Have you always been overweight?



  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Up and down for me! Just like life!

    Pretty much a UK size 8-10 for much of my adult life, averaging between 115-125lbs; aside from when I contracted Malaria and dropped to less than 80lbs.

    Piled on 50lbs when I feel in love with someone that makes me very happy and now am looking to lose it!
  • juhidee119
    Like a lot of people here, it started in college :/ It's been yo-yoing since.
  • necolong1014
    I have never been thin, I have been thinner but never fit. I have had moments where I could squeeze into a size 12 but that is the smallest I ever was (also with in my bmi). I have been active in my life, boxing, fencing, various sports but never super thin. I think it's harder for people who have never been active or had any kind of sports behind them. I think our bodies remember how to be strong from doing exercising and sports so it's easier to get back into it.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Ive always been overweight. I was wearing a size 10 in the 5th grade. This has become the norm for me. Sometimes I just think this is suppose to be my size.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have been since elementary school - I wouldn't say I was very overweight in elementary, but I was definitely the most overweight out of all my peers. Sports kept me relatively stable in terms of weight. I gained more weight in junior high and highschool, remained that way through college, and then gained more when I started working full time. That last weight gain was finally enough to affect my health.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Always been overweight like i've said before. Born fat, grew fat, grew fatter xD I've never exploded suddenly with weight, it kind of has always been there and as i grew up so it did with me. I'd say it's mostly due to health issues and not really watching what i eat. My whole family is big xD
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i was a stick but i wasn't athlete. when i quiet drinking the first time replaced the motion of instead of booze with food. it at really badly for several years put on meds for anxiety and depreshion got type two diabeties and start this roller coaster journey 2011. i went from size 28 waist all the way to a 40 sad really
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I think one thing this thread shows is that just because you might be thin when you're young doesn't mean you'll stay that way.....
  • Lilith112
    I'm still fairly young, but my weight's only stopped fluctuating like crazy within the past year or so. I've gone as high as 120 lb, and as low as 95 lb, so the fact that I've figured out how to exercise, eat, and like my body the past year has been a personal triumph for me. In terms of being overweight... depends on where? Not in the U.S., but in China, I've had relatives call me out for being fat (when I was 120).
  • AnotherOrangeCat
    I've always been overweight. Not hugely, just "plump", probably near upper end of normal. My family was pretty good about healthy eating, but I was never into any sports, and yeah, genetics. Started to really put it on after 30, culminating in 180 lbs (after pregnancies, surgeries and other stuff.)

    Decided to do get my act together, lost 50 lbs over 2 years. Maintained at 130 (which is less than I've been even in college, aside from short bursts) for another 4 or 5 years. Then it started creeping up again, and before I knew it I was up to 166 a few months ago. Now working on it again - but I know I can maintain. Just need a bit of effort.

    Edited for trying to make sense.
  • Dougf90
    Dougf90 Posts: 95 Member
    That'd be me! I was always the fat kid in every social setting, and naturally I carried those bad habits into adulthood. A month before my 21st birthday in 2011 I decided I finally needed to take care of this problem. I hit my goal in December of 2012, losing 200lbs going from 370->170. I'm at 186 now since then after intentionally adding weight and now I'm cutting back down. That's my goal from here on, add muscle then cut fat.

    It can be done, however it really does require a complete mindset and lifestyle change to accomplish.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I have been overweight since about the age of three. The only time I was "thin" I was bulimic.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    yes, always overweight. it's very hard, but you can do it though. it's a mindset thing, always the biggest hurdle to get over
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i went from 120-140 when I was 12.. and then just kept going. I hit 232 and started my trip back down.
  • rightoncommander
    rightoncommander Posts: 114 Member
    No matter why you are overweight, losing weight involves a change of lifestyle.

    I've been in the overweight category (BMI25-29) since my late teens (nearly 20 years bouncing around in a 20-pound range), but very sporty until my mid-twenties. I recently started a lot of physical activity and MFP, and like magic the weight is dropping. I've lost a snacking habit and gained an exercising habit.

    Sure, it was probably easier for me to start exercising than for someone who was never into sport, but I still had to find that hour a day, and find the mindset of figuring out which foods are good and bad, which treats are just not worth it and which ones I'll do an extra workout for. I love MFP because I have an analytical mind, and my compulsive logging and analysis of the logs and results has given me a very good idea of how my diet should be in the future.

    Most important, though, is to stick to those good habits. I haven't started exercising to lose weight, I did it as the start of my new healthier lifestyle. THAT's what will keep the weight off. You can do it, too!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Nope! I was relatively thin (was captain of my HS dance team and super active but never a twig, always had curves) up until about 19 when i moved out. It was cheaper to buy fast food, and i was busy with work and college and me and my (now) husband rented a room from this weird couple so it was easier going out to eat. Plus you tend to get comfortable when your in love and not be as concerned about weight as you might when your single...its called LOVE handles right?lol! I was about 115 when I met my husband and then about 138 by the time we got married a few years later and a few years after that I was 162. Now I am almost back to the weight I was when I met my husband 7 years ago. Life happens, you grow up, become less active. My goal is to be about 110 and comfortable, but once I get back to about 115 I wont care about the scale as much how I feel.
  • wannab3skinny
    I had always been overweight, but ended up becoming obese. Not at my goal weight yet, though I am now at a healthy weight with a BMI of 22.1 :)
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I was a healthy weight right through to when I was 15, then the weight piled on very suddenly, then the yo-yo dieting started. I lost a large amount of weight over 12 months and maintained that for about 2 years, then I met my now husband and the weight crept on. Since then I have always battled with my weight. I did lose all of it over 2 years but couldn't maintain it due to injury/pregnancy/emotional issues. I've ended up back where I started and on the way down again, BUT I have done a lot of work to make sure that the reasons I re-gained last time won't be reasons again.

    I'm trying to set things up now so that it isn't so full on, and I'm not getting so absorbed in every little thing I am putting in my mouth. I just want to eat a completely different way and make changes that are manageable for life, even though I know that ultimately I will NEVER be someone who can just let go of all control and my weight will be something I have to focus on every day for the rest of my life, but I'm cool with that :)
  • Jolynnwinnie
    Boy!!! do I relate to u I am the same and I have been over weight by the time I was five. But I am going to lose this weight.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    No. I was always very skinny and athletic. In junior high/high school, I was a cheerleader and a dancer. I danced (jazz and modern, mostly) and practiced yoga through my late 20s, then I moved to the middle of nowhere, stopped dancing/playing sports and took up a sedentary desk job. Almost ten years and 60 lbs later, I no longer recognized myself in photos and started to change my lifestyle and eating habits.

    I will readily admit I lose weight and put on muscle more easily than most women seem to. It's still not easy, though.