over 50 women... how do we lose weight ladies?



    SISMELLON Posts: 19 Member
    Hi over 50 I am also over 50 and I feel your pain. I also have a second issue with loosing weight and thats I work the night shift. I finally went and had my resting metabolic rate measured. This helped alot, it turns out my metabolism is running slow. For a women my age,size, I was burning 200 calories less at rest. The nutritionist I went to help me with the amount of calories to eat in a day. Since than I have lost a steady 2lbs a week. I started walking again which she said would help.I hope this helps,good luck.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Will be 49 in November and it's taken me a YEAR to drop 35 pounds! Had a few months were I either stayed the same or gained a pound. I've measured and tracked every morsel for 364 days (Friday makes 1yr anniversary) and was feeling like I'd die before I'd see -100.

    Went to a doc for palpitations and that turned out to be B12, D3 and magnesium deficiency (common in older women). While I was there, he instructed me to eat below 30g carbs/day, moderate on protein and high fat on 1200 budget. That last 5 lbs came off since the 10/1/13, so I'm going to follow a keto/paleo eating style for a while. He also thought I was insulin resistant so that would also explain my carb sensitivity.

    All I know is a year blew by quick, and I do feel better... so I guess it'll take another year to drop another 35.<rolls eyes>
  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member
    I'll be 50 next year, and while I would never ever (really never ever ever) recommend that anyone eat like I do, I've managed to lose quite a bit of weight in the past year. I'm at about 18 months into the process now, have thyroid issues and take inhaled steroids for asthma. Watching my calorie total and logging seems to be working for me.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Up until menopause, I could eat anything and not gain weight. I was never overweight. Then,... BAM! I packed on 25 lbs. I am now over 50, menopausal, and have found it to be very, very difficult to lose weight, BUT, it can be done! I really believe once I logged every single morsel and crumb, I was able to see what nastiness I was eating....and there was way too much of it. I eat on target and now I have put my weight loss in motion. Interesting, I look at my food diary and compare what I was eating when I first started logging and losing slow with now and my results. I can see where the change occurred. I am eating so much better quality foods that fill me and don't trigger the sugar cravings.
    It's a wonderful feeling and shows we older gals can do it, just takes longer. I did all the math, tdee, bmr etc and follow the kcal/day recommendation. I am also strength training. Good Luck!
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    You exercise and log your responsible food!!! You can do it. Just flip your internal switch on that says you can.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I am 55, I used to believe at my age it would be super hard to lose weight. I was wrong. It does take effort, follow through, and accuracy.

    I've lost 65 pounds, and weigh what I did in my twenties!

    Dining out is a rare treat.

    I am the cook, so I control the meals.

    I weigh everything to the gram, and track it, and stay within my caloric deficit. I do this honestly and accurately.

    I walk and hike, fast and uphill. (I live in the Sierra) I do not eat all my exercise calories. I wear a fitbit.

    I take an ice chest, with a healthy lunch or snacks, to do errands, that way I am not tempted by high calorie foods, while out and about.

    I really try and get my calories from whole, nutrient dense foods. The volume comes from mostly plant foods, with reasonable amounts of lean animal protein.

    I try never to get famished, that leads to poor compliance with my goals.

    Lastly my husband has supported all my efforts. He eats what I do, and never complains about all the healthy food I have in the house. This has been critical to my success.

    Has every day been perfect? No! But overall I stuck with it. You can too!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 50 since June and found myself at my highest weight ever in March. I lost about 6 pounds from mid March thru mid July (very slow and steady) by diet alone. Mid July I was able to start going back to the gym where I do 55 minutes on the AMT (an eliptical type of machine) and then do about 30 minutes of weightsat least 3 days a week, if not 5. Since I started back at the gym I've lost an additional 17pounds . I realize that, for me, I really need the the excercise (cardio mostly) to help me lose weight. I forgot how much better I feel after working out. I have another at least 35 pounds to go. Hang in there!
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I did not find it any more difficult to lose weight over 50, than I did when I was younger... it all boils down to determination.

    Now on the other hand, I have found it a bit easier to maintain my weight loss since menopause; less weekly/monthly variation. When I was younger, I never kept the weight off. However, a renewed mindset and realization that "one little bite more" won't hurt, actually WILL hurt, changed everything.

    On a final note... over 50 now and I never felt better! I have more life, energy and vitality now than I ever did... and more wisdom to boot! Great success to you!
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    It's slow and steady but I've changed my expectations and will take 1lb a week as it's better off than on. Good luck with your weight loss. :flowerforyou:

    yep, metabolism slows down. and if you have night sweats / menopausal insomnia, it runs havoc on your hormones AND metabolism.

    For me, it took me 9 months to lose 21 pounds. I am now 119 pounds @ 5'2".
    approx 1,300 calories a day average .
    logged food every single day. every single thing I ate/drank.
    exercised 3 hours per week: Hill hiking, hill walking, tennis.

    yes, slow & steady wins the race :smile: you CAN do it !!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Much harder? No. Slightly harder? Yes. It still boils down to calories in/out.

    you are a very young looking 50 yrs, and a bit mannish for a woman. :huh: :laugh: LOL!!!! thanks for the help, mam?

    This made me laugh and smile and then laugh again, ha, ha,,,,,, I was thinking the same thing:-)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Those of you who have lost - do you find the TDEE figures from MFP are accurate?
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    It is harder as you get older - not for everyone judging by some of the replies - but for the majority of us I would say. I weigh and log everything to the gram and I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have started running which makes me feel great! The weight comes off slowly though - but there are other benefits ... the main one is health - I feel so much better - my diabetes is under control - my blood pressure is at a really good level, I feel so much more active, alert and alive!! Plus I have toned up a lot and my clothes are getting looser even though there is not a huge difference always showing on the scale from week to week. My mindset is that it is going to take me a long time to lose the weight that I want to - my goal is to lose another 30 lbs ... but I know that I will get there - eventually :bigsmile:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm only 45 but agree that as you get older, it does get harder. 14 years ago after I had my daughter, I lost weight twice as fast.

    However, it CAN be done. As stated above, keep a moderate deficit and be patient. Be honest with weighing and logging food. Lift weights to keep bones and muscles healthy and active and go for a walk every day.

    50 and fabulous, here I come!
  • 1aurane
    1aurane Posts: 73 Member
    Patience ...keep on ...don't give up!!!
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 132 Member
    I am almost 65 and I have found that the weight comes off a little slower, but with healthy low calorie eating and consistent exercise the weight will come off. Strength training helps to preserve your muscle mass and rev up your metabolism. One think I want to add is that it is well worth the effort! All the hard work definitely has it's reward in how much better you will feel and how much better you will feel about yourself.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Almost 64 here and I've lost 75 lbs. in the last 18 months, a bit slower than I would have years ago. I mainly walked as my exercise with a few other exercise sessions added in. The goal now is to maintain and not slip back into my old ways as I've done so many times before. I've had a great time replacing all my larger clothes with great "on-sale" finds. I enjoy shopping now, something that was always a chore since nothing really looked good. It is a long journey that really doesn't end when you reach your desired weight...but take it as it comes and just know you'll get there.
  • daniperrott
    Agree... You are looking fantastic! Well done!,
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I am 55 and have lost over 138 pounds in the past 14 months. I don't think it's harder, but I am approaching it differently than when I have lost weight in the past. I'm adopting a healthy lifestyle with the weight loss being an effect of that, I'm not "dieting", this is a sustainable long-term life change.

    I eat less, but eat much healthier selections. I focus on getting great protein, fiber and keeping lower sodium (I used to have high blood pressure). I don't waste my calories on junk, opting for more unprocessed and homemade foods. I also drink about 10+ glasses of water per day and get 8 hours of actual sleep. I am a lot more active than I was before. I take multiple walks everyday and now I also go to the gym for about an hour 3 days a week. I feel exponentially better about myself, and that spurs me on to continue.

    I don't think age a barrier to a healthier way of life, the number on the scale is just our relationship to gravity. Concentrate on the changes you can make towards health, and that number will follow. :flowerforyou:

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yes i think it gets harder to loose weight when you get older with the added issue if you are not able to be as mobile
  • daniperrott
    Can one of you over 50 ladies who've lost weight reassure me that the skin goes back eventually? I don't have heaps to lose but I'm just a bit concerned/curious to know if I'll end up with flabby skin
    &/or wrinkles :) I know that sounds dumb but I know my skin is not as elastic as it once was....-.-