Has anyone heard of this? Joe Cross Juice Diet?



  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Yes, I've seen it. Good luck.
  • fortimer
    fortimer Posts: 21 Member
    Saw the movie and honestly that's what inspired me to lose the weight. I couldn't do the juicing though. I've got colitis/crohn's and it would've ripped me apart.

    Hope it works for you...
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Alternative for a plateau perhaps or maybe to get back into exercise after a long lay off. Ive only watched the extended trailer of joes documentary but sure i guess i would consider trying it if only for the before mentioned.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" is quite honestly just a really long infomercial for the juicer that he uses.

    When are people going to realize that "documentary" means "slanted movie with an obvious agenda to persuade you into doing something" and not "unbiased, factual journalism."
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Watch the documentary. It is amazing and inspiring. No this isn't a "Fad Diet" it's an idea to reboot your body and release all the toxins from your body from the mayhem and destruction you've already put it through. They do not claim that this is something you should do long term. It is only a short term rebooting process that is followed by a HEALTHY WELL BALANCED DIET. 

    Joe Cross suffered tremendous health issues, toppled the scales at 300+ lbs, was on several medications including steroids and wanted a better life. He succeeded in keeping his weight loss stabilized for several years, no longer is on medications and has adapted a mainly vegan lifestyle. He has also started a revolution and helped change people's lives.

    I watched the movie with my husband along with a documentary called Forks Over a Knives, a must watch film. FOK will show you the science. Not just a measly study with a few mice but IMPRESSIVE extensive research by Nutritional experts who grew up in the farming business. 

    My husband and I didn't juice we blended using our Vitamix, which changes the composition of the food on a cellular level. You simply cannot chew your food as well to release the minerals and nutrition that is done on a juicing or blending diet. I also would like to see someone attempt to consume 1 apple, 1 head of kale, 1 bunch of celery, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1/2 cucumber, 1 bunch of parsley in one sitting. We begin our day with a green drink of veggies and fruits every day and adapted a plant based whole foods diet. I've lost 22 lbs and my husband has lost 27 lbs in 3 months. We've tried everything and this is the simplest and happiest I've ever been. the first week was the hardest, but now we don't miss meat, dairy, the naughty desserts i was addicted to, or the junk food. This isn't "magic",  it simply is making life long changes and facing the reality that processed foods, meat and dairy make people sick. If you are worried about getting protein, eating the rainbow of vegetables and fruit give you the amino acids you require to get the nutrition you require. Read Dr. Furhman's book Eat to Live. He is the doctor that helped Joe through his journey.

    I've never felt better, more alive and clear headed in my life. Our whole extended family is juicing, blending and looking at the foods the consume in a new light. You should give it a shot!!
    Right, so blenders were invented what, a few hundred thousand years ago? I mean if they are needed to get the vitamins and minerals out of foods, obviously cavemen must have been using them so that we didn't go extinct...

    Oh, and since meat and dairy has been consumed for thousands of years, I'm guessing we've already all gone extinct, and we're just energy forms in the universe talking nonsense, right?:huh:
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    I watched it and did a 40 days juice fast about 2 years ago, using a Jack LaLane juicer. I'd lost from 338 down to 285 and just kinda got stuck and was frustrated so I gave this a go. I lost 40lbs doing it, so about a lb a day. I would NEVER do it again, I was a grumpy resent mom and wife but I don't regret doing it. It gave me the jump start and got me back on track. I gained about 5lbs back when I started eating again because, well solids. :blushing:

    I was followed by a healthcare provider and I think to each his own, but it was the hardest thing I'd done. I'm still friends with Joe Cross and think he's a good dude with a great heart. Honestly the financial side of it was so not doable long term for us as a family of 4 one 1 income.
  • Pennylite
    Pennylite Posts: 66 Member
    I like juicing vegetables however you'd have to gradually build up to fast on juices alone. On Joe Cross's site there is a plan on which you spend 5 days having fruit and vegetables with a few juices each day before going onto juices only on the 6th day. If you can enjoy the juices, the weight loss is rapid.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Watch the documentary. It is amazing and inspiring. No this isn't a "Fad Diet" it's an idea to reboot your body and release all the toxins from your body from the mayhem and destruction you've already put it through. They do not claim that this is something you should do long term. It is only a short term rebooting process that is followed by a HEALTHY WELL BALANCED DIET. 

    Joe Cross suffered tremendous health issues, toppled the scales at 300+ lbs, was on several medications including steroids and wanted a better life. He succeeded in keeping his weight loss stabilized for several years, no longer is on medications and has adapted a mainly vegan lifestyle. He has also started a revolution and helped change people's lives.

    I watched the movie with my husband along with a documentary called Forks Over a Knives, a must watch film. FOK will show you the science. Not just a measly study with a few mice but IMPRESSIVE extensive research by Nutritional experts who grew up in the farming business. 

    My husband and I didn't juice we blended using our Vitamix, which changes the composition of the food on a cellular level. You simply cannot chew your food as well to release the minerals and nutrition that is done on a juicing or blending diet. I also would like to see someone attempt to consume 1 apple, 1 head of kale, 1 bunch of celery, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1/2 cucumber, 1 bunch of parsley in one sitting. We begin our day with a green drink of veggies and fruits every day and adapted a plant based whole foods diet. I've lost 22 lbs and my husband has lost 27 lbs in 3 months. We've tried everything and this is the simplest and happiest I've ever been. the first week was the hardest, but now we don't miss meat, dairy, the naughty desserts i was addicted to, or the junk food. This isn't "magic",  it simply is making life long changes and facing the reality that processed foods, meat and dairy make people sick. If you are worried about getting protein, eating the rainbow of vegetables and fruit give you the amino acids you require to get the nutrition you require. Read Dr. Furhman's book Eat to Live. He is the doctor that helped Joe through his journey.

    I've never felt better, more alive and clear headed in my life. Our whole extended family is juicing, blending and looking at the foods the consume in a new light. You should give it a shot!!

    Name the toxins that juicing rids your body of
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The body doesn't need a "reboot." The only "jump start" anyone gets is psychological.

    Weight lost on any extreme/elimination diet is because of calorie restriction.

    Why not just start now eating at a reasonable deficit with a well rounded diet? (Here using the word to mean way of eating, for those who may get confused or see red at the d-word :wink:)

    And I'm tired of seeing all these propaganda pieces called documentaries. :grumble: :noway:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    This type of "diet" is just to kick start your weight loss, and introduce healthy nutrients into your system. The difference between eating the "nutrients' and juicing it, is that with juice, the nutrients get directly into your bloodstream and doesn't need to be digested. Whereas with eating the nutrients, it has to be digested before your body can see any of the nutrients come its way.

    The only way to get nutrients directly into your blood stream is intravenously.

    Digestion is good, though. That's why we have stomach and intestines. They human stomach is quiet efficient at extracting the nutrients from what we eat (compare, for example, to a cow or an elephant :laugh:) Juicing doesn't "introduce healthy nutrients into your system" unless you never at those fruits and vegetable before. In which case … eat them! :wink:
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Watch the documentary. It is amazing and inspiring. No this isn't a "Fad Diet" it's an idea to reboot your body and release all the toxins from your body from the mayhem and destruction you've already put it through. They do not claim that this is something you should do long term. It is only a short term rebooting process that is followed by a HEALTHY WELL BALANCED DIET. 

    Joe Cross suffered tremendous health issues, toppled the scales at 300+ lbs, was on several medications including steroids and wanted a better life. He succeeded in keeping his weight loss stabilized for several years, no longer is on medications and has adapted a mainly vegan lifestyle. He has also started a revolution and helped change people's lives.

    I watched the movie with my husband along with a documentary called Forks Over a Knives, a must watch film. FOK will show you the science. Not just a measly study with a few mice but IMPRESSIVE extensive research by Nutritional experts who grew up in the farming business. 

    My husband and I didn't juice we blended using our Vitamix, which changes the composition of the food on a cellular level. You simply cannot chew your food as well to release the minerals and nutrition that is done on a juicing or blending diet. I also would like to see someone attempt to consume 1 apple, 1 head of kale, 1 bunch of celery, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1/2 cucumber, 1 bunch of parsley in one sitting. We begin our day with a green drink of veggies and fruits every day and adapted a plant based whole foods diet. I've lost 22 lbs and my husband has lost 27 lbs in 3 months. We've tried everything and this is the simplest and happiest I've ever been. the first week was the hardest, but now we don't miss meat, dairy, the naughty desserts i was addicted to, or the junk food. This isn't "magic",  it simply is making life long changes and facing the reality that processed foods, meat and dairy make people sick. If you are worried about getting protein, eating the rainbow of vegetables and fruit give you the amino acids you require to get the nutrition you require. Read Dr. Furhman's book Eat to Live. He is the doctor that helped Joe through his journey.

    I've never felt better, more alive and clear headed in my life. Our whole extended family is juicing, blending and looking at the foods the consume in a new light. You should give it a shot!!

    Name the toxins that juicing rids your body of

    They include Imaginatorium, Fantasium, and the dreaded Allinyourheadium.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Watch the documentary. It is amazing and inspiring. No this isn't a "Fad Diet" it's an idea to reboot your body and release all the toxins from your body from the mayhem and destruction you've already put it through. They do not claim that this is something you should do long term. It is only a short term rebooting process that is followed by a HEALTHY WELL BALANCED DIET. 

    Joe Cross suffered tremendous health issues, toppled the scales at 300+ lbs, was on several medications including steroids and wanted a bette r life. He succeeded in keeping his weight loss stabilized for several years, no longer is on medications and has adapted a mainly vegan lifestyle. He has also started a revolution and helped change people's lives.

    I watched the movie with my husband along with a documentary called Forks Over a Knives, a must watch film. FOK will show you the science. Not just a measly study with a few mice but IMPRESSIVE extensive research by Nutritional experts who grew up in the farming business. 

    My husband and I didn't juice we blended using our Vitamix, which changes the composition of the food on a cellular level. You simply cannot chew your food as well to release the minerals and nutrition that is done on a juicing or blending diet. I also would like to see someone attempt to consume 1 apple, 1 head of kale, 1 bunch of celery, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1/2 cucumber, 1 bunch of parsley in one sitting. We begin our day with a green drink of veggies and fruits every day and adapted a plant based whole foods diet. I've lost 22 lbs and my husband has lost 27 lbs in 3 months. We've tried everything and this is the simplest and happiest I've ever been. the first week was the hardest, but now we don't miss meat, dairy, the naughty desserts i was addicted to, or the junk food. This isn't "magic",  it simply is making life long changes and facing the reality that processed foods, meat and dairy make people sick. If you are worried about getting protein, eating the rainbow of vegetables and fruit give you the amino acids you require to get the nutrition you require. Read Dr. Furhman's book Eat to Live. He is the doctor that helped Joe through his journey.

    I've never felt better, more alive and clear headed in my life. Our whole extended family is juicing, blending and looking at the foods the consume in a new light. You should give it a shot!!

    Name the toxins that juicing rids your body of

    They include Imaginatorium, Fantasium, and the dreaded Allinyourheadium.
  • tinkerbell2011luv
    I have done every diet under the sun including joe cross' juice diet. I lost a lot of weight but was starving. I gained it all back and more. I loved his documentary, but I took that juicing is great for you in moderation. I still have one green juive a day. I do advocare now and nothing has worked better. I am healthier and happier than ever. I have kept the weight off, too.
  • clearca
    clearca Posts: 4 Member
    I have been a lurker here for awhile, have learned a lot of things from various posters. One thing I struggle with is how negatively some people respond when they don't agree with a person's ideas or philosophy. Geez, it is rare to win people over with sarcasm, and/or negativity. I just happened upon this topic via Google and had planned to really get my account here going, but whenever I see the snarky-ness I just read from some of these posters, it makes me want to creep back under my rock. A caring community doesn't thrive with negativity.
  • bbjnkidz
    bbjnkidz Posts: 32 Member
    I agree. Someone asked a legitimate question, looking for an answer. Some people found the juicing plan wasn't for them, some thought it is propaganda, some loved it. Those who don't agree need not belittle those who enjoy the program. Everyone has their own "thing" that works for them. Why do we need to attack each other because we have differing opinions? This site is meant to lift each up and support each other. After all, we are all trying to reach the same goals, are we not?
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I didn't even read the whole post. No I haven't heard of it and the title alone screams ridiculousness. Eat healthy, count calories, and exercise.
  • wndsrfgrl
    I totally agree with your comment. One diet may work for some and not for others. It doesn't mean people should come out and start attacking others or the "diets". Some people can't handle proteins, like myself. It gets me very constipated and being a vegetarian is a better lifestyle for me.

    I plan on starting this because I do believe your body does need to be "reset". Considering all the processed foods one eats, your body needs a cleaning every once in a while. It's not like juice is the only item being consumed 365 days out of the year. Doing this a couple of times a year is healthy and gives your system a break from all the crap we inhale on a daily basis. I purchased 5 days worth of vegetables and fruits and it actually came out to be less expensive than what I normally purchased.

    So, to those "attackers", next time be more supportive.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I totally agree with your comment. One diet may work for some and not for others. It doesn't mean people should come out and start attacking others or the "diets". Some people can't handle proteins, like myself. It gets me very constipated and being a vegetarian is a better lifestyle for me.

    I plan on starting this because I do believe your body does need to be "reset". Considering all the processed foods one eats, your body needs a cleaning every once in a while. It's not like juice is the only item being consumed 365 days out of the year. Doing this a couple of times a year is healthy and gives your system a break from all the crap we inhale on a daily basis. I purchased 5 days worth of vegetables and fruits and it actually came out to be less expensive than what I normally purchased.

    So, to those "attackers", next time be more supportive.

    First off, nice zombie thread. :wink:

    Second, disagreeing =/= attacking. Unless there is something wrong with your kidney and liver, your body does perfectly fine at detoxing itself. Believe what you will, but studies have actually found more DAMAGE to the kidneys and liver (the body's natural detox systems) when going on a prolonged juice fast. Being supportive doesn't mean saying "Yes, go for it, hope it works" every time. If something is patently unhelpful and potentially dangerous, a truly supportive person will warn someone of that. After all, if my kid is learning to walk, and I pull him out of the street or away from the stairs, I'm not being unsupportive of his learning to walk, right? Just keeping him safe.

    As an aside, the body requires protein. There are plenty of ways for vegetarians to get that protein, but it's especially hard if you are just drinking juice from fruits and vegetables. Not to mention that you are throwing away the fiber and a good deal of the nutrients along with it when you juice. I'm sorry if not agreeing with you hurts your feelings :sad: but again, support means warning of potentially dangerous actions...
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I totally agree with your comment. One diet may work for some and not for others. It doesn't mean people should come out and start attacking others or the "diets". Some people can't handle proteins, like myself. It gets me very constipated and being a vegetarian is a better lifestyle for me.

    I plan on starting this because I do believe your body does need to be "reset". Considering all the processed foods one eats, your body needs a cleaning every once in a while. It's not like juice is the only item being consumed 365 days out of the year. Doing this a couple of times a year is healthy and gives your system a break from all the crap we inhale on a daily basis. I purchased 5 days worth of vegetables and fruits and it actually came out to be less expensive than what I normally purchased.

    So, to those "attackers", next time be more supportive.

    First off, nice zombie thread. :wink:

    Second, disagreeing =/= attacking. Unless there is something wrong with your kidney and liver, your body does perfectly fine at detoxing itself. Believe what you will, but studies have actually found more DAMAGE to the kidneys and liver (the body's natural detox systems) when going on a prolonged juice fast. Being supportive doesn't mean saying "Yes, go for it, hope it works" every time. If something is patently unhelpful and potentially dangerous, a truly supportive person will warn someone of that. After all, if my kid is learning to walk, and I pull him out of the street or away from the stairs, I'm not being unsupportive of his learning to walk, right? Just keeping him safe.

    As an aside, the body requires protein. There are plenty of ways for vegetarians to get that protein, but it's especially hard if you are just drinking juice from fruits and vegetables. Not to mention that you are throwing away the fiber and a good deal of the nutrients along with it when you juice. I'm sorry if not agreeing with you hurts your feelings :sad: but again, support means warning of potentially dangerous actions...

    Chutzpah and being wrong....I don't get it.

    It's possible to get protein on a juice cleanse, too. You're free to research how this is (easily) accomplished. And I don't mean to jump on the "unnamed studies prove that what I say is right" bandwagon, but there is plenty of evidence that shows that juicing benefits the body and aids in detoxifying it.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I heart Joe Cross and what he's inspired people to do, but it's not for everyone. With that said, I think it's ridiculous that people want to pretend to be experts on the subject when they clearly aren't, and then act like total jerks about what works for OTHER people. Like, who asked you to say anything? Seriously, if you can't say something nice or supportive, just keep your trap shut and keep it moving.


    I might do a juice cleanse at some point, but I'm much more comfortable with having fresh juice a few times each week. I get more out of juicing, working out, and eating well combined than if I'm just eating well and working out. That's what works for me, and I can imagine that if I were to do a three-day or seven-day cleanse, I'd feel even better. The thought of giving my body a break for a few days is tempting.