Maybe this will inspire you to keep going!



  • apexgtp
    apexgtp Posts: 64 Member
    You nailed it! Stage 3 here!
  • beccalabgal
    beccalabgal Posts: 49 Member
    So true!! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So true, I have almost into stage 3 (with occasionally stage 2 moments) but exercise is now a habit and I do it everyday without thought, and always plan out my meals!

    I'm in this spot right now. I would also add that Stage 3 or possibly a Stage 4 includes changing your weight loss goals to fitness goals. :-) To me, there always has to be something to aspire to in order to keep this lifestyle going!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Stage 1...motivated by my work's Get Fit Challenge. As I look outside it is POURING rain...but I am still dedicated to get my 30 minute walk in. As it gets darker and colder, I know that I may get closer to stage 2 and I'll really need to consider joining a gym.

    Good on you! I realized I turned a corner in my weight loss goals when I got out to run in blowing wind and blazing heat!
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    ... MFP puts losing weight in your face as it's a marker for progress, but when you hit that marker or see how slow it can move despite high effort you become depressed and give up.

    Weight loss should be seen as a side effect of something bigger, never as a goal... it's a nonstop game of building/stripping the same 10 lbs over and over again. If your focus is on weight, you're going to be disappointed. You need far more than this as a goal. The weight game never stops.

    Thanks OP & ROGSMAN for the above! I do believe the WEIGHT GAME NEVER STOPS! We need SOMETHING MORE THAN THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE to tell us we are succeeding. For me, one of these is the " normal range" blood work results from my recent doctor's visit!
  • jennwhite34
    jennwhite34 Posts: 534 Member
    Back at stage 1 and determined to get past stage 2 this time.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Totally relate to this post; i managed to power through stage 2 and am now on stage 3, almost at my goal weight and your right about the exercise; now it's 'where in my day do i have time to exercise?' rather than 'do i have time to exercise today?' and i LOVE IT! Keep up the good work :)
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Stage 1 (again) here. Logging everything, big plans. Hoping the increasingly warm, sunny mornings will keep me motivated through the Stage 2 bummers.
  • mikki1987
    mikki1987 Posts: 25 Member
    i think i'm somewhere between two and three. i had found the motivation, had found my time to exercise, enjoyed it, and enjoyed the healthy lifestyle. this week has sucked big time. being struck down with illness has meant I can't exercise as much as i would like, and it hurts. making sure I still eat at deficit though.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Sometimes I feel like I'm in all 3 stages on any given day lol
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I liked this thank you... I actually realize I am in stage 3 and I can remember all the times I have quit at stage 2. This time I think I was ready to make lifelong commitments to my health.... well done everyone, keep at it!
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I cycle between stages and over time, each stage for me gets better and better.
    If I start to enter stage 2 boredom, I search for motivation, make new friends who are better than me so I dont want to let them down, try a new routine, etc.
    i was in stage 3 for a while and got really fatigued and knotted muscles. So I had to back off training a bit to recover. Sometimes its necessary not to go all out.
    I guess im trying to say, keep up the motivation, but dont hurt yourself :)
  • HisStrengthCounselor
    Wow, this is amazing, I am exactly in stage 2... right down to the 3 weeks mark, I was doing well the first 3 months, great actually...felt myself slowly starting to eat a little bad stuff here, then it became more frequent, started skipping workouts....but I stayed conscious of the fact that I was falling off the wagon, I had an image of just jogging behind the wagon...wanting to keep it in front of me...looking at my goals and why I started this health journey in the first place did not seem to help me want to get back fully on the wagon...I am glad I saw this post, I want to make it to stage 3 and beyond.
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, this is amazing, I am exactly in stage 2... right down to the 3 weeks mark, I was doing well the first 3 months, great actually...felt myself slowly starting to eat a little bad stuff here, then it became more frequent, started skipping workouts....but I stayed conscious of the fact that I was falling off the wagon, I had an image of just jogging behind the wagon...wanting to keep it in front of me...looking at my goals and why I started this health journey in the first place did not seem to help me want to get back fully on the wagon...I am glad I saw this post, I want to make it to stage 3 and beyond.
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    Do not know how to use "quote" with a adding that I love the "running behind the wagon"....I'm at nearly 500 days and some days I have the same feeling......guess I will never get completely comfortable....but at least I am maintaining albeit with small battles.
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    I am currently moving back and forth between stage 2 and 3 but that is because I have a medical condition which drags the exercise down and I have to have steroid injections from time to time to help to be able to exercise without pain. This means that when I have quit exercise due to pain and I then get an injection, I have to start building the exercise up again from virtually nil and this is the Stage 2 bit that I hate. I have to grit my teeth until I reach the point where it becomes normal again.

    However, if I can lose another 40 pounds, I can have an operation which will allow me to ditch the steroid injections for a longer term solution and hence be able to exercise without pain for extended periods. Hopefully that will allow me to lose the NEXT 40 pounds, which I know will be stubborn and won't want to move.

    P.S. I have a total of 140 to lose, so don't be fooled by the Ticker which shows that 210 is my goal - that is actually the half way point.
  • Dawmer299
    Thanks OP! I like you have had many many attempts. My stage 1 lasts about 5 months. Stage 2, well lets just say Ive havent made stage 3 yet. I havent quit this year but I sure did slow down to the point I've decided to restart and refocus. Back to stage 1. Heres to seeing Stage 3!
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing :happy:
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    bump to read later :)
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    So true! And I will add that stage 2 can come back and rear it's ugly head. When you hit a plateau, when you've been doing it for "just too long", when the progression slows due to being a lower weight, when you had a break because of a vacation or holiday, or just flat out of nowhere. Watch out for it!

    Also, if you give in at stage 2, at any point of your journey, it's harder to start back up. Stage 1 is nearly nonexistent then, because it's NOT new. You've been there before. And you have the added guilt or anger that you quit and probably gained back some weight. If you are doing it again, stage 1 can often only last a day and stage 2 hits harder and longer.

    At least, that's my experience.