Looking for VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) Friends



  • lthesen
    lthesen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All,

    I was sleeved May 21st 2013. I've been on my fitness pal a few months now and looking to connect with others in the same boat as me :-)
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    I expect to have my sleeve done early/mid November...looking for friends in the same boat!! Appreciate all of the posts, helps to know what to expect!
  • Hello Everyone!

    Going for my sleeve November 5th! looking to meet some sleever buddies :)
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    Can ya'll explain what a sleeve is and how do you get it? I've never heard of such a thing.
  • losinit4evermore
    losinit4evermore Posts: 11 Member
    Hurrah! a qulilter! I am Kay, a grandma of 2 and sleeved 9/9/2013 and avid quilter. This is the best decision I ever made. I am new on here so am not sure how to add friends, but feel free to add me to your friends.
  • Hello I'm Denise and I was sleeved 9/17/13
  • thebr0kenwriter
    thebr0kenwriter Posts: 9 Member
    I will be sleeved Nov 6!!
  • Gemini0
    Gemini0 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey , i'm VBG , does that count ?! :)
  • hi guys my name is Stephanie and I was sleeved September 23rd 2013 unfortunately I have hit a stall... 3 weeks out of surgery and I'm currently in my second week of the stall...I am hoping it breaks fast. I have read the forums and post and they encourage to eat a little bit more cuz your body could be in starvation mode and also making sure that you getting your correct amount of protein and vitamins ...so thats what I'm trying this week I will follow up with you guys later and hopefully I have some good news!!!!

    by the way I'm 22 pounds down as of today
  • I was sleeved on 9/25/13. I feel like I am kind of at a slow down. My last two weeks have been much less weight loss. Congratulations so far!
  • I was sleeved 9/25/13 by Dr. Jossart in Northern California. I am doing ok, but have recently started having heart burn, which I never had prior to surgery. I re-read my surgeons documents and I am supposed to be taking Prilosec daily and haven't been, so I am starting today. I also read that the heart burn and acid like symptoms can make you feel like you are hungry, and that is exactly how I have been feeling. Hungry too often. So I am hoping getting back to following all of the rules is going help me increase my weight loss and help me feel better.
  • I was sleeved 8/2012 at 289lb. I am 5'7" F. Current weight = 143, I have lost just over 1/2 my body weight at 15 months out and am still losing. It works, sometimes you may question your decision, but there is a payoff.
  • I had my VSG surgery April 12, 2012. I'm down over 115 lbs (I only lost 1lbs post op - I was lazy) I started at 253.6, I'm between 135 and 145 I fluctuate based on my eating weeks. I was a size 22/24 I'm a size 6, sometime a 4 in a skirt/dress and I did my first YouTube a few months back (WellGraceDidDoIt). I exercised more in the beginning and I was a grazer (still am). Trust the process ( this is just a tool), drink the protein shakes, cut the snacks and enjoy the ride.
  • My name is Amanda. I am scheduled for VSG Decemeber 17th of this year with Dr. David Dyer at Centennial Medical Center.
    I am somewhat excited but very nervous. I am preparing for my hospital stay. Already purchased a few large, comfortable shirts, pants, I found my robe and I will need to purchase slippers. Physically, I'm ready. I know I will be in pain or sore. I had my gal-bladder removed when I was 17 so I've had surgery on my stomach before. How does someone prepare mentally and emontionally? If I get bored or happy, sad, mad, etc, I eat.
    Any suggestions on how to prepare both mentally and emontionally?
  • Hi. I'm in the process of doing the VSG but I'm scared to death. One day I'm going to do it then the next I'm not. I don't know what to do. I've been aproved by my insurance & am waiting for my doctor to call with a date. I don't know what to do.
  • gahrahstah
    gahrahstah Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am starting the process for the sleeve. I'm seeing a bariatric specialist and have been on his 1200 calorie diet for a week now, and it is very hard. Only after reaching 400 pounds (I'm 5'4") and having shortness of breath have I considered taking this drastic step. I've read a lot of your guys' short intros as well an on another site, and what is striking me, is how relatively little weight is lost in comparison to how drastic the procedure is. I know that losing 100 pounds or so is good, but I'm seeing so many saying they've gained back 40 pounds, etc, and the literature is talking about losing, on average, 15-20 pounds in a month; again, not much more than doing it on your own. I am starting this path then, hesitantly because there are so many restrictions that have to be observed the rest of my life. Considering I should lose at least 200 and have lost up to 66 on my own with WW Online, I'm really wanting some feedback on why any of you think this procedure is worth getting done.
  • lchein
    lchein Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Linda, and I am considering VSG surgery. I have had two friends that are very pleased with the decision and the results. I have so many health problems that should be helped by the surgery, and I am excited just to think of the changes I might expect. Any suggestions on how to pick a Dr would be appreciated. I live in the Tampa Bay area of FL, USA.
  • Hi, I am starting the process for the sleeve. I'm seeing a bariatric specialist and have been on his 1200 calorie diet for a week now, and it is very hard. Only after reaching 400 pounds (I'm 5'4") and having shortness of breath have I considered taking this drastic step. I've read a lot of your guys' short intros as well an on another site, and what is striking me, is how relatively little weight is lost in comparison to how drastic the procedure is. I know that losing 100 pounds or so is good, but I'm seeing so many saying they've gained back 40 pounds, etc, and the literature is talking about losing, on average, 15-20 pounds in a month; again, not much more than doing it on your own. I am starting this path then, hesitantly because there are so many restrictions that have to be observed the rest of my life. Considering I should lose at least 200 and have lost up to 66 on my own with WW Online, I'm really wanting some feedback on why any of you think this procedure is worth getting done.

    I had VSG on June 10th and I'm 114 down so far. It's a scary decision leading up to but I don't regret it. It basically forces you to change your bad habits and relearn healthy ones. People that have gained back have stopped following their diets so of course it's not gonna work, but vsg is usually the most successful route in WLS. I started at around your weight, lost some before surgery and keep losing. It's definitely not the quick fix, but helps you from just giving up. I basically decided I was important enough to be put first and my attitude has completely changed since having it. I'd recommend it to anyone that's willing to work on themselves longterm as opposed to a quick fix with no intentions of changing habits.
  • craigbethluft
    craigbethluft Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All! I'm Beth. I got my sleeve on Valentine's Day 2013. As of today I have 2.4# to lose to make it to 100! My goal is to lost 130 by my anniversary date. Don't know if it will happen then but I do know I'll reach my goal. This has been one of the best decisions of my life. I'm totally in love with me again! I've had no complications and can eat anything I want with the exception of drinking carbonated drinks. I haven't had to work at losing weight at all but I really want to make goal at a year, so this week I've decided to get on the ball and religiously log my food. It's working! I'm really seeing progress so far. '

    Hoping to keep on track and make some friends that will help keep me accountable. Who's in?
  • craigbethluft
    craigbethluft Posts: 10 Member
    I don't know anyone personally who has gained their weight back. All of my friends (20 or so) have maintained there loss. Some for 4+ years. I would imagine that if I ate Cheetos from sun up to sunset I would gain, but I have no desire to do so. I would make myself sick. Please remember that this surgery is a TOOL. You will still want things you shouldn't. You will still crave things. It's all in your head. If you can't handle reconditioning your brain and modifying your behavior, it won't work. I know that when you commit to Weight Watchers or Atkins or South Beach, you have to condition your brain and it seems impossible. With this surgery it IS possible. The lack of hunger and the inability to eat much really helps. I tried for years and years to lose weight and year after year I was disappointed. This surgery has renewed my confidence in myself and given me the strength and power that I needed to overcome my huge, fat *kitten*. ;) I can eat whatever I want and I do. Just in tiny portions. My body tells me what I need and I've learned to listen to it. It feels good to exercise for the first time in my life. It feels good to go into a store and pick up clothing in the 90% of the store that isn't the fat department. It feels good to have people, men and women, look at me because I am hot. Do it! You don't regret it!