Thoughts on diet sodas whilst dieting?



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I drank diet soda while losing. I know its probably not the healthiest thing, but its probably not the worst thing you can consume, either. I don't drink it as much as I used to, I'm actually drinking more coffee now, but to each their own:)
  • chewenvy
    chewenvy Posts: 7 Member
    I LOVE coke zero, like I drink so much. But my trainer says it has heaps of sodium in it which apparently = doom to diets?
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    They contain aspartame and that causes brain cancer in lab rats. I call them diet death lol.

    There it is!!!
  • I love diet coke, but am not drinking it at the moment. Where I used to have 1-2 cans a day, I now drink 1 every week or two weeks. I feel so much more energetic and am definitely less bloated when I don't drink it as much!
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    One reason to avoid: Caramel Coloring. I drink flavored water (and yeah, it still has aspartame)

    (Dated in July, it says Coke is okay but Pepsi still needed to change.)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    of course the aspartame in them are not good for us and we should only be drinking water but I like my diet root beer. I try to look at it as a treat instead of just something to drink. Everything in moderation is okay. There are days at a time when I don't have one and there are days when I have one or maybe even two.
  • I am in LOVE with diet doctor pepper! I don't drink one every day (maybe a bottle 1-2 times per week MAX) and I think it's fine to drink soda in moderation :) even if it has calories, if you make room in yor calorie budget i don't see why not. I know people are super gainst soda because of the artificial stuff in it, but I also think it's because most people (like me) want to eat more food rather than drink a 240 calorie bottle of coke! Haha.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    not that I don't appreciate all the quotes and people you have listed but I am weary of any "study" that have been backed and paid by the food companies.. With this all said, just limit the amount of artificial anythings and you will be fine. Being overweight definitely over weighs the effects of aspartame or msg, etc
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    For myself, drinking diet sodas never helped me keep the weight off (and I was a huge Diet Pepsi drinker) even though I thought it was a good way to "save" calories. It was too much crap food I ate that made me fat. So I quit drinking it, along with a lot of crappy high-sodium food, because keeping my sodium intake way down is what keeps my blood pressure in check; I'm off all medications now and would like to keep it that way.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    i hate the chemical nasty medicine taste of diet soda, and so for a few calories i'd get the real thing.

    Do what you feel is good for your body. Sometimes that is up to each one of us.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I had to cut Diet Coke right out, because for me it made me crave sweet foods. However, if it doesn't have that effect on you, and it's not ALL you drink (I was drinking litres of the stuff!), I don't think it's a terrible thing.

    I've just reintroduced DC in small amounts and I'm not having the same problems as I was before. Since I only drink water, herbal tea and one coffee per day, I don't mind having one a couple of times a week.
  • karinajean2388
    karinajean2388 Posts: 162 Member
    I am definitely a Diet Pepsi addict. I've given it up before (not fun!), but have decided that it's something I enjoy and I am not willing to give it up. However, I have cut back from 2 or more liters a day to 2-3 cans. I don't really feel any negative effects from drinking it (though I also drink a gallon+ of water per day).
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    If I liked it I'd drink it. The whole cola taking paint off cars (and other stuff) thing made me a little awkward around soda. I LOOOOOOOOVE kombucha tea. I might cry if someone told me I could never have it again! NO diet would be worth that!
  • alli26
    alli26 Posts: 1
    I personally don't do aspartame- I took a food allergy test and it came up that I have a sensitivity to aspartame. I drink pepsi 1 or diet coke with Splenda - both are sweetened with sucralose instead and still have zero calories. In coffee or tea I use Stevia. The plus side-- notable less cravings for sweets, less head aches, clearer skin in my case since quitting the stuff last July. Not sure if it's related or not, but also maintaining my weight loss for almost 8 months. Plus, I really believe there is something to the rumor that aspartame fuels cravings for more (like sugar) I used to drink 6 coke zeroes a day-- where the sucralose sweetened soda I am fine with one or two a day-- so saving $
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I used to be a dr pepper fiend, then I switched to dr pepper 10. It's waaaay less sugar and calories, I'm not prepared to get rid of it any time soon, and as far as weight loss goes, it's not mattering. Winning!

    Baby steps. Maybe one day I'll switch to water or tea exclusively. I did that for years. But I don't wanna right now, and I don't have to. :)

    YES!!! I keep a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper 10 in my fridge which usually lasts about 2 weeks between my husband and I. I was a "carbonated beverage" junkie for 10 years so this is incredible progress for me;)
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I know it's not the healthiest thing ever, but it's no calories and tends to be around a lot more than seltzer is, and I can only drink so much water. I have probably 8 a week. I'm definitely in camp "drink it if you like it."
  • I know diet soda is not optimal, but it satisfies my sweet tooth and it's better than brownies...
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Drink if you like it? I rarely drink soda (or juice, lemonade, energy drinks etc. for that matter) but when I do, I prefer diet ones since I have no problem with artificial sweeteners in an artificial drink.

    Nonetheless, this thread will attract many aspartame haters.

    Yeah, we'll, I'm just curious. Some people say to stop drinking them, some people do. I still do.

    Just curious, but the people that say to stop drinking them, did they give a reason on WHY to stop drinking them? If so, what's the reason?

    I don't drink as much diet sodas as I have, because I drink more water or Crystal Light now, but still do treat myself to it. Like a few others have said, it is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • SeriousBen
    SeriousBen Posts: 41 Member
    Lost 30 lbs in 2 months and I drink Coke Zero so I don't think it affects weight loss.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Should they be completely cut out or allowed because they have 0 calories? What are your thoughts?

    I drink like 50 gallons of it a week. Its making me totally fat.