I am looking at starting the HCG diet drops. ANy suggestions



  • Thanks for all the comments. I have started the HCG about a week ago and am finding some days are harder then others. We have dinner plans with friends and that is going to be hard since I am not going to be in control of what is cooked or served.
  • All I can say here we go again. Often thinking of short cuts while running from work. :grumble: :angry: :sick: :huh:

    We gain weight over time and expect to lose it over night.

    Slow and steady supports the learning process and sustained weight loss planning.

    amen. I know a few people that have done it and expect that they can go back to life as usual or have no game plan for when it's over. At least on of the three that just finished is ALREADY gaining weight back... Teach yourself better eating habits and stop looking for the quick fix. Drops, pills, injections etc... aren't going to change your life. Doing it right will. **steps off soapbox**

    Anyone who loses weight then expects to go back to their prior bad eating habits is wasting their time. HCG isn't a quick fix, it is a jump start on weight loss and a tool to help people learn to examine their diet. And the HCG plan WILL change your life if you let it . . . as much as any other 'get healthy' plan.

    carlos - what kind of a trainer were you?? I plan to follow a 30/30/40 diet plan and plan to eat twice as much protein as you are getting daily. Do you weight train?
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    We are all fighting the same battle. Everyone has a right to use whatever tactics they find are best for them. For some, there must be a quick start program in order to get some results showing, then they can focus on making permenant changes. Whatever you do to lose weight, you'll have to continue the basic plan of expelling an equal number of calories as you take in to maintain it. Some people choose to have surgery, some people choose pills, some choose set diets or pre-packaged meals. We all have different preferences and routes to the same goal. As long as you research the plans and programs and make sure they are safe for your body and fit into your lifestyle- you're good. Any plan out there works if you do it right. They are all just tools for the same job. It's all about supporting eachother in the overall battle- not shooting eachother in the foot over technical differences.
  • Here here! Very well said!:drinker:
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