18 pounds in 30 days?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Your question of is it possible "for someone who eats junk all the time" answers itself. Not if you keep eating junk all the time. I think that if you take out that clause and make the question "Is it possible for someone who weighs 210 lbs to lose 18 lbs in 30 days?" then the answer is "absolutely!"

    Keep the calories down (but above 1200) while still eating your full day's worth of protein, and exercise your way right to your goal. About two hours of vigorous cardio per day should just about do it.

    Stop eating fun foods, eat very little, and spend two hours a day on the elliptical?

  • Submariner5
    I never like disagreeing with people on forums, because I don't think their is reason to fight; so OF COURSE! I think it is perfectly healthy if you go about it in a reasonable way. I personally believe this is possible to do in a healthy way. Y'all can't disagree with my testimony. DO IT.

    She's right. ^^^^

    But you still probably have to lose the "eating junk" part of it.
  • srobertking
    srobertking Posts: 74 Member
    Is this a troll? Next you're going to ask if it's possible to lose 100lbs in 3 weeks eating nothing but Taco Bell and Butterfingers.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    deficit of 2100 per day for a month - rather you than me. I'm guessing to keep healthy you would need to eat plenty of good stuff so say you ate 3000 cals per day (just a guess) to ensure you had enough good stuff and you have a normal metabolism with a BMR of say 2000 cals + 500 moving around you are going to be needing to to burn 2500 cals per day in the gym or running . To do this sensibly you will need a rest day so you are looking at around 3000 day exercise. Unless you are fit (I'm guessing you are like me and not) that means you need to be doing 4+ hours of quite vigorous exercise per day 6 days a week. Rather you than me because I would end up injured after a week of this. Why such a rush though, you have your life to enjoy being fit once you get there so why kill yourself before then ?
  • IanBee93
    IanBee93 Posts: 237
    Lol you don't have to ''drastically'' cut your calories to lose that much weight. I don't know your bmr but you could eat like 1600 calories a day, and work out.

    Chances are a person would not lose weight that quickly even eating 1,600 calories and working out. That kind of weight loss generally comes from eating way less calories than that.

    Not if you do something like biking or swimming. 18 pounds seems like a stretch but 12 pounds seems easier.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Is this a troll? Next you're going to ask if it's possible to lose 100lbs in 3 weeks eating nothing but Taco Bell and Butterfingers.

  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    People do it on biggest loser and extreme makeover so it is obviously possible. Doesn't mean it is necessarily healthy and you would have to be extremely committed.
  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    Of course - esp at your weight, & if you have just started a program. Don't expect that to keep up after the first month though!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Reading your previous posts, this is the second thread you started, asking the same question. For first post was about how you lost weight before, but gained it back and now feel hopeless.

    You appear to have an "all or nothing" type of thinking, and also want to be at a healthy weight, but aren't ready to put in the time and effort to lose it and keep it off. You need to make permanent lifestyle changes. You also must accept that this will take time. Lots of time. And consistency. And most of all- Patience!

    In your present state of mind- no, I doubt you will be able to lose 18 pounds in a month. Could you lose it in 2 months? Most definitely. You could continue to lose at 1-2 pounds per week until you reach your goal.

    The next year will pass, no matter what you do. So a year from now you could be at goal. Or you could weigh the same or more than you do now.
    Your choice.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Reading your previous posts, this is the second thread you started, asking the same question. For first post was about how you lost weight before, but gained it back and now feel hopeless.

    You appear to have an "all or nothing" type of thinking, and also want to be at a healthy weight, but aren't ready to put in the time and effort to lose it and keep it off. You need to make permanent lifestyle changes. You also must accept that this will take time. Lots of time. And consistency. And most of all- Patience!

    In your present state of mind- no, I doubt you will be able to lose 18 pounds in a month. Could you lose it in 2 months? Most definitely. You could continue to lose at 1-2 pounds per week until you reach your goal.

    The next year will pass, no matter what you do. So a year from now you could be at goal. Or you could weigh the same or more than you do now.
    Your choice.

  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    On a vlcd you will. Try Exante, it works for some but many people on here will be critical of diets like this as they are seen as unhealthy. I am intermittently using this method and have had extremely good losses over the past year and not put a pound back on x
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Straight answer....yes
  • Prettypedalpower
    I was 350llb when I started. I'm 270llb now that was 3 months ago. So very possible. So stop the junk move more..
  • cwright0604
    cwright0604 Posts: 4 Member
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I started at 214.8 lbs and I lost 16 lbs within the first 6 weeks. I also exercised 6 days per week and cut out all the junk.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Read your profile pic. It says to get healthy. What's healthy about that plan?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
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