How did you gain the weight?



  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Had a baby 9 months after I graduated high school. Then hubby (boyfriend at the time) got leukemia and was giving two years to live. We put everything on the back burner and lived life. Then he went into a blood remission and we're now trying to get back a healthy lifestyle in the mix of a crazy busy life (plus he stills take a low dose of chemo daily).

    ...didn't care I was young, had a loving hubby didn't care about the weight gain, and BAD food choices!
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Carne asada; fries; carne asada fries with cheese, sour cream, and pico; eating whatever I wanted when I wanted to eat it; energy drinks to keep me going during school; no regular exercise; and a slowing metabolism as I hit my late 20s - early 30s.

    How I've lost most of it: diligence; determination; will power; 1500 cals/day (more or less with some cheat days); and 220 miles in the pool.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    It feels like it was always there... I was big when I was young, and didn't realize how big I was until 8th grade. That was when I started paying attention, and had a self-conscious view. I didn't fully start losing weight seriously, though, until 2010 (sophomore year in college). Being overweight has been a plague to me my whole life. I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself all the time though, when things don't go my way or I can't look the way I want to, or be able to wear things that I like. I was 185 pounds for a small amount of time, and I've gained all that I lost back. I want to be back there again. I feel so repulsed at it all, and I just keep thinking, how come I don't do anything seriously about it? I'm lazy, work too much, and have lots of excuses. I probably need a small person to keep in my pocket to keep me going on track, telling me, don't eat that, it'll do bad later, or maybe say, you should work out today, even if you don't want to; I know you had a long day, but it'll be good.

    I don't want to sound like one of those people who complain about their life, but don't do anything about it. I know I am sounding like that right now. I'm sorry, but these are the faults in my life. I'm just trying to get everything together again.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Worked out a lot, then got a spine injury leaving me at 200 pounds with a 30" waist, 15" biceps, nice shoulders, nice quads, six pack, etc. Fast forward from there to 9 years later and I am 227.6 pounds, chubby, out of shape and only my tendency to gain weight "all over evenly" and being 6' tall has kept people from seeing how badly out of shape I am. I recently got my back to where I can do light exercises and low impact exercises and I'm very excited. I'm on day 4 of really pushing hard and it's going great.
  • misschip1983
    misschip1983 Posts: 67 Member
    I gained over 5st when pregnant with my son I indulged in the eat for 2 lol.
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    started getting a little pudgy in my last year of HS, smoked a lot, drank a lot over the course of the next 9 years. 7 of which were spent in an emotionally abusive relationship. the weight really started creeping on during that 7 years , i was introduced to a town full of fast food and PC Gaming. if i wasnt gaming..I was partying. 1 am Huddle House dinners and a lot of booze. Add all that on top of having a Hypothyroidism from the age of 14 and probably some of it stemmed from losing my mother at a young age and having a crappy father. Throw a little laziness in there and it was a toxic combination. no more excuses though.
  • faithbabe21
    faithbabe21 Posts: 33 Member
    I was really underweight as a kid, and for some reason couldn't enjoy or eat foods that I wanted to. It took over two years to figure out that I had a brain tumor, and after it came out they put me on hormone replacement therapy, I very quickly ballooned from there and couldn't get it under control. When I turned 18 I got a new doctor who got me off all my medications, but then I was already 240 ish, and I went to college and gained the freshmen whatever. So senior year and I'm finally ready to get rid of it all!
  • I grew up in a family that wasn't very conscious of making healthy decisions. I suppose occasionally, but not often at all. I always had the option to go and get seconds, almost always had the option for desert, etc. Don't get me wrong: the food was delicious, but damn... it was unhealthy. I was always bigger throughout grade school and high school. Then I started college, and of course, gained the freshman 15. That's when I stopped it. My self-confidence was in the toilet and I didn't like myself. So I did a 180. Best decision of all time. :)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I married young,loved to cook & eat with my bean pole husband.I became a good cook,in order to keep him fed,then ate along with him.After having our 2nd daughter at 30, the weight started going up.

    Don't know why I didn't lose it way back when. The older I got,the more I gained.Now at 69, it's a matter of health!
  • Linda2811
    Linda2811 Posts: 3 Member
    When I'm happy I get an appetite. Kind of like a kid at an amusement park. While married I didn't like being home so I work all the holidays and went to the gym 2hrs a day. The less time at home the better. I ate whatever I wanted. I got divorce and loved being at home - hence the weight gain. I have lost 29 lbs through diet and exercise and have decided to make this a lifestyle change. :love:
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Relocated states to move in with my darling boyfriend. We wined and dined quite a bit. When I felt my jeans tightening I would hit the gym hard and lose it but I didn't do it consistently to maintain. After some time off from work I reentered the job force and quickly slid into a routine. I didn't work out as much, and if I did I'd go h.a.m and hurt my knee or sprain something. I also realized that those bottles of wine we'd have on the weekend were adding to our expanding waistlines. Oh, and don't let me forget I am like a super master chef at home...If I saw a yummy recipe on the food network I'd cook/bake it. We were like, screw you calories!

    All of that has changed! I am trying to get back to where I once was and STAY there. I realize that it will be a long process. I am not trying to do any quick weight loss thing here, I am going for the gold and maintain it for the rest of my cake loving life!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I also got comfortable in my relationship.. I feel like when I'm single I am always thinner and then I get in a relationship and it's crazy weight gain:/
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    I just got comfortable in my relationship and then realized I need to do this for myself to live a better life. I wasn't obese but still the extra weight was not nice.

    1st it was the pill, then I went to boot camp, then i got out of boot camp and gained some back, then i got pregnant gained over 20 and now i am under pre preggo weight.
  • kittiebittie
    kittiebittie Posts: 39 Member
    I gained due to medication or the onset of Type 1 Diabetes. It is unclear as to which one happened.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    bad marriage, ate like crap, felt like I wasn't worth the effort....divorced, and realize that I am
  • gotfatincollege89
    gotfatincollege89 Posts: 48 Member
    I think college drinking is what did it, looking back. I was in the best shape of my life my freshman year of college, even though I was drinking regularly. But halfway in to my sophomore year, I think the drinking just wore me down and I didn't have the energy to workout anymore. That combined with getting a night job (when I usually went to the gym) and moving in with a friend who was a really bad food influence, the pounds piled on. I've struggled with it ever since.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Medications and no exercise!
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    Laziness...ate too much and moved too little!
  • megz21691
    megz21691 Posts: 8 Member
  • I ate too much while pregnant with baby #1. Learned my lesson with baby #2.
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