Jillian Michaels under fire



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I like Jillians No Nonsense attitude and the Tough love, give it to 'em straight talk..................I happen to be that way myself, which online people take it as being judgemental or condescending, which is far, far from the truth.

    I was, however, disappointed in her endorsing supplements...............
  • All I know is that Jillian kicks my butt for 45-50 minutes every morning, and I am seeing some great results. No one knows my body like I do, I know how far I can take it , and when something is uncomfortable. I then (being logical) modify it to my abilities. I do not know much about kettleballs other than what we do in my workout class, and the form seems very similiar. Again I know what I can and can't do, and just don't do something that I am not comfortable with. Jillian to me is no nonsese, which is what I need and gets the job done!
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok, so her technique may not be "correct" but even correct technique can lead to injuries. Honestly I just find it funny that someone decides to criticize a person for how they teach kettle bells and their technique than has the balls to say "I myself don't know how to properly use kettle bells." That's like me saying i dont like how you teach astrophysics...but i myself dont know much about it i just know you teach it wrong. makes no sense.

    you cant argue with the results shes gotten out of the people on bigget loser, how the videos have worked for other people, and then to top it off look at her own body...it's totally bangin'. That's all i really need to know that MAYBE she knows what shes doing.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Jillian Michaels Never thought LA times would resort to liable & defamation to sell papers. Guess I'm canceling my subscription. I hold 2 current certifications. NESTA & AFFA. I've also developed a continuing education program for trainers with AFFA. I've been a trainer for 19 years. I OWNED a sports medicine facility & worked as a trainer & PT aid for the physiatrists, PT's, & chiro's I employed. AND i'm a black belt.

    Her words from her Facebook page

    If it is TRULY "liable" (oops--guess she can't spell either) and "defamatory", then she needs to file a lawsuit. If not, then this is just more BS.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Jillian Michaels Never thought LA times would resort to liable & defamation to sell papers. Guess I'm canceling my subscription. I hold 2 current certifications. NESTA & AFFA. I've also developed a continuing education program for trainers with AFFA. I've been a trainer for 19 years. I OWNED a sports medicine facility & worked as a trainer & PT aid for the physiatrists, PT's, & chiro's I employed. AND i'm a black belt.

    Her words from her Facebook page

    If it is TRULY "liable" (oops--guess she can't spell either) and "defamatory", then she needs to file a lawsuit. If not, then this is just more BS.

    I notice that she defends neither her kettlebell expertise, nor her yoga expertise. These, along with her weight loss supplements, were the primary focus of the article.

    I know she gets results, but I see some of the things she does on the biggest loser (she lost me with removing the seat from the spin bikes...why?) and just say "wow...that's really an injury waiting to happen.

    She sure is making some money, though. She's definitely good at that.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I normally stay out of these things, since I know she has a lot of fans here, and I don't believe in stalking other people's topics just to push my opinion.

    However, since, in this case, her qualifications ARE the topic, I don't feel I am overstepping my bounds. I believe in learning about things before I express an opinion, so I have watched TBL (difficult as that was), I tried some of the 30DS classes (in my living room with the dog) and also went back and watched the routines with pad, paper and stopwatch, analyzing the moves and the general class structure.

    Based on what I saw, the opinions expressed in this article don't surprise me. I understand that there is some jealousy involved--there is a natural tendency for fitness people--esp instructors and trainers--to snipe at someone who has become a "celebrity"--they KNOW that they could do better and be "famous" had they gotten the chance.

    However, just from a physiology/biomechanical standpoint, her classes are pretty mediocre. The mix of exercises in 30DS was not balanced, a couple were just bad exercises. She doesn't know all that much about strength training or exercise science--a lot of what she says about exercise is just wrong. It didn't surprise me when she started selling supplements, because that's the natural progression for someone who is mostly about self-marketing at this point--not to mention she has "people" who are pushing her into this stuff as well.

    For all that, she is still no worse than probably 50% of the other stuff that's out there. Most of her shortcomings are pretty much par for the course for the average "trainer" or "fitness celebrity". The fact that she has risen to this level and can boast "19 years" of experience is more an indictment against the overall mediocrity of most personal trainers than it is a testimony to her "qualifications".

    That being said, I know many people on MFP like her and I know a number of people have found her motivating and helpful to their success. I respect that, so I don't feel the need to go around blasting her all the time. But, in this case, I also can't in all honesty sit back and pretend that she is anything more than what she is.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    While I like and respect what JM is doing -- in terms of getting people moving and implementing some good nutritional advice I do think she is a bit of a "sell-out" and is far more interested in the self promotion and selling the next craze (as demonstrated with the Kettleball). I have done her 30 Day Shred video and it is pretty simple and straightforward however, it has annoyed me that the reps aren't equal (maybe I am wrong but I have always been told to work out both sides the same -- and not allow your strong side to overcompensate for your weak side).

    With respect to nutriton, JM's products are a farce! I picked up her whey protein mix to check out the ingredients and it was loaded with fillers. I dont recall what at the moment but I can go check it out if anyone would like to know. I do remember looking at her ready to drink protein shake and seeing the third ingredient is "concentrated cane juice" -- aka sugar water. (This product and endoresement coming from the person who chastises contestants for the amount of sugar and crap they eat, put out a book that promotes throwing all foods away that aren't whole foods etc.)

    Again, congrats to her and Bob for drawing attention to the issue. I don't see him out there promoting every new trend in fitness etc. Maybe Jillian needs to examine why she feels the need to be everywhere promoting everything rather than sticking to what she knows and if she wants to expand go learn and get certified and become an expert before creating a new DVD to sell.
  • I haven't tried the kettlebell dvd, but I have three of her other dvds and have lost 20 pounds in four months. She seems legit to me, thanks for the info though.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Well maybe she has her finger in too many pies, but she changed the way I think about life and fitness. I lost weight I didn't think I had to lose and her exercises served as a gateway to even more intense stuff. I think 30 day shred, no more trouble zones, and banish fat boost metabolism are excellent, though I haven't tried the kettlebell workout. I'm not going to lie, she seems to have "sold out" a bit over the years with the supplements and yoga, etc, byt I will forever be grateful for her changing my life and getting me into cardiovascular fitness and a much better body.
  • I read both the article on Yahoo and the LA Times article and the author seems to be criticizing her kettleball technique and nothing else. Granted he did talk to kettleball experts that agrees but he also spends the first two pages on the article ripping on her and making fun of her. I might have taken him a little more seriously if he hadn't done that.

    And if you look at Richard Simmons he has not credentials but he started a revolution!

    To me there's the argument in a nutshell.

    I really think 'biggest loser' is a huge marketing tool and lots of companies probably pay to get their products on the show (especially subway FNAR!) but I also think both Jillian and Bob (And Shannon and Michelle from the Oz version which you should watch too!) are not only great trainers but they also have the right psychological approach, stop the excuses, get on the treadmill :)

    Biggest loser is a great show for motivation, I do think people lose too fast on it but they make a bit point of getting people ready for 'life' as well as using the time they have correctly and I'm sure if we all have 24/7 to look after ourselves and not have to worry about where out next meal comes from, we could get similar results with a little push.

    People, experts, are right to question from time to time but journalists will always spin it into an attack even if it wasn't meant that way.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    All I can say is after doing her video i lost 28 inches all over my body and 15 pounds....that works for me!
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