What is Your Motivation? Why do you want Change?

What gets you off that couch when your feeling lazy? What makes you walk away from the donut in the window? What makes you look in the mirror and call for change?

Share what keeps you motivation!


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Originally I was just fed up with going straight to XL shirts and also worrying if they'd fit, I lost 5stone and am now down to S shirts. Now my motivation is not to go back to that state and also now I've a keen interest in running I want to continue to improve my times and that can't be done sat on the sofa watching tv and eating chocolate. Also now I'm single I want to stay in shape to get women to actually notice me (totally vain i know).

    What's your motivation ?
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    At first it was my chronic pain and my fertility problems. Well, 2 kids and over a year and a half pain free, it's now my kids that get me moving every day. I want them to see healthy living modeled in our home.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Early on, it was all about my health and trying to fix some things with diet and exercise in order to get off all my meds (only 39 y.o.). It's still about my health, but I don't really need the motivation anymore. These days, everything is pretty much routine. Hitting the weight room every Tues/Wed/Sat is pretty much just as routine as getting up and brushing my teeth in the morning...I don't really think about it, I just do it. Going for a run on Monday and breaking out the bike on Wed and Friday is pretty much just as routine as taking a shower every morning...again, I don't really think about it...I just do it.

    As far as the doughnut goes...well, if I want a doughnut I have a doughnut. I rock my nutrition and I rock my fitness...having a doughnut here and there isn't going to have any impact whatsoever. Entirely giving up things you enjoy is a recipe for failure.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm all about dem gains !!! that keeps me motivated (by gains I mean adding muscle to my body if you didn't get it)
  • drinknderive
    drinknderive Posts: 28 Member
    I'm done having kids. My body is my own again. It's much easier to stay motivated when I know that all of my hard work is not about to be undone by another pregnancy. :)
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    Results motivate me the most. All the effort I've put in over the last couple of years is not worth wasting by sitting on the couch. Finally seeing muscle on my body. Going from not being able to do a single push up a few months ago to doing 3-4 sets of 20. The best part is when an exercise that seemed like pure hell months ago, is now a warm-up :D
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    This is about YOU!
    I do this for me and how I feel.
    That is the only way this will be long term.
    You have to want this for yourself.
    You are important.
  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    :mad: I was tired of my parents telling me I was "putting" on weight as if I was suppose to stay the same size all my life.....and I hate my back fat rolls so I needed to make a change.
  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    Early on, it was all about my health and trying to fix some things with diet and exercise in order to get off all my meds (only 39 y.o.). It's still about my health, but I don't really need the motivation anymore. These days, everything is pretty much routine. Hitting the weight room every Tues/Wed/Sat is pretty much just as routine as getting up and brushing my teeth in the morning...I don't really think about it, I just do it. Going for a run on Monday and breaking out the bike on Wed and Friday is pretty much just as routine as taking a shower every morning...again, I don't really think about it...I just do it.

    As far as the doughnut goes...well, if I want a doughnut I have a doughnut. I rock my nutrition and I rock my fitness...having a doughnut here and there isn't going to have any impact whatsoever. Entirely giving up things you enjoy is a recipe for failure.

    So true....^^^^^^^totally agree
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    My son! I was raised eating garbage but was so active it didn't make me overweight. Then the real world hit and I got old(er) and gained 40lbs. I'd rather teach my kids how to eat right and stay healthy so they don't struggle more later on. Plus, you feel SO much better when you aren't eating junk and you are exercising!
  • jafabuNZ
    jafabuNZ Posts: 48 Member
    Vanity first, health second - but now that I've been diagnosed as prediabetic - it's health first, vanity second.
  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    My father died at 62 from a hearth attack.
    My father's sister died at 62 from a hearth attack.
    My fathers father died at 64 from a hearth attack, 2 years after having a stroke and a earlier H-A.
    My father's younger brother was so paranoid when he turned 60 that he had a complete physical. Doctor said he should have done it a year earlier. Had advanced colon cancer. Died at 61.

    I celebrated my 60th birthday last November by riding my bicycle 100 miles.... My tenth century in the past 3 years.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Well, truth be told, it feels real nice, and I cant wait for the day when the "gurll, have you lost weight?" compliments start coming.

    OH joy!!!

    they have started trickling in,, and wow it sure feels wonderful :)... like yesterday one lady at work who knows me about 15 years, who knows me when i was slimmer told me that :) yippeee!!

    it feels dang good!!!

    so yeah.
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    Initially it was wanting to feel better in my own skin, feel healthy, become active.

    Now its trying to find a balance between being active and pushing myself. While going to the gym and exercising is now routine, just like making healthier choices in food- I don't want to become complacent. So I am always trying to find a way to push myself physically- doing a new/different exercise, setting new goals, or signing up for races/competitions to give me something to strive and push towards. Otherwise I would get bored and not make the most of the exercise that I am doing.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    The weight gain was the "change" for me.

    My motivation is just to get back to "normal", looks-wise and fitness-wise.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    Because I needed to LOVE MYself again.
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Addicted to lifting heavy things now.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I read posts from many who get in shape for appearance and comfort reasons as well as vague references to better health. All of those apply to me, but I also have witnessed a thing that scared me into this. An eldery relative, after a lifetime of poor nutrition and sedentary habits, had the inevitable fall and broke her arm. She couldn't get up from the floor untill she was discovered by someone. It put her in a situation of needing a round the clock caregiver until she healed because she didn't have the core and leg strength to get up from a chair or bed (or toilet) without using both her arms to hoist herself to her feet.

    Many of the physical problems of ageing are just passed off as what happens when you get old. But many things like poor balance, poor strength, brittle bones and incontinence can be at least improved if not avoided altogether by keeping yourself fit and eating a nutritious diet.
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I tried and tried for years. Even a High BP and early diabetes diagnosis only fixed about 10 lbs (about a year ago).

    Eventually I realized I had a bigger problem that was preventing me from getting healthy. I subconsciously did not want my body to be skinny and healthy. Since coming out of the closet as a transgender woman, I've lost nearly 35 lbs in less than 10 weeks. I'm fully confident that I'll stay this healthy now, and also manage to be who I always was.

    It's a huge change for me and painful in a lot of other ways (with more difficulties to come), but it was necessary for me to be happy with myself and my body.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    My mother is currently battling cancer. Before that she was diagnosed with a laundry list of diseases (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and others I can't recall off the top of my head). I watched my mother fluctuate in weight significantly between her 30s and 50s. I also saw that she did not make wise dietary choices during that time.

    Here she is now, 62 years old with stage 4 cancer on her breast and lymph nodes. A voice inside of me can't shake the thought that if maybe she would have kept her weight in check, not eaten as many as those "bad foods" and kept active that she would not be in this position. (especially knowing that cancer does not run in my mother's side of the family). My mother is my prime motivator. I don't want to chance developing any of those diseases.

    I want to bump up my level of health, shed off some of the unwanted pounds I gained in the past couple of years and overall live a better quality of life. :flowerforyou:

    ps - and yes...I want to look damn good in the process.