

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Can someone explain this "eating back" business? It seems to me if you calculate your TDEE with the appropriate amount of exercise, your calorie goal for the day takes your exercise calorie burn into account. What am I missing?

    And really, how easy is it to overestimate your exercise calories? "I worked out for an hour, bring on the pizza!"

    MFP is a NEAT calculator, not a TDEE calculator. It calculates your daily needs NOT INCLUDING exercise. So when you do exercise, you need to add more fuel for that. A properly set MFP + exercise calorie goal should be about the same as a properly set TDEE - % goal.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Nothing wrong with pizza now and again :)
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    You seem very defensive about your eating and exercise. You have to try and not be on the defensive and offensive constantly when getting advice. Just absorb and reflect.
    Ultimately you have to believe that your body is not a medical mystery even though it is unique and that if you truly eat right and exercise the weight will come off. If you are not getting the results you want then you have to be willing to change. Change something, change anything to effect change.

    You have a "cheat" meal ....who are you cheating? Yourself? You admit to french fries..served with? dressed with? followed by?
    Stopped eating "clean"...so what are you eating..."dirty"?
    Eating a "ton of protein"....so what is a ton??? if you are OCD then a ton is a ton??? Do your eyeballs deceive you?

    Congrats on working out! Make changes that you consider a lifestyle change and know that ultimately calories in/calories out is only accurate if the numbers are correct. Sometimes just adding more veg and fruit is what you need....sometimes.

    Now as to hormones...yes they play a part...but your thyroid is ok...so are you just so stressed that the mind and body are in sleep mode?
    Just a few thoughts really...but you have to make a change if you want change..
    Best of luck
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?

  • aimeejolene
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?


  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?

    Yes, I would see a doctor to rule out medical issues.

    For what its worth, I don't think you are lying at all. I just think that somewhere, either in estimates of calories burned or estimates of calories eaten, there is a flaw in those estimates. My exercise today consisted of 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes of weights (using a pulley system at my gym) in the morning and a 2 mile jog/run this afternoon that took 24 minutes. According to my HRM I exercised for a total of 66 minutes and burned 425 calories. That's why your HRM numbers seem high, even accounting for the differences in our stats.

    I know you're getting a lot of conflicting advice and it can get confusing. Its clear from your post that what you are currently doing isn't working for you. The first thing I would do is start logging that cheat meal and see how many calories you are really consuming in that one meal. If its un-doing your deficit then you know you've got one culprit right there.

    Then I would pick one thing to change, stick with it for 4 to 6 weeks and see if you get any results. So for example, go back to religious logging, weighing and measuring food. Stick with it for 4 to 6 weeks. Or decide to only eat back half your exercise calories. Stick to it for 4 to 6 weeks.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?

    First of all, stop being defensive. If you want help, take your medicine. If you just want sympathy, you've probably come to the wrong place. No one is accusing you of "lying". Stop beating that dead horse. You can either listen to good advice, and take it, or just dismiss us all as "mean" and stay at your current weight.

    Your math is off somehow. Face it. You can either find the error in your math, and fix it, or you can continue to wonder why you're not losing weight. Get the math right, and the weight will come off at the appropriate rate. WHAT you eat might be important for other health reasons, but it's not nearly as important as your total calorie intake. Trying to exactly determine your specific exercise calorie burn isn't nearly as important as using an estimate that is factored into your TDEE. And if you overestimate how active you are in your TDEE calculation, well, expect slow, if any, progress.

    Don't make it more complicated than it has to be. Factor into your TDEE your REALISTIC exercise habits, subtract 20% of that total and use the number as your calorie limit for the day. EVERY day. And be excruciatingly exacting about recording your calorie intake. Eat that number of calories EVERY DAY.
  • aimeejolene
    You seem very defensive about your eating and exercise. You have to try and not be on the defensive and offensive constantly when getting advice. Just absorb and reflect.
    Ultimately you have to believe that your body is not a medical mystery even though it is unique and that if you truly eat right and exercise the weight will come off. If you are not getting the results you want then you have to be willing to change. Change something, change anything to effect change.

    You have a "cheat" meal ....who are you cheating? Yourself? You admit to french fries..served with? dressed with? followed by?
    Stopped eating "clean"...so what are you eating..."dirty"?
    Eating a "ton of protein"....so what is a ton??? if you are OCD then a ton is a ton??? Do your eyeballs deceive you?

    Congrats on working out! Make changes that you consider a lifestyle change and know that ultimately calories in/calories out is only accurate if the numbers are correct. Sometimes just adding more veg and fruit is what you need....sometimes.

    Now as to hormones...yes they play a part...but your thyroid is ok...so are you just so stressed that the mind and body are in sleep mode?
    Just a few thoughts really...but you have to make a change if you want change..
    Best of luck

    Well, I certainly hope my body is not a medical mystery!

    I guess what happens is this - I watch as people around my go on Weight Watchers/cut their calories/walk a little bit and lose ten pounds in two weeks. This is not something I am making up or imagining, it actually happens. I assume this will happen for me. Three months of eating better and working out and I see literally nothing. It really isn't that surprising that I wonder if something is wrong. Everyone tells me the same stuff. "Eat better. Work out." Ok...well I was doing that. So I need to do MORE? THAT is what I needed to know. It isn't surprising that someone who has no given a hoot about her weight for 30 years is going to be confused by the process. I don't understand why it's surprising that I am defensive given that I was doing what I was thought I was told, I just didn't know I wasn't doing ENOUGH.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Can someone explain this "eating back" business? It seems to me if you calculate your TDEE with the appropriate amount of exercise, your calorie goal for the day takes your exercise calorie burn into account. What am I missing?

    And really, how easy is it to overestimate your exercise calories? "I worked out for an hour, bring on the pizza!"

    MFP is a NEAT calculator, not a TDEE calculator. It calculates your daily needs NOT INCLUDING exercise. So when you do exercise, you need to add more fuel for that. A properly set MFP + exercise calorie goal should be about the same as a properly set TDEE - % goal.

    I don't use the MFP calculator, I use the Fitness Frog one.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?



    Yeah, fail to realize that NOBODY here thinks you're lying. Human error is exactly that--an error. I don't even think ANYBODY said to work out more or eat better. The suggestions have been this: 1) Log food 2) Weigh food 3) Track exercise calories more accurately 4) Repeat. Seriously, I wouldn't waste a copay at the doctor before religiously following steps 1 through 4 for a good month.
  • aimeejolene
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?

    Yes, I would see a doctor to rule out medical issues.

    For what its worth, I don't think you are lying at all. I just think that somewhere, either in estimates of calories burned or estimates of calories eaten, there is a flaw in those estimates. My exercise today consisted of 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes of weights (using a pulley system at my gym) in the morning and a 2 mile jog/run this afternoon that took 24 minutes. According to my HRM I exercised for a total of 66 minutes and burned 425 calories. That's why your HRM numbers seem high, even accounting for the differences in our stats.

    I know you're getting a lot of conflicting advice and it can get confusing. Its clear from your post that what you are currently doing isn't working for you. The first thing I would do is start logging that cheat meal and see how many calories you are really consuming in that one meal. If its un-doing your deficit then you know you've got one culprit right there.

    Then I would pick one thing to change, stick with it for 4 to 6 weeks and see if you get any results. So for example, go back to religious logging, weighing and measuring food. Stick with it for 4 to 6 weeks. Or decide to only eat back half your exercise calories. Stick to it for 4 to 6 weeks.

    Best of luck to you!

    And this helpful, and something I am happy to try. Thank you.
  • shancheer24
    shancheer24 Posts: 22 Member
    If you are truly burning more calories than you are taking in, then you will see results. My guess is you arent as strict as you say, the scale doesnt lie.

    Perhaps you have some underlying issues ( thyroid) that could actually be preventing you to lose weight. Also have you tried adjusting your calories even lower. I currently am allowed 1300 calories a day and walk 3-5 days a week. ive lost 5lbs in 5 weeks and i am not a heavy person to begin with. But im extremely precise with my calories ( measuring cups, scales, ect) Its easy to estimate and be wrong ( ive done it over and under).

    I would go to your doctor and just request a yearly physical with bloodwork. if there are any issues it should be able to be discovered in that work up, and other concerns you can talk to them about it.
  • aimeejolene
    If you are truly burning more calories than you are taking in, then you will see results. My guess is you arent as strict as you say, the scale doesnt lie.

    Perhaps you have some underlying issues ( thyroid) that could actually be preventing you to lose weight. Also have you tried adjusting your calories even lower. I currently am allowed 1300 calories a day and walk 3-5 days a week. ive lost 5lbs in 5 weeks and i am not a heavy person to begin with. But im extremely precise with my calories ( measuring cups, scales, ect) Its easy to estimate and be wrong ( ive done it over and under).

    I would go to your doctor and just request a yearly physical with bloodwork. if there are any issues it should be able to be discovered in that work up, and other concerns you can talk to them about it.

    I need my annual exam anyway, so I can kill two birds with one stone. It won't hurt to get some medical advice.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Can someone explain this "eating back" business? It seems to me if you calculate your TDEE with the appropriate amount of exercise, your calorie goal for the day takes your exercise calorie burn into account. What am I missing?

    And really, how easy is it to overestimate your exercise calories? "I worked out for an hour, bring on the pizza!"

    MFP is a NEAT calculator, not a TDEE calculator. It calculates your daily needs NOT INCLUDING exercise. So when you do exercise, you need to add more fuel for that. A properly set MFP + exercise calorie goal should be about the same as a properly set TDEE - % goal.

    I don't use the MFP calculator, I use the Fitness Frog one.

    That's cool. you just asked what the terms were about and it was explained.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Can someone explain this "eating back" business? It seems to me if you calculate your TDEE with the appropriate amount of exercise, your calorie goal for the day takes your exercise calorie burn into account. What am I missing?

    And really, how easy is it to overestimate your exercise calories? "I worked out for an hour, bring on the pizza!"

    MFP is a NEAT calculator, not a TDEE calculator. It calculates your daily needs NOT INCLUDING exercise. So when you do exercise, you need to add more fuel for that. A properly set MFP + exercise calorie goal should be about the same as a properly set TDEE - % goal.

    I don't use the MFP calculator, I use the Fitness Frog one.

    That's cool. you just asked what the terms were about and it was explained.

    Yeah, I know, I wasn't trying to come off biznatchy. :bigsmile:
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    I wish there was one formula for us all.

    There is.

    1) Log every day, carefully, nay compulsively.
    2) Don't trust yourself to eyeball--weigh everything with a food scale
    3) Factor in everything, including cheat meals, and limit yourself to NEAT + Exercise - 500 kcal (in other words, follow the MFP formula)
    4) Repeat

    People who do those things consistently will lose weight.

    People who don't, well, don't.

    You don't. People have been telling you to do those things, but instead you explain why it doesn't apply to your situation.

    I've seen this a hundred times already, and I've only been on MFP since April. It's an old story. Next step is your "People are Mean" thread. I'd guess this evening around 8pm...
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    Wow, I can't believe how long this thread has gone on. You have all of the good advice you need. Now just get off the computer and follow it. Good luck.
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    It never hurt when I was consuming 1000's of calories a day when I did not have to see them or be accountable. I was surpised at how fast the calories added up, even when eating clean and healthy.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    best thing my dr ever did for me...


    i told her i needed "drugs" to help me lose weight, that i was doing everything right, and still not losing... i told her "fatness" runs in my family, that maybe i have a slow metabolism...


    she said, fatness does not run in your family, maybe fat people, who over eat and under exercise do... but not fatness. she told me that nothings wrong with my metabolism, that im just merely eating too much, and not moving enough...

    well, well, well... to my surprise, im not a victim of nature, only nurture...

    controlled my food, started kicking my own *kitten* at the gym, and lost 95 pounds in less than 11 months...

    sure, you could have an underlying medical condition keeping you from losing, but, without other symptoms, i would put money on the fact that your simply over eating, and under exercising!
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Ok, then the general suggestion is that all of my counts are incorrect and I need to eat better/workout more. Assuming that my counts really ARE right, and I am NOT lying about anything (and really, why would I even want to), then what else? See a doctor?



    Roll your eyes all you want. You asked for explanations of why you aren't losing weight. People are giving you excellent advice. Ignore it if you want to, but you are getting exactly what your asked for. Sorry we're not sugarcoating it enough for you, but you're a random internet stranger and we don't have time to find unicorn and starburst gifs to pretty up the info.