Anyone else have Sidewalk Rage...

KayLasMack Posts: 85 Member
:huh: ....Especially when you're out on your walk or run???

I Do!! Like those rude guys who see you and whistle or worse.


  • A_nonymous2
    A_nonymous2 Posts: 366 Member
    I just make my dog bark/. People move really fast out of my way.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    No one whistles at me.
  • KayLasMack
    KayLasMack Posts: 85 Member
    I just make my dog bark/. People move really fast out of my way.

    Great idea! Unfortunately I only have a cat who is not very intimidating.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I have crazy sidewalk rage! Even when I'm just walking, I cannot sand when people take up the WHOLE SIDEWALk when they stand together.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    I get bumped into and off of the running path and there is no one else around!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I get bugged on my trail runs when 2-3 walkers are walking side by side, chatting up a storm and dont make any effort to make room in the narrower portions of the trail. There is no way to get by without running into overgrowth or thorns.BTW, in the more open parts, I dont mind leaving the trail and running around them.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I don't like running on pavements (sorry... "sidewalks"...) because they're the hardest possible surface to run on, plus they're populated all kinds of hazards like prams, dogs on leads ("leashes"...?), people with no spatial awareness, youth who think it's funny to run with you, men who make weird remarks, people who throw stuff out of cars (my friend was hit by a half-full can of beer once!).

    So I mainly run off road.

    I'd rather drive 20 mins to get to somewhere where I can have a nice run than just head out of the door for a run that I hate every minute off.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I get bugged on my trail runs when 2-3 walkers are walking side by side, chatting up a storm and dont make any effort to make room in the narrower portions of the trail. There is no way to get by without running into overgrowth or thorns.BTW, in the more open parts, I dont mind leaving the trail and running around them.

    OMG this!!! and I don't move for kids or adults, they can damn well squeeze to single file on a sidewalk... Only time I move, is mom's with strollers or little little ones walking/riding and elderly.. everyone else, you give a little, you get a little.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I just have rage in general
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    I just have rage in general

    pretty much this
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I just have rage in general

    i just became unemployed....i have everything rage
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    No one whistles at me.

    me neither
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    I ride my bike on the sidewalk all the time, but ride a mountain bike and will go off road for anyone coming/passing. The roads are too flat and the sidewalks here are anything but, so it makes riding more fun.

    Drives me crazy when people part across the sidewalks though because I take my kids out for walks and dont want them in the road. Makes me want to 'accidentally' key their car.
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    I have crazy sidewalk rage! Even when I'm just walking, I cannot sand when people take up the WHOLE SIDEWALk when they stand together.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    :huh: ....Especially when you're out on your walk or run???

    I Do!! Like those rude guys who see you and whistle or worse.

    Last time a guy whistled at me on the street I got a handy for free.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I get annoyed at all the stares & catcalls...I mean i worked for it and should take it as a compliment.......
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I just have rage in general

    Pretty much sums up my life
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    No one whistles at me.

    I do. I just use a dog whistle and you can't hear it.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I am so tired of people on bikes on the sidewalk, especially when there is a bike lane! Legally I cannot run in the bike lane. If you are on a bike and there is an available bike lane, please use it.

    I have too many tales about people on bikes on the sidewalks...

    Also, if you are walking three (or more) abroad and you see me running towards you, on the very edge of the right side of the side walk, please please please go single file on the right hand side. Or if you hear me coming up behind you (because I shuffle feet, clear throat etc) and you turn and look at me, please move to single file. Don't just stay where you are and get all mad when I keep coming.

    Oh and put your garbage cans and basketball hoops away and pull your big trucks up to the garage. When I can see at least two feet of space near your garage but your truck covers the side walk I feel the urge to smack it. Granted, some trucks are huge and take up the ENTIRE driveway and sidewalk but usually there is space. I've even seen cars do this. Or clean out your garage and use it. We can fit both our cars in the garage, unlike 95% of our neighborhood.

    Ok, I think I am done now. :laugh:

    And people who let the bushes or decorative grass grow into the side walk.

    I have a neighbor who doesn't trim their shrubs. I have definitely made some night trips to cut it back, not just for me, but so the kids can walk thru and not step off the sidewalk before and after school (issue in Pittsburgh when its snowing or muddy in winter).