app!

    Add Me: KyannaSimone
  • james23elmo
    james23elmo Posts: 2 Member
    Follow me elmo23jms

    I run 5k's so looking for others that do the same idealy but all welcome
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    Nike + Id is aparziale1 .... Always looking for people with high Milage for motivation :)
  • mine is Puffling0503 I am very new to running and only downloaded the app today xx
  • aub64
    aub64 Posts: 8
    Feel free to add me! 8aubrey64 is my ID
  • thatboy3
    thatboy3 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me on Nike+.... my name is thatboy3
  • shesapear
    shesapear Posts: 77 Member
    Add me Shanell18
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
  • SALEM2
    SALEM2 Posts: 1
    My screen name is Salem_Hamoud
  • I just downloaded the Nike + Running app a few days ago, on my iPhone.
    I'm a treadmill jogger/walker because I'm very new to working out, again.
    Looking for more friends on there, not picky on who adds me so feel free to anyone and everyone! :)
    Very motivated and I won't be inactive in a week either ;)

    Username: Jennipur
    /Jennifer Lynn
    Photo is the same as it is on here.

    Thanks everyone! And happy running!
  • uopjo6
    uopjo6 Posts: 1
    Hi guys. Not sure when was the last time I logged in here.
    Took out my Nike fuelband again and want to do it right this time.

    New to all this and friends around the world will be encouraging :)

    Please feel free to add me @ uopJo6

    Can find me with the same avatar.

  • SunjataYooku
    SunjataYooku Posts: 3 Member
    Im just getting in to this nike+ app, and im having a lot of fun. I never really jogged for long periods, but im starting to really like this. Feel free to add ID: farraja, or James Murphy
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Anyone know how to get this app to work on a treadmill? It is starting to get cold in Colorado.
  • Anyone know how to get this app to work on a treadmill? It is starting to get cold in Colorado.

    I haven't found it to be super accurate on a treadmill, but at least you can get some credit for the treadmill running. You have to hold your phone in your hand while you run. It calculates your distance based on your cadence, which only gave me credit for about 0.75 to 0.8 miles per mile that the treadmill showed.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Anyone know how to get this app to work on a treadmill? It is starting to get cold in Colorado.

    I haven't found it to be super accurate on a treadmill, but at least you can get some credit for the treadmill running. You have to hold your phone in your hand while you run. It calculates your distance based on your cadence, which only gave me credit for about 0.75 to 0.8 miles per mile that the treadmill showed.

    Yeah I tried in on the treadmill while it was strapped to my arm. It isn't the most accurate. It did let me adjust the actual mileage at the end a couple times. But it didn't change my fastest 5k since it already recorded me running it faster, or so it thought. And that sucks. Now it says my fastest 5k is like 5 mins faster than my actual and I can't change it.
  • Hi! I'm looking for friends too. My username is Peanutbutterunner90! :)