Not getting support anymore

At first my family and friends were of course supportive of my weight loss. Now 30lbs down and a UK size 10 all I get is arguments. If I mention in passing that I'm finding it a bother just now as none of my clothes fit it ends in an argument. I'm not moaning about my clothes. I've been putting up with loose clothes since I started but now it's uncomfortable. My bras don't fit. My tops don't fit. My knickers don't fit for crying out loud. I recently bought a dress for graduation and my sister told me to put on weight so I'd be a size 12 so she could borrow my clothes. I simply replied saying I felt fat when I was a 12 cos I had muffin top. I'm not saying people who are a size 12 are fat. Far from it! I would never imply that. My sister then told my mum that I claimed 12 is fat and it literally ended up the two of them berrating me and saying I should eat a chocolate bar.

Why is it I get support when I'm bigger than others but as soon as I'm smaller it seems jealously sets in and all I get is abuse??


  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Family can be like that... Thats why i come here for support. My mom told me not to bother talking to my sister about what I lost. because she'd complain... We are here for you as a weightloss family.
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    Your last sentence says it all.

    My wife found this site for me - but now that I have taken control and been successful, she seems to resent my accomplishments. I know you you feel.

    I think you are correct in that jealousy is kicking in. You have to try and accept that not everyone will celebrate with you (us) and that WE have to be proud of our accomplishments and know that we are doing great! I wish I knew the answer to this, but know that we are in it together and will support each other. Congratulations!!
  • InsanlyIrene
    Let them read this:

    Hello There!

    Were you trying to push someone who has taken on the challenge of a fitness goal, into eating some crap? This person has set out on a mission to get herself in the best shape of her life. This requires eating some food that doesn't taste as great as what you are offering and it is very difficult and challenging to say no . It is a very very difficult sacrifice to make in giving up all the more delicious tasting foods in pursuit of a fit body and it becomes even more difficult when people like you constantly question what she is eating and and keep offering her more crappy food to eat. The crappy food you are offering may taste so delicious but the very sad and unfortunate truth is that it makes our bodies look like total ****. I wish it weren’t the case, but it is true.

    Even if this person doesn’t need to lose any weight, the crappy food will STILL make her body look like **** so it’s not only about gaining or losing weight. Here is a person trying to accomplish a very difficult goal of getting and staying in great shape, and you come along and try to throw her off course. How about giving her a little support instead ? This process is very challenging.

    If you want to eat crap go right ahead,.. we all make our own choices but there is no need to try and drag others down with you. Or maybe you just don’t realize that eating crap makes you look like crap (many people don’t know that) and you think it is just genetics or aging that causes us to have dangling lard all over our bodies? It doesn’t have to be that way. Start eating right as well, and you will soon see how nice you will start to look and feel and you will see that it is worth giving up the crap. There is no doubt that it SUCKS saying no all the time to the pizzas, the cookies, the cakes, the ice cream and such. It really does SUCK.

    As delicious as all the crappy foods can be, they don’t come close to being as fun as it is to walk around in a lean, hard, tight body and look good in any piece of clothing. The right food will give you this look and feeling…foods such as plain chicken, oatmeal, fish, and vegetables. It’s a hard pill to swallow in giving up all the goodies but once you accept the facts you can make the best of it. How would you like to go clothes shopping and have everything look good on you? It is completely possible if you’ll stop eating all the crap and make the right choices each day.

    So there you have it. That is why you were reported as a “crap pusher”. Eating right and exercising is very hard work but very worthwhile mission and you are welcome to join in on the fun! If you don’t want to, no big deal but please stop pushing the crap on others and just keep it to yourself.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Don't let it bother you! You've done so well and done yourself proud! You're probably right about the jealousy thing because you're smaller than them now! Everyone here is proud of you and you deserve to go out and buy yourself some lovely new clothes that compliment your new and improved shape :)
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    wow, i'm sorry your family is not more supportive. i haven't encountered this with my family, but workmates yes. when people see you doing something they cannot or will not do, they don't know how to say anything encouraging, but just the opposite. it's sad really.

    this place is great for support. we all have the same goal.
  • Brat3073
    Brat3073 Posts: 160
    i agree....i grew up being smaller than my sister, then finally after 2 kids i am, was bigger than her. i started doing something about it, im lost and am feeling better about myself. All she does is complain about her weigfht and size, and when i try to help her or get her to walk or workout with me, she finds some sort of excuse. i got tired of the whinning, so i dont even talk about it with her now
  • Brat3073
    Brat3073 Posts: 160
    Your last sentence says it all.

    My wife found this site for me - but now that I have taken control and been successful, she seems to resent my accomplishments. I know you you feel.

    I think you are correct in that jealousy is kicking in. You have to try and accept that not everyone will celebrate with you (us) and that WE have to be proud of our accomplishments and know that we are doing great! I wish I knew the answer to this, but know that we are in it together and will support each other. Congratulations!!

    very well put! Im so happy i found MFP!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    amen sista
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Change is scary, especially in someone you love. As an overweight person they related to you a certain way and they aren't sure how to do that any more. They probably have their own insecurities about their bodies, and seeing you conquering yours raises the question for them - why aren't they as well?

    Really if you want continued support you probably need to show them you are still the daughter and sister they've known and loved, you just feel personally healthier now!

    Try to be sensitive to them as well, don't comment on how gross you felt as a size 12 if your sister wears a size 12 - nobody enjoys feeling judged like that.

    If you can prove to them that you aren't judging them or trying to rub your success in their noses, the arguments might disappear. Just try to think of what the things you say would've sounded like before you lost the weight.

    Great job on the weight loss! It's a major accomplishment! Stick around here for more support when you need it :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brat3073, where did you get that cartoon picture of your success?
  • mikeivb
    mikeivb Posts: 28 Member
    I know how you feel, I get the same attitude from everyone around me. In fact, most people i'm surrounded with are trying to get me fat, my family, at the office, even my wife! She even told me so.

    I say take most of their comments surrounding wheight with a grain of salt - focus on the positive encouragement at MFP!
  • Rissa1428
    I find it so sad that people can not get praise for their accomplishments of losing weight especially from family members! That little green eyed monster, jealousy can make people just plain mean. I know it's easier said then done, but try not to let it bother you. You have done a great job :flowerforyou:
  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member

    Try to be sensitive to them as well, don't comment on how gross you felt as a size 12 if your sister wears a size 12 - nobody enjoys feeling judged like that.

    I normally never do. My sister is a 14 so wants to be a 12. But she literally tutted when I said the dress was a 10 even though she asked. It's almost like they gang up on me and think I'm unhealthy by being this size. They say I need to fatten up which I find offensive. Telling me to eat a chocolate bar made me comment on how I didn't like myself as a size bigger which obviously I can see might cause offence.

    If it's like this now and I want to lose another 12lbs it worries me it's only going to get worse!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    You have to go through this journey for you. You are the only one who bears the struggles and you are the only one who reaps the benefits. Don't let your journey be dependent on others acceptance and joy for you. .. it just isn't always going to happen. They may be jealous that you are looking so good. . . they may be jealous that they don't have the strength that you do to make changes in their lives that they may want to make. When the snide comments come, just say "Thank you for your input" and move on. Your strength will shine through and hopefully this will encourage them to be supportive. If not. . . you keep doing what you are doing for yourself. You are worth it!!!
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    There is always some rivalry. Try to ignore it and make your weight off limits as a topic of conversation.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Family can be cruel sometimes! Esp. when they know what your doing is right, they feel guilty that they should lose weight also! Most people like to be around others that are similar to themselves so they don't have to look in the mirror at the person looking back at them,not seeing what they want to see. Easier to not look and ignore the reflection then to do something about it!
    Congrats on your decision for a healthy lifestyle,one day family and your kids and you will benefit from your correct decision!:drinker:
    Easy to give up then to do whats right,...your choices in life make you either successful or life more difficult! Keep making right choices!!!!!:wink:
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Sorry to hear the lack of support. One thing you are saying is size 12 is fat -- for you. And, in a culture that supports being overweight, you are speaking against it. That is why you need to find support wherever you can. People don't like change, especially when someone else changes something and it makes them uncomfortable. I know it took me years to change that I didn't want to be fat. Now, I am doing something about it.

    My kids are growing and playing sports, so they can eat anything and not gain weight. Whenever my wife serves them ice cream, she asks if I want a bowl. After a few weeks, she realized to stop asking. It comes from all directions. Don't get me wrong, my wife has lost 10 pounds and is now down to her "ideal" weight, inside the healthy BMI range. So, she understands, it just comes out because she does not want me to be left out.

    and about clothes, when you can afford it, buy what you need. Clothes need replacing at times. Simply buy an extra bra or whatever to "replace" the one that wore out. Then, throw one of the biggest ones away or give to charity. Simply, "I don't wear it any more" is a good enough reason.

    Good luck.
  • cuppycake22
    UGH! I totally understand how that feels! Its super frustrating...I actually changed my weight loss goal by 10lbs so I wouldn't hear "You need to eat" and everything else!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    It is priceless to have an On-Line Family to support and encourage you during your Journey. My On-Line Family "Gets It" in ways that my Family just cannot get. Especially my Sister. I used to be the Big Sister by Age & Weight. Now that I am at my Goal Weight, if even one word is said about my Diet or Exercise she turns it into an argument and claims that I am "Just a Better Person" than she is. I tried to reason with her~~I am not "Better" than anyone, just "Healthier than I used to be.
    Some arguments you just can't win.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Honey, we live in a world where you're dammed if you do and you're dammed if you don't. If you sit on your butt and do nothing, people WILL call you lazy and fat. If you get pro-active and lose that weight and start making better choices, people will slam you for being TOO motivated (whatever that means) and too skinny... and too obsessed. It's utterly ridiculous but pointless in getting frustrated over. You are doing this for you, not for your Mother or your Sister and you can let them know that if they decide to join you, you will support them. People will throw everything you say out of context (it's a way of them vindicating their fury at you being so awesome) and the very best way to deal with that is to say nothing. Don't use them as your sounding board because it will only lead to you feeling down and flat. Find some friends (and everyone here "gets it") and tell them that your knickers and bras don't fit!!!! Your size 12 sister can get over her inadequcies and your Mother can stuff that chocolate bar into her own mouth. You've done an AMAZING job. Let that be your guide. Now smile... :smile: