Last 10 lb Challenge!



  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all, did well staying under on sodium thats a big success for in another decent workout in today.....going shopping all day with my mom tomorrow so will be eating out for lunch (not good unfortunately)...but will be walking A LOT!!! Good evening all!!! Hope everyone is chugging along!!
  • gourd1
    gourd1 Posts: 1
    i am in! I gained over 10 lbs this summer and I want it gone by Christmas! Work has been killing me but one workout this week so far and my calories have been in check. Plan to work out thursday, sat, sun. Good Luck!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I would love to join this group! I have 9 pounds to go for my end goal weight of 105lbs.

    I am 5'0" and currently 114lbs

    1st 5K since college is November 14th...working really hard to get there!
  • drehud
    drehud Posts: 6 Member
    Trying to reach my goal weight of 135 by Halloween! So far I've lost 6. Thanks for the group!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Evening all, did well staying under on sodium thats a big success for in another de:bigsmile: cent workout in today.....going shopping all day with my mom tomorrow so will be eating out for lunch (not good unfortunately)...but will be walking A LOT!!! Good evening all!!! Hope everyone is chugging along!!

    :happy: Good job on the salt today! It: is hard I find, especially on days when eating out. I have 3 aerobic workouts in this week so far. I am up to 40 minutes on the treadmill. Not too shabby for jumping back in after surgeries on both feet this year. Hoping that will rev up my metabolism and bring down the cholesterol! It feels good to break a sweat again. Pilates and floor workouts made me strong and better toned, but apparently did nothing for my choleserol! Dangit! Oh well, I am kicking it up a notch and will kiss that problem goodbye, along with my last 10lbs.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newbies! We are so glad to have you! What are your weekly goals? I am trying for 4-6 aerobic workouts a week, along with strength training and pilates when I can. I think my food is OK, thanks to months on MFP. It has become a habit to eat well. I don't feel well when I slip back into bad habits. I could also do with more water intake. I plan on checking in and out a couple of times a week and weighing in only once/week. Thanks for checking on me...I will be checking on you! Accountability makes a difference! You rock!:bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Fab, sounds like you have a plan...and yes, I think you are doing AWESOME so soon after foot sugery....

    Went shopping yesturday, (after loosing 55 lbs, none of my winter clothes fit--was wearing mostly 18's and 1x) some size 10 jeans and some really cute tops (ranging in sizes from M-XL)....had a great time with my mom, ate out hibachi which in NEVER healthy but OOOOHHHH SOOOOOO GOOOOOD tasting..but portion control was my goal--and I succeeded fairly good.

    Plan on a walk/run after work,....and I am meeting with my 2 9 y/o's friends and their moms for bowling tonight, should be fun and another nice little workout.....

    On call all weekend, so depending on how much I get called in to work, decides how much actual workouts I get in, would love to get 2 P90x workouts in this weekend, hopefully soo.....have a GREAT day all!!:flowerforyou:
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    i am doing .6, seems these last 5-7lbs are going to be the slowest/toughest, but i will not give up!

    went shopping today and bought pants size 8/10 and shirts/sweaters in m and large, so that made me feel good. still have some more to go but feeling healthy so thats all that matters!

    have a great weeekend everyone and welcome newbies!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    I'm not feeling good about this next weigh in! I'm up 1.5 lbs. for the week and today had a muffin attack at lunch (still not too bad total calorie wise) and tonight, we have a big party to go to with tons of appetizers and cocktails. I did a double spin class today to give myself some extra calories in the bank but tomorrow my son has a swim meet and I'll be sitting on my a** for 6 hours in the sun. Will try to behave tonight (mostly!) and get back on track tomorrow at least with me eating. Have a great weekend everybody.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    rymatts mom, great news on the shopping, now get out there and show them off...

    I am weighing in tomorrow, will let you all know how that goes...on call this weekend so not sure how much working out I will get done....enjoy the fall outdoors everyone...winter will be here before we know it.......have a GREAT day...:flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I'm not feeling good about this next weigh in! I'm up 1.5 lbs. for the week and today had a muffin attack at lunch (still not too bad total calorie wise) and tonight, we have a big party to go to with tons of appetizers and cocktails. I did a double spin class today to give myself some extra calories in the bank but tomorrow my son has a swim meet and I'll be sitting on my a** for 6 hours in the sun. Will try to behave tonight (mostly!) and get back on track tomorrow at least with me eating. Have a great weekend everybody.

    Double spin class....awesome! Those dang tempting. Double that water and you will be "muffinless" in no time. :glasses: Enjoy that sun and son! :heart: Happy weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    wow, double spin class!!!???? thats unbelievable! good for you! that probably close to 1k calories! you go girl!

    went to my circuit training class this am then stayed for yoga, needed some relax/stretching time and have not done it in yrs, felt good, but funny how my mentallity was like "when am i gonna sweat"? too funny.

    hubby sick so i am off alone to a friend's bday party, will try to be good. low on the calories so far today b/c i knew what was ahead. planning on making a chicken tomorrow then my yummy turkey chili for the week so i am prepared!

    have a great weekend everyone!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :smile: Weekly check-in:

    My stats- Workouts 4/7 Days (upped my cardio to 40-45 minutes):tongue:
    Weight 161lbs

    This weeks goal: Workout 5 days, 45 minutes cardio and 3 days of stretching and weights.
    Keep food in check and try to eat healthy during the workweek.
    Drink lots of water!:drinker:

    :heart: What are your goals for the week? How did you do last week with exercise and eating? What have you planned to change to shake things up a bit? We can learn from each other! Please share!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    I have been trying to lose my last 10 pounds for YEARS and i just end up yoyoing... how do i do this and keep it off? tag!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well all, weight today 172...down another lb--will take it, only 7 more till goal....My 2 aunts came in for a surprise visit (from Georgia) so will be visiting for most of the day today--so no exercise, or very little....but love seeing them....They have not seen me since I lost the you think they'll notice??
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    O.K., checking in. I've lost .5 lb this week but considering the week I was having, I'm ecstatic! The cocktail party Friday night was really fun and the food was really good-too good! I tried to enter everything in my food diary using my best guesstimates of what and how much I ate and it was over 2,000 calories!!!!! OMG! And I thought I was being pretty good. Looking back over what I ate, it was the vodka cranberries and the bananas foster that totally killed me (and the seafood cake that wasn't worth the calories in the half I ate). The swim meet ended up going closer to 11 hours and I ran out of my healthy snacks around the 6 hour mark and had to hit the concession stand. Probably all the sweating I did helped with the weight loss!

    So, it's a new week and except for a Tuesday night small swim meet, I have no plans. Goal is to eat really well and healthy all week and get my work-outs in. 4 days spinning, 3 days cardio/sculpt or plain weight lifting, 1 day cardio machines and 18 holes of golf. Oh, and I'll walk the dog today for a few calories burned. Good luck all!
  • I forgot to weight in this morning before several glasses of water (trying to get my water in, for once!), so I'll post weight tomorrow.

    This past week wasn't so successful. Exercise--good. Food--bad...very, very bad.

    So, my goals for this week are to get control of my eating. Which for me means cutting out all sugary/carby things. I'm going to spend the week off of them. Once my taste buds get re-aquainted with donuts and cake, I usually need a period of abstinence to re-acquaint them with vegetables. I already feel better after only part of a day off of them.

    So, I'm planning my meals in advance. Cooking, and eating at home. And drinking lots of water.

    The only downsides so far are copious trips to the bathroom!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I have the last 15 to go, 10 would make me happy too! I currently am doing Turbo Fire and I am on my second month. I lost 7 pounds the first month!
  • I weighed in this loss, but as I had gained a little last week, I'm ecstatic that I didn't do more damage with my junk food.

    I'm doing okay with day 2 of junk food abstinence. I'm jonesing a little, but I need this abstinence period so that my cravings subside. 5 more days to go...

    My goal with the exercise this week has been to keep it gentle and simple, but to do it everyday. So far so good, and the weather has been great for walking outside.

    Happy Monday everyone, and have a good week!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    so the problem with my weigh ins is that I have one of those 3 eur scales from Ikea that fluctuates 3 kilos one way or the other each time you step on it. this is highly unreliable. I think I have to judge my actual weight loss by measurements and how my pants fit until I go to my parent's house in a couple of months.... as all this scale gives me is bad self esteem
  • Hey fitbot...the scale-though a wonderful tool-has a way of doing that. Consider it a blessing that you have to wait. I have resorted to putting my scale in the trunk of my car until my weekly weigh-in and STILL I sometimes just have to get on it! I would get on it everyday, as if I was going to see anything meaningful in 24 hours. One day I'll learn!

    I'm nearing the end of day 3 with the abstinence. And yesterday, if someone had arrived to my house with a twinkie, I swear I would have knocked then down for it--and I don't even like twinkies! Today has been much better. Cravings are a dull murmur, and I am now fantasizing about an apple. It's fascinating how quickly the palate can change. I've often noticed that a weekend of cookies dulls my appreciation of fruit as well--so it cuts both ways.

    Anyway, just wanted to checkin. How is everyone else managing?
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