HOT-ober Sixers: Week 3



  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks Kristin for the support and I would be a nervous wreck if my little one had lump as well, this is why we are moms, we are here to protect our babies.

    Today is going to be a better day, off to work and then girls night out for bowling. I do have to say though I really would have liked if my daughter would have slept in a little longer, 5:30 was not my cup of tea this morning.

    Well gotta run and get ready for the day.

  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Kristen and Tracy, I am sorry you are going through this. Our children are our worlds for sure! I remember going through all of that when my oldest was diagnosed with autism. The unknown is the hardest part of all of it. In both of your cases I hope your children are just fine. But, no matter what, they are still ALWAYS perfect in a mothers eyes! :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristen and Tracy, I am sorry you are going through this. Our children are our worlds for sure! I remember going through all of that when my oldest was diagnosed with autism. The unknown is the hardest part of all of it. In both of your cases I hope your children are just fine. But, no matter what, they are still ALWAYS perfect in a mothers eyes! :heart:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning.

    Had a GREAT night last night! YAY!

    Plan today:
    B-Banana Nut Cheerios, skim milk, coffee w/sugar free creamer
    S-Banana, Nature Valley crunchy granola bar
    L-Leftover Fiesta Turkey pie (3/4 serving), baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-Apple, almonds
    D-Tilapia, baked red potato, broccoli

    Long run (4 miles) with stroller
    Ab workout

    Have a good day!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Kristen and Tracy, I am sorry you are going through this. Our children are our worlds for sure! I remember going through all of that when my oldest was diagnosed with autism. The unknown is the hardest part of all of it. In both of your cases I hope your children are just fine. But, no matter what, they are still ALWAYS perfect in a mothers eyes! :heart:

    Beautifully said!! :heart:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Cathy(chipper)........................SW 239.0 lbs/ GW 233.0 lbs/ CW 238.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -.4 lbs
    Susan (Suedre)......................SW 176.0 lbs/ GW 170.0 lbs/ CW 174.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)..........SW 146.2 lbs/ GW 140.2 lbs/ CW 146.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ................... SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 210.0 lbs/ CW 214.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.6 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW 167.5 lbs/ GW 160.0 lbs/ CW 167.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Jessyca(jaydensmamas)....SW 220.0 lbs/ GW 205.0 lbs/ CW 216.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)...............SW 145.0 lbs/ GW 138.0 lbs/ CW 142.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Lauren (ren315).....................SW 209.0 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 204.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Kel ( redneckwoman)...........SW 155.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 152.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906)..................SW 130.4 lbs/ GW120.0 lbs/ CW 130.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36).......................SW 211.6 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 209.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.4 lbs
    B - (its_B) ................................SW 197.2 lbs/ GW 180.0 lbs/ CW 194.8 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) .....SW 135.8 lbs/ GW 133.0 lbs/ CW 136.6 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.8 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.6 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 158.7 lbs/ PROGRESS +1.1 lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 159.8 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.8 lbs/PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Lo (sexylonglegs)..................SW 217.2 lbs/ GW 210.0 lbs/ CW 213.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.2 lbs
    KIZZY (kizzy_muss)...............SW 183.2 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 179.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.8 ibs
    Sandy (salvirez)......................SW 133.0 lbs/ GW 129.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 184.6 lbs/ GW 178.6 lbs/ CW 184.6lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 160.6 lbs/ GW 158.0 lbs/ CW 160.6 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)............SW 206.0 lbs/ GW 199.5 lbs/ CW 206.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    MONTAGNA (alias Valeria)..SW 177.3 lbs/ GW 130.0 lbs/ CW 177.3 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Brittany (brittany689).............SW 164.5 lbs/ GW 154.0 lbs/ CW 164.5 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    Whew!! Down about half a pound from last week! Sorry for the late check-in. Weighed myself yesterday morning, but I didn't get a chance to check in until now.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what a day. showed houses, doctors appt again.
    went to ihop with shanell for dinner. i choose the slim and fit or something like that at the last minute. i got the whole wheat french toast with egg substitute and turkey bacon. all for 490 calories. when my lunch was over 700 a grilled chicken at arbys. i am only over about 150. i'll take it. i patted myself on the back for the sudden change.

    tomorrow is the hand doctors appt. boy these referral are coming in fast.

    shanell is doing her first 5k sat for walk for a cure. her DD1 and i and DH are going to watch. i would have done it, but, i can't. she is walk/run. i don't run anymore, bad on joints and ankle.

    off to relax
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Kristen and Tracy, I am sorry you are going through this. Our children are our worlds for sure! I remember going through all of that when my oldest was diagnosed with autism. The unknown is the hardest part of all of it. In both of your cases I hope your children are just fine. But, no matter what, they are still ALWAYS perfect in a mothers eyes! :heart:

    Beautifully said!! :heart:

    My prayers are with you all. May the Lord look upon you and yours.

  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    today was the scheduled off day of the 30 day slim down program and i missed the first 3 days as usual for this i got monday and tuesday caught up...wednesday ill get caught up on another day because theres 2 scheduled workouts tomorrow PLUS i work in the afternoon AND need to go to grocery store
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    kizzy you are doing great. i would have just said oh well and moved on. did you order the just 10 bracelet from zappo? i did and still haven't gotten it. couldn't remember if i ordered it before or after we moved. so ordered it again.

    hand doc this morning, than walmart stop, than home to clean.

    need to get going. i like early appts, than the doc isn't running so late.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am settling into my new job a little bit now. The special education teacher actually told me that this has been Evan's smoothest transition ever with a new para, so that was good to hear. So glad today is Friday though! I have to get on DH's health insurance now, and it's not good news... Over $500 per month to add me! :huh: Going to Macy's after work to apply for a part-time seasonal job.

    Today's Plan:
    B - Kashi Berry Crumble, skim milk, banana
    L - Leftover orange chicken stir fry with brown rice
    S - Cottage Cheese and an apple
    D - Don't know... I'm on my own tonight, so we'll see what I come up with!

    Kristin - We're half way through October! Only 16 more days!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristen and Tracy, I am sorry you are going through this. Our children are our worlds for sure! I remember going through all of that when my oldest was diagnosed with autism. The unknown is the hardest part of all of it. In both of your cases I hope your children are just fine. But, no matter what, they are still ALWAYS perfect in a mothers eyes! :heart:

    Beautifully said!! :heart:

    My prayers are with you all. May the Lord look upon you and yours.


    Update: Kadence's lump seems to be getting I'm a little less worried. "Little" being the key word. :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick check in:

    Plan today:
    B-Oatmeal, 1/2 c. skim milk, coffee w/sugar free creamer
    S-Banana, Nature Valley granola bar
    L-2 hotdogs, 1 hotdog bun, peas, light yogurt (I know...wierd lunch but it was leftovers and needed eaten)
    S-??? Probably nothing
    D-At my parents...whatever mom makes :)

    Shred level 3
    Quick 2 mile run

    Weekend plans: I'm going to be at my parents all weekend, so need to really watch what I eat as best I can. Saturday I probably won't get any exercise. Have a baby shower to help with that morning. Then watching the football game and spending time with my parents. Sunday we are taking Kadence to the pumpkin patch! I can't wait!! Hoping to get a workout in at some point on Sunday!

    Have a great one!! I'll be back Monday!
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    TGIF!! I am so excited that this week is almost over. I am very excited about this weekend, but still a little nervous. A great friend of mine turned 30 yesterday, so her husband is throwing her a surprise party!! There will be lots of drinking and lots of finger foods. DD is going to the grandparents(great grandparents actually), so the evening belongs to me and I am staying over at my friend's house. Needless to say with all the stress I have been through at work I will enjoy this weekend. BUT, there is always a but, I don't want to blow all the hard work that I have accomplished!

    I have decided that I am going to get up in the morning, even though its Saturday and I am going to workout for at least an hour, then I am going to choose very wisely and make healthy breakfast and lunch choices, just so I can consume more calories at night. Can anybody give me a better alcoholic beverage to drink that isn't filled with loads of calories and sugar?

    Other than that I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just got screwed by another looking renter. i don't know if i will continue this or not.
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Back again for some personals!

    Lindsey….awesome news about the smoother transition with your Evan, you should be really proud
    Kristin….Kadence’s bump going down is a great thing, just keep holding on to the positive even though it still worrisome
    Shanell….good luck with your 5k, that is a awesome step
    Cathy….I love the whole wheat French toast at Ihop, DH loves to eat there just about every Sunday
    Kizzy….I saw that JM slim down program that was posted and I really would like to do it, but my problem I work out in the morning, and on the days for the longer 2 vidoes I would have to get up earlier, how are you liking it?

    And to those I didn't mention, have a wonderful weekend!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    they had a fun mile just before the 5K. we all walked it. granddaughter1 and i walked really fast.
    shanell did a great job.

    nap time

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't know the last time I checked in with you guys.
    It's been difficult for me to focus on my health or weight lately.
    Life has been tough. I'm trying my best to cope.
    Which usually means carbs and chocolate.

    I'll pop in when I can to say hi but I'm pretty useless right now.

    Trying to start taking care of myself a little better.
    We'll see how that goes.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello everyone! Well, I finished my 5K in a little under 50 minutes. I'm soooo happy. I walked the fun mile before that with my Daddy. So glad my parents were there for the support. My DD had a great time with all the eduacational boothes they had.
    I got 1 more day to get things done around here before surgery. Hope everything goes well. I should be out of work for about a week.

    Momma, you did make a great choice at IHOP. I did except for the pancakes :)

    Lauren, hope you enjoyed your party. It's alright to splurge, just don't let it turn back into habit, like I've been doing.

    Lindsey, glad work is getting better. You must really be a great teacher for him.

    Tracy and Kristen, hope your girls are doing better. Parenting is really tough.

    Hope everyone has a great evening and great Monday!!!!! Later!
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Cathy(chipper)........................SW 239.0 lbs/ GW 233.0 lbs/ CW 238.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -.4 lbs
    Susan (Suedre)......................SW 176.0 lbs/ GW 170.0 lbs/ CW 174.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)..........SW 146.2 lbs/ GW 140.2 lbs/ CW 146.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ................... SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 210.0 lbs/ CW 214.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.6 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)...................SW 167.5 lbs/ GW 160.0 lbs/ CW 167.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Jessyca(jaydensmamas)....SW 220.0 lbs/ GW 205.0 lbs/ CW 216.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.0 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)...............SW 145.0 lbs/ GW 138.0 lbs/ CW 142.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Lauren (ren315).....................SW 209.0 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 204.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Kel ( redneckwoman)...........SW 155.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 152.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906)..................SW 130.4 lbs/ GW120.0 lbs/ CW 130.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36).......................SW 211.6 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 209.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.4 lbs
    B - (its_B) ................................SW 197.2 lbs/ GW 180.0 lbs/ CW 194.8 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) .....SW 135.8 lbs/ GW 133.0 lbs/ CW 136.6 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.8 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.6 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 158.7 lbs/ PROGRESS +1.1 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 184.6 lbs/ GW 178.6 lbs/ CW 184.6lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 159.8 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.8 lbs/PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Lo (sexylonglegs)..................SW 217.2 lbs/ GW 210.0 lbs/ CW 213.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.2 lbs
    KIZZY (kizzy_muss)...............SW 183.2 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 179.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.8 ibs
    Sandy (salvirez)......................SW 133.0 lbs/ GW 129.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 160.6 lbs/ GW 158.0 lbs/ CW 160.6 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)............SW 206.0 lbs/ GW 199.5 lbs/ CW 206.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    MONTAGNA (alias Valeria)..SW 177.3 lbs/ GW 130.0 lbs/ CW 177.3 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Brittany (brittany689).............SW 164.5 lbs/ GW 154.0 lbs/ CW 164.5 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    I have not weighed myself. Our baby girl has been in the hospital twice in the last week and its been really stressful. Hoping to get back on track this coming week.