
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I have averaged one pound a week since I joined. At first I dropped weight a little too fast and I was pretty miserable, but I just kept at it and it leveled off. Then I thought I was stuck, but when I look at the length of time I have been doing this and how much I have lost, it still averages out to about a pound a week.

    I have done nothing different except follow the calorie recommendations that MFP set out for me. I don't eat anything different and I don't not eat some things, but I have learned what is calorie dense and I now tend towards the foods that allow me more quantity. If I give in to the sweets that I love, I either have to walk a lot more to make up for it or go hungry.

    I have to say that it took some getting used to, especially the hunger pains at night. But the results have been well worth it.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    I've pretty much done what everybody else is doing. I watch portion size and the quality of what I eat. I'm exercising the same as before MFP (spin 3 x a week, cardio sculpt or weight lift 3 x, elliptical and other cardio machines 2 days a week, 18 holes of golf one day and one day off (some days I double up that's why it's more than 7 days)). I haven't eliminated any particular food group and I still have treats. I'm just very mindful of how much it is and I measure things (my kids laugh at me and think I'm the biggest dork!). I don't eat all my exercise calories but MFP says I should be eating 1370 per day to lose 1 lb. per week and I try to eat around 1600 on average so I do eat some of them.

    I officially started on MFP on 8/22 at 157.7 and was down to 146.0 on Sunday (12 lbs. in 7 weeks so a little less than 2 lbs. per week). I think theweight loss numbers differ depending on how much the individual has to lose. I want to lose 11 more lbs. and I know it will take longer to lose that than the first 12. I'll be doing the same things but my body isn't gonna give up that weight easily!
  • Soapbox
    Soapbox Posts: 38
    I have lost 45 lbs so far by doing cardo and weight lifting.

    I started doing only cardio because i was afraid I'd bulk up. Once I injured myself and had to do less cardio and i picked up weights I found it to be fun. I also learned that you can't bulk up easy. And women who ***** about bulking up makes me laugh. Its hard enough for a man to get big with all of the testosterone we have. So for a woman its nearly impossible.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I just eat right, don't snack on junk food (chips, cookies, etc.). I do not drink any soda. I only drink water and I drink 80oz a day. I do intense cardio every day and I also lift weights a few times a week. Not crazy manly heavy weights, I do ChaLEAN Extreme. I don't skip meals and I eat every 2-3 hours on the dot. I don't eat past 7, if I do it's because I am still very hungry and I will just have sugar free jello (10 cals per serving!) or something to satisfy me.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    And women who ***** about bulking up makes me laugh. Its hard enough for a man to get big with all of the testosterone we have. So for a woman its nearly impossible.


    Whoever thinks you will bulk from lifting weights--YOU WILL NOT unless you are taking steroids or something of that nature. Guys have testosterone which is what makes them bulk up. We do not. We get lean and ripped and still be small. So if you think you will get manly from lifting weights, well think again.
  • If you are losing weight well 1-2 lbs a week, please post how much you have lost and how you are doing it?
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I was losing about 5 pounds a week for 2.5 months while I was doing Power 90. I am now leveled out on losing though. Oh and I ate a vegan diet. ;)
  • Well I just started on this site but so far it has been working very well. Im starting to lose i have already lost 5 pounds so im on my way.
  • 27 lbs in 6 weeks..... simple
  • Soapbox
    Soapbox Posts: 38
    27 lbs in 6 weeks..... simple

    It gets harder once you get closer to your goal.
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I eat 1500 cals a day (after work out cals) work out 5 x a week, and get in as much "fun-ercize" on teh weekends as I can. (i.e. Riding bikes with my hubby, gardening)

    I am eating clean, and trying to eat more of a high protein less carb life style. Although, for me, not all "carbs" are bad. For example, i stil eat fruit. I love it, and i feel it is a good Carb. I also eat whole grains. Although, if I have bread at lunch, I won't eat bread at dinner.

    I eat every 2-3 hours. My work out schedule is this: Monday's: walk with Dog's after work, Zumba at 7:15. Tuesdays, Weights in Mornings, Couch to 5K work out in after noon. Wednesdays: Zumba only at 6:10. Thursdays: Riding my Horses. Friday's Weights in AM couch to 5K work out in After noon. Saturday: Bikes with hubby/funersize. Sunday, Couch to 5K
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I have lost 25 pounds in the 13 weeks I have been using MFP. I am pretty much staying within my calories and like others have said keeping full by eating more dense, low cal foods such as veggies...also portion control. I eat the same dinner that I cook for my family, but I use portion control and usually have lots of veggies with mine to help fill me up. I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day...I do drink diet soda, but limit myself to one 12 ounce can a day. I mostly walk for exercise..but I do mix it up sometimes with aerobic/circuit training type workouts on either fit tv or exercise on demand.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.

    There is no charge for AWESOMENESS!! =) hahahaha <3 Poh!
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member
    I have only been here 3 weeks, but I am losing 2 lbs a week. These are my personal rules:

    1. I stay within my calorie budget and I eat all of my exersize calories.
    (I cut out all fast food, but I still eat some processed food at home.)
    2. I eat every 3 hours - I NEVER skip a meal.
    3. I do some activity 6 days a week. It varies, because I get bored easy, but I try to burn at least 300 calories.
    I walk the dog, do an exersize video, or scrub the floors like a madwoman, whatever works.
    4. I really don't like drinking water, but I drink at least 6 glasses. (I try for more, but don't always make it)
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    27 lbs in 6 weeks..... simple

    It gets harder once you get closer to your goal.

    Gosh, yes! My last 15 are slower than the beginning when pounds shedded off.
  • Soapbox
    Soapbox Posts: 38
    27 lbs in 6 weeks..... simple

    It gets harder once you get closer to your goal.

    Gosh, yes! My last 15 are slower than the beginning when pounds shedded off.

    I hear ya I have been stuck at 220 for a while. Damn those last few lbs.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.

    There is no charge for AWESOMENESS!! =) hahahaha <3 Poh!

    Quick! someone make me a t-shirt that says "There is no charge for AWESOMENESS!"

    EDIT: Wait. I see that it's already been done. Off to buy!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.

    There is no charge for AWESOMENESS!! =) hahahaha <3 Poh!

    Quick! someone make me a t-shirt that says "There is no charge for AWESOMENESS!"

    Can I have one?
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    1.5-3 pounds a week for me. I try my best to maintain a 1500 calorie a day limit, and exercise like mad on most days..2-3 hours at a time. It can be tiring, and my legs do hurt sometimes but I think weight loss it worth it. I don't totally deny myself of treats..once a week (tried doing it once a month, but that didn't work) ill have a night where i would eat 2-3 slice of pizza, subway, or eat some chips or whatever I feel like eating. I do my best to exercise the extra calories to maintain my current weight when that happens so I can keep losing, and it works. The last 8 weeks or so..I lost about 15 pounds in that time. First couple of months i was only losing a pound a week. Then i guess my body got used to the changes and lost more then that. :)
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