I can't sleep



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    this happened to me last night.... ahhhhh. I didn't take my sleeping meds because I've been doing ok, but I fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 1 wide awake. It was too late for a pill since I'm up for work at 5 and I'm reluctant to smoke 4 hours before work :ohwell:. It's definitely been worse since I've lose weight and have been exercising more. I might have to go back to being really strict, no tv/phone/computer for half hour before bed and always always take something so I can actually stay asleep.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    GNC Re-Feed its a Casein Shake with ZMA and an Herbal relaxer/sleep aide in it. I use to take just regular Casein at night, but with this i sleep better feel more relaxed and for sure sleep deeper.
  • Welcome to the club, your jacket is in the mail. I'm horrible. Been horrible for 10+ years. 2.5-3hrs a night is good for me, no joke. I can pass out within 3 minutes (due to pure exhaustion), only to be woken up by something ridiculous like the wind or something, and I'm up the rest of the night. I've cut out coffee, caffeinated soda (then put them both back after it didn't make a difference). I've upped my running a lot recently, even trying to do hour-plus sessions around midnight, having a shot of alcohol, then not having a shot of alcohol, dietary changes. It comes down to the fact that I can't shut my head off. It's like a Greek tragedy.

    The only thing that had partially helped was melatonin. I'd get maybe an extra hour or so, but i'd have nightmares so vivid while on that stuff that I'd wake up in a full blown panic attack. Not worth it, so I don't bother with melatonin.

    I'll admit that I don't want to go a medication route. I'm already on stuff that I'm quitting cold turkey, and it hasn't exactly been a pleasure.

    Sorry to give you a "worst case", I hope things work out for you.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    A Melatonin Capsule(They are all natural) or, what I do, is I drink a cup of Chamomile Tea right before bed. I sleep like a baby!
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 189 Member
    I take Melatonin every once in a while - nothing wrong with that
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I'm in this boat now... again. I have suffered severe insomnia since I was about 13. I've taken everything under the sun to try to help, and it may help for a little while, but then it comes right back. I finally sought medical help about 4 years ago after 4 months of illness extending into an 18 month battle with my insomnia. In that time, I tried *EVERYTHING* I could think of... and I was already completely sober, so that wasn't a factor.

    After trying a couple of different things - I'm very particular about what I will take, no matter my desperation - my doctor prescribed me a low dosage of amitriptyline. That worked for about 2 1/2 years when I finally built up enough resistance to it that they switched it out with doxepin - it's a molecule off and enough that my brain can process it. I don't like taking anything either - but NOT sleeping for so long created terrible problems, and it wasn't until I started sleeping again that I started gaining back weight from dropping to 113 pounds.

    The biggest problem that I have is that work is a contributing factor to lack of sleep. Two weeks ago, when this cycle started - I worked 3 all nighters in 4 days, functioning on 2 hours of sleep in 24 hours. This happens every few weeks - and I'm overworked like you wouldn't believe. Chronic stress and anxiety contribute to insomnia, and I have this in spades. And yeah, it's going to to get worse as we head into the holidays. *SIGH* I'm in a bad state and fighting for my health and sanity right now - I've had 6 migraines in the past month. :(

    So I'm trying really hard to get this straightened out...I'm already past the break point, and sleep would REALLY help. Here's a few things I've learned in my battles, and these were my findings, YMMV:

    -- I can't work out past 5pm. If I do, I can't sleep. Well, I can't sleep at my 9pm bedtime anyways, but I have to be up at 4:45 to be at work by 6.

    -- I can't eat a meal past 7pm. I know timing doesn't matter and all that, but if my stomach is busy, I can't sleep. If it's that late and I still have calories left - I'll have a glass of milk.

    -- I don't drink caffeine or green tea after 12pm unless I plan on being up/out late.

    -- There are no electronics allowed in my bedroom. I don't have a TV or computer in there - and my phone is only allowed due to the emergency and alarm factors...it doesn't get used before bed.

    -- I do have a noise machine that I keep on at night - I can't sleep without my birds twittering. And I have a fan that runs pretty much 24x7.

    -- My room is as dark as I can make it - blackout blinds + blackout drapes. My alarm clock doesn't put out light (took me 4 years to find the perfect one)!

    -- If I want to read, read a real book, not on my tablet or laptop... and only for 20 minutes.

    -- Oh, and valerian and melatonin have the OPPOSITE reaction in me - I get wired up on both of them. >.<

    Yeah... I have issues. The biggest thing that I can say is - don't let this go on too long. If you go more than about 6-8 weeks and still can't sleep, PLEASE seek medical help. It can cause physical and mental complications that you'd never think of.... And you do not have to suffer. If you can't go to a doctor due to cost - see if you can talk to an adviser at Vitamin Cottage or Sprouts or your local health food store to see if they can help you and/or give you samples. I suggest that because I spent an exorbitant amount of money going the natural route only to find that NOTHING worked.... it was cheaper in the long run for me to go to the doc.
  • Thank you so much everyone. I truly appreciate your responses. I'll take a pill of something tonight.

    Good luck to the other insomniacs =)
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    I just can't sleep, and it's really starting to effect me. I go to bed, wake up an hour later and my eyes are open for the rest of the night. WTH is this? It's been like this for almost a month. I don't drink, I don't smoke. I've got pills I could take (not sleeping pills), but I don't like taking pills. I've hit a wall today. Someone has to have a suggestion.

    Sorry if I get b*tchy around here. I'm just so damn tired.

    Good sleep hygiene. Go to bed at the same time every night, no matter how little sleep you got the night before. Get up at the same time every day no matter how little sleep you got the night before. (Yes. Days off too.) Don't do anything in your bed except sleep or sex. (No reading, watching TV, working, computers, eating...) If you aren't asleep within 30 minutes of getting in to bed, get up and do something boring until you are sleepy (sleepy, not tired) again, then return to bed; repeat if necessary. Avoid backlit screens (TVs, computers, tablets, smartphones. Non-backlit epaper eReaders are okay) within 2 hours of bedtime. Avoid strenuous exercise within 4 hours of bedtime. Avoid caffeine within 8 hours of bedtime. Don't nap, no matter how little sleep you got.

    You should not associate your bed with anything but sleep and sex, so your body knows it's supposed to sleep when it gets there. You will eventually sleep if you don't nap or sleep in when you don't get enough sleep, and this is very important if you have sleep problems. Medications, even melatonin, do not produce the same brain waves that natural sleep does, and those brain waves are important to health.

    Showers can help you sleep or wake you up, depending on length and temperature. A LONG hot shower or a SHORT cold shower will make you more alert. A LONG cold shower or a SHORT hot shower will help you sleep.
  • This may sound crazy but I swear by it since it has helped me out many of times. Instead of laying in bed, tossing, turning looking at the clock and saying to myself that I cant sleep, I lay there with my eyes closed and say to myself repeatedly that I have to stay awake. Its a paradoxical effect. Wouldn't hurt to try it.
  • I have had some of the same issues with allergy pills and cannot fall asleep on my own.
  • I wish I could help,
    but I have the same problem.

    sleep maybe 3hours a night.. then rest of the morning I toss and turn.
  • alc212
    alc212 Posts: 124 Member
    Same but different here - I can't get to sleep. Once I'm there, I stay there until my alarm but as for getting there... buckleys most nights.

    Only thing that seems to help is TV - keeps my mind occupied. If I allow my mind to wander on it's own, it immediately goes to stressful and/or sad thoughts and I have no chance of sleep.

    Tried pills a couple of times, that I got off Mum and they were great but she won't give me the name of them, she's worried I'll start taking them too often I think! (yep, I'm 27 and Mum is still over protective!).

    Tried chamomile, just don't like the taste! Tried valerian and it doesn't work (makes my teeth tingly though!)
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    I managed to get just over 2 hours sleep last night and probably average 5 hours a night. It's very frustrating.
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