Have you always been overweight?

Hi all! :)

I've noticed that a lot of people on the site have been healthy at one time, but have gained weight. Other people have been overweight their whole lives, but most of these people seem to be at the relative beginning of their journey.

It seems like losing weight is more difficult for someone who has never been a healthy weight, than for someone who once was an athlete.

Is there anyone here who has ALWAYS been overweight (like me), but has reached and maintained their goal weight? I would love the motivation!

Thanks guys!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    <---- lol. I slimmed down twice, once around 16 when I stopped eating meat (which means pretty much I stopped eating all the fatty meat my mom cooked for us, so I lost like 16 lbs, but gained most of it back in the next 4 years), then again at 21 when I went down to 130 lbs but it lasted maybe a month before I started gaining it all back (I lost fast, then couldn't stick to my diet as I was eating out every day).

    I had horrible eating habits though, snacking a lot on those delicious French pastries, croissants, puddings and cheese, pretty much (and salami and pates).
  • _jordy_
    _jordy_ Posts: 26 Member
    I was overweight for a bit on my teenage years (read: depression).
    I just stopped eating junk and moving around more and eventually lost weight. I've put more effort into weight loss since then in an effort to become more fit.
    So I guess, I have been overweight. but for a much shorter period than I've been healthy.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i was considered fat at school by classmates at secondary school, and have always considered myself an overweight person because my mum is overweight (like, it's not my fault it's GENETICS!)
    my weight has fluctuated with an average of 175, but getting up to 208 and down to 162 (and going up and down a few times)
    but saying that, 208 was when i started, and all the bounce back ups have never been as high as that (208 - 162 - 192 - 168 - 182 - 173 currently and losing)

    my bounce back up issues are when people say i look good or i'm happy with how i look and i give up (i.e. binge). the main one was after the big weight loss, i had a normal christmas and put on 7lbs but my clothes still fit so i didn't bother going back to losing...
    i'm planning on losing another 7lbs or so by mid december and then i'm going to practice maintainence over christmas as that's the bit i have a problem with.
    feel free to add me for motivation or to be nosey at my diary!
  • marshxomellow
    I remember being overweight for at least since I was in elementary school. That being said it has been over 10 years.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I was practically underweight at 5'6 110 pounds until 18 months ago. Now I'm 165. I think it can be hard to lose for both lifelong strugglers and we shocked ex-skinnies!
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I was never overweight, but got very close to it. It wasn't easy at all to lose the weight, it took me about 1 year. I know I did it for vain reasons(not for health), but it was worth the struggle.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    This is a great thread. I would imagine that it could be a very different experience for someone who's always been heavy to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF than for someone who wasn't always overweight.

    Great thread.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I was practically underweight at 5'6 110 pounds until 18 months ago. Now I'm 165. I think it can be hard to lose for both lifelong strugglers and we shocked ex-skinnies!
    Wow. That's quite a bit in such a short time.

    I'm also 5'6". I graduated high school at 95. Finished college at 125 and then gained another 25 over about 10 years.

    Did you have a baby? College? Medication? wow. sorry to ask so many questions, but it seems like such a lot in such a short time.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have felt overweight since I was 7, but have technically been overweight/obese since I was about 13. I was such a huge kid (5'6" and 125-130 lb at age 10!) but height-weight proportional until puberty hit and I really started to pack on the lb. I have been over 200 lb since I started high school. Right now I'm 36 yrs old and at my lowest adult weight, 218, from 307 (all-time high) in 2008.

    I was previously at 299 lb when I was in college, then I got down to 227 in 2000-2001 and then gained it all back over many years.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Yes. I loved food, didn't pay attention to portions, then once I moved out of my parents house I went crazy and got in the 300's. I lost 90 lbs a few years ago and felt great but then fell completely off when I got pregnant and here I am again with a 14 month old STILL trying to lose weight.
    I think now that I KNOW I can lose that much weight, I get frustrated with myself and my lack of commitment/motivation. I've proven to myself I CAN lose a lot of weight and I know I felt so great before, God knows why that isn't enough motivation for me now.
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    I was always heavy... Except for a brief time just out of high school when my friends and I were going dancing all the time, but that didn't last as soon as I got a "real" job at a desk in an office... haha And then the weight just PILED on.

    Now I've lost almost 90 pounds and have maintained for a year. Some weeks/months are better than others, but if I am "bad" - I keep making sure to get it back in line before it gets out of control. Meaning - don't let a 5 pound gain become 15... It's kept me in my size 4's (which is SHOCKING after being in size 18 for far too long and NEVER having been that small before) and I feel great!
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I have been overweight since I was 4 or 5. I have no idea what it feels like to be a healthy weight or what I would look like, but I am excited to find out.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I have been overweight since I was 10yrs old and basically grew tall and wide from then on.

    It is difficult to lose weight and think of what the outcome may be because I have never been truly happy with myself since the day I started really caring. The last time I was a size 8 was when I was 8. lol. Also it doesn't help with the fact that when I go to the doctor they always tell me that I'm healthy (LDL, Blood pressure, etc etc). Thus the second reason it is hard to get motivated.

    But I now know that I have to do it for me and hope that one day I'll be happy with who I see in the mirror.
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    I have been overweight for as long as I can remember... with the exception of a few months last year when I reached my goal weight.
    Even in elementary school I was called a whale by some boys on my bus, but when I look at pictures I really wasn't all that chubby. There was also the "chubby thighs" comments that I can remember from early childhood, but I think that was in comparison to my sister whose knees knocked together because she was skin and bones.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I haven't made it to my goal yet, but I have always been overweight. I don't remember very well what I was at certain ages, but I know that when I graduated high school I was 300 pounds. And I did NOT put that weight on all of a sudden. When I was little I'd always tell myself that I'd be skinnier if I could just stay the same weight as I grew taller. Yeah, didn't happen, though I am 5'9". I'm almost back to my high school weight though, 311.

    I'll let you know when I make it and keep it, because I definitely intend to :smile: I'm already excited to see what it feels like to shop in a normal store without worrying if their sizes will be big enough. I don't remember the last time I could shop out of the plus size section.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I've been overweight since...about age 5.

    Every time I went to the doctor, I was just slightly over the line for my height and age, thankfully she never made me feel bad about it, just told my mom and I that I should play outside more. I do think it's harder for someone who's always been overweight to lose weight because I've spent almost 16 years of my life using food as my best friend, that person to console me when there's no one else around or to keep me entertained when I'm just too bored.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I was 116 lbs at 15 years old, then by 23 I had ballooned to 210. So I went from underweight to overweight. Now, two years later I'm at a more reasonable weight of 134 (although I'd like to be around 125).

    Mind you, I'm 5'0" (with shoes on...)
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I was practically underweight at 5'6 110 pounds until 18 months ago. Now I'm 165. I think it can be hard to lose for both lifelong strugglers and we shocked ex-skinnies!
    Wow. That's quite a bit in such a short time.

    I'm also 5'6". I graduated high school at 95. Finished college at 125 and then gained another 25 over about 10 years.

    Did you have a baby? College? Medication? wow. sorry to ask so many questions, but it seems like such a lot in such a short time.
    It sure is a lot in such a short time....I'm still in shock!:sad: And it's almost all belly fat....from a 24 inch waist to a 37 inch one. No baby, college was 9 years ago, no medication. As far as I can tell, I turned 30, started a sedentary job, and started really enjoying snacks! My thyroid checks normal.....I've just really hit the food lately!
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    I was a size 12 since early high school - as in I could wear the same pants in high school, college, and the "real world". I went through eating disorders, addiction to cardio (worked out at least 4 hours a day, pure cardio - and yes I think you can be addicted to cardio) and never moved out of that darn 12. I am now 27 and just zipped a size 6. Working out a reasonable amount and using MFP to watch my food intake and macros is the ONLY thing that has given me progress.

    I promise you can do it...no matter what you have been your "whole life". That is the past, make the future better.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    I have been overweight for what seems like forever. Was always the biggest girl in high school, did the yo-yo diets, lost, then gained, then had baby... Currently, I am on a journey to be healthy and probably the healthiest of my life (I am 44). I'm about 20ish pounds away from being at my lowest adult weight and super excited about it. Good luck with your journey!