Still Haven't Lost Weight For Nearly 4 Months



  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    This is your body no one knows how your body will react only YOU DO!!!

    Write down every little thing you put in your mouth
    Drink water like crazy all day everyday
    Workout (weights & cardio )
    Stick to 1 thing and keep going!!!

    If you are going to do 1800 calories, DO IT, just stick to it and don't stop, if you still aren't losing then you aren't being accountable for everything you are eating, or your calculations are off or your not going ape s&*% at the gym!!!
  • DarkLuca
    DarkLuca Posts: 58 Member
    This is your body no one knows how your body will react only YOU DO!!!

    Write down every little thing you put in your mouth
    Drink water like crazy all day everyday
    Workout (weights & cardio )
    Stick to 1 thing and keep going!!!

    If you are going to do 1800 calories, DO IT, just stick to it and don't stop, if you still aren't losing then you aren't being accountable for everything you are eating, or your calculations are off or your not going ape s&*% at the gym!!!
    Thanks, I'll try that, Best advice yet. :D.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    1/ Carry on exactly what you are doing but drop calories. Reduce by 200 a day for example.

    I will add (since we can't see your diary) you should be measuring your food with a digital scale.. not guessing.. Your protein intake should be over 150g (your a guy I am assuming you weigh 150-250) and do the above.. if you don't notice anything drop your calories.. I wouldn't say everyday.. but every week.. If you don't notice a change at 2300 1 week, drop to 2100 for a week, nothing 1900.. BUT that means NO cheat days, no binges, no none recorded eat 2 pizza days..
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    TDEE doesn't actually account for exercise calories. It accounts for daily activity - mostly determined by the kind of job you have.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The problem is we can't really know what to say, you say yourself you ate a random number of calories for 3 months before switching to TDEE-20%... which really doesn't mean anything.

    The other possibility is that you overestimated your TDEE by a lot (which is easy to do, really, as I workout for one hour a day and my TDEE is still 'lightly active', it really depends on the kind of workout and what you do the rest of the time). Personally I'd cut 200 calories from your goal and see from there, TDEE-40% seems just too extreme.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    TDEE doesn't actually account for exercise calories. It accounts for daily activity - mostly determined by the kind of job you have.

    Yes it does. TDEE accounts for everything, it's total daily energy expenditure - it counts your daily activity and your exercise, everything you do during the day. That's why when you use that method, you just eat 20% less and don't eat back exercise calories.

    MFP 'activity level' doesn't count exercise, and you have to add exercise calories, but it's a different method.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Alseff, I was having a very similar issue.

    Last year after having my daughter I was on track, actually weighed less after I had her then I did before I got pregnant. Then within 6 weeks started gaining steadily. My diet was healthy, I hadn't changed how I was doing anything other then adding more exercise.

    I found out that first I was having female issues that were driving my hormone level crazy. Got that under control, and stopped gaining, but could not for the life of me start losing weight again.... I was measuring everything, tracking everything I put in my mouth, every single piece of exercise. Added extra water. Still nothing!

    Found out a few months ago that I am now gluten intollerant (made a HUGE difference in how I feel). Once I got over the hump of removing gluten, I started feeling better, sleeping better, the bloat at the end of the day was gone, no more joint pain and swelling.... But still no weight loss! So I started from ground zero. Took about 6 weeks and did an average of 2 different TDEE calculators and subtracted 500 calories from the sedentary level. There was still no loss, but I would see some fluctuation when I stepped on the scale like I was close. I subtracted another 50 calories a day and got a half a pound loss. Subtracted another 50 and now I have been steadily losing 1-2 pounds.

    So the goal of my rant (sorry it got longer then I planned)... If you have patience and are still not seeing a loss, there my be underlying reasons. It is really a process of elimination until you find what is going to work best for you.

    Just remember patience is the hardest part of this, but it is also one of the most important pieces of the pie (it has taken me 10 months to finally start losing again).

    Best of luck :drinker:
  • LucyDCat
    I think you might be eating more than what you need. I tried to do the TDEE method and eat what they said and to my surprise I gained 4 pounds in a week, I almost had a heart attack. What I have done and have had some success if I stick strictly to it is, I set my calories to 1200 I bought a heart monitor and I eat half of the calories I burn during my exercise. The only time I don't lose weight is when I eat more of what I'm supposed to eat and that might be your case. I think to eat 2300 you should be an endurance athlete, I think that's way too many calories. Again, this is my opinion and what works for me it might not work for you... just an idea... Good luck and never give up.
  • foodiscomplicated
    foodiscomplicated Posts: 85 Member
    This is what the Mayo Clinic has to say...
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    you don't eat your exercise calories back with the TDEE method, it already accounts for it :-)

    I know. If you re-read my post I said that I set his activity level to sedentary to get the 2,100 to lose 1lb a week.
  • bygblu21
    bygblu21 Posts: 15 Member
    TDEE can be a good tool to see roundabout whewre you should be at based on all of your current factors however if you are looking to lose weight, status quo is not going to cut it. And i disgree with the idea that simply cutting your calories by whatevr percentage, is going to increase weight loss. Theres so much more to it than that and its so much more complicated than that but to keep it basic, eat clean and exercvise and youll lose weight. I'm sure ill get bashe on this thread too as i have on my other psots but i dont beleive in not eating as a way to lose weight. I believe in hard work and dedication, thats how youll see results.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    if you really insist on following TDEE-20%, then take 20% off of what you're currently eating. Forget the online calculators, you've found your own TDEE and proven it to be accurate by maintaining for nearly 4 months ;)

    words of wisdom. listen to this guy.
  • TessWhisper
    Eating too many cals. Start walking. It burns all over body fat. Best Wishes