Your thoughts on Herbalife



  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    I've been an Herbalifer for over 11 years. I've watched people come and go. The people who want a magic weight loss plan, this isn't for you. I've watched the products change into INCREDIBLE products that WORK if you WORK it! With the nutrition I get from Herbalife, I was able to have a healthy 2nd pregnancy when I did all the wrong things with the 1st pregnancy. It's safe for EVERY body. I was able to breastfeed the 2nd time around because my body was healthy enough to do it. My baby went right from breastmilk to shakes and she is healthy and normal and is now 5! If you think just drinking a shake with change your whole life, think again. Herbalife teaches you how to believe in yourself. Herbalife combines a healthy active lifestyle with better food choices, along with giving the body 100% nutrition. I'm a believer. I'll never go a day without it. Just my opinion.

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  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    it doesnt really matter how you get to the calorie deficit as long as you get it, you'll lose. shakes, pizza, salads. etc. so i dont think herbalife would be the "reason" that anyone has lost weight. its because of the calorie deficit you are attaining.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I've been on it and I love it. Lots of people say "eat right and work out", well I tried that for a long time, even eating the same calories as I consume now that I use herbalife and I was not seeing the same or even close to the same results. So I wouldn't say it's only a cal deficit that works. If someone wants to tell me that it doesn't work and that it's just about eating right and working out you are free to send me a check to pay all my bills and hire me a personal chef too if you want to tell me how to live my life :p
  • koalalovely
    koalalovely Posts: 13 Member
    It is amazing how many negative things are said about Herbalife on here. Personally I love it. It is not a quick fix to the mounds of fat some people carry, but it works at a relatively fast way to boost your nutrition.Yeah you can do two shakes a day and start seeing results eventually, just like eating properly OCD portioned foods. I would be that person when I was actually striving to loose weight. Measuring everything to the last gram or fluid oz. Herbalife broke me of that, because due to me not getting adequate nutrition and actually seeing the results in weight loss over an 8 month time with family members I gave it a try and went off it because yeah shakes everyday gets boring. I let myself get so out of hand that i was waking up with SEVERE heart burn from acid reflux which was causing chest pain. I went back on herbalife doing 2 shakes (two scoops of formula 1 meal replacement and 2 scoops protien in 8oz of water) I also add the herbal aloe concentrate to it to soothe my acid reflux. The tea is delicious and a lot of people that do herbalife swear by the tea.

    How I believe herbalife works is that since it is high in vitamins it balances the body nutrient wise, you're getting enough or alomst enough, so you feel good. When you feel good you feel energized so you spend a little bit more time being active. Activity is key. you cant loose weight just eating right for long and you cant loose weight for long by just exercise. fast food always made me lethargic and of course I wont work out if i feel bloated and nasty I'll sleep. Yes herbalife is expensive, yes there are a lot of haters. Theres no right or wrong way to really go about your nutrition. One may say plant based only, some day protien only. I'm a firm believer in nutrient rich foods. I do eat mostly plant based along with herbalife which is plant based. it works for me. I was 45 pounds down in 6 months before re-opening my MFP consistency is key like everything else. I take several supplements that contain mostly plants that are to be belived help do things (vitamin A for lung health) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO HERBALIFE. My opinion is that its cheaper to eat whole foods that are properly portioned with a bunch of supplements on the side, but herbalife is just convienient since I am always on the go and I don't really feel hungry between shakes that I can manage. but thats just me.
  • BubonicTonic
    BubonicTonic Posts: 19 Member
    One thing that Herbalife is good at is getting people excited about weight loss. I have a good friend who is an Herbalife coach, and he is super high energy, loves to trail run, just a fun fitness guy. He's lost some weight on it, and opened several shake "clubs" in my city. He offers it to me but doesn't force it on me. I will occasionally have a shake as a meal and I like the product.

    Can you lose weight on it? Yes you can. But if you're making a healthy meal choice 3 times a day you're going to lose weight anyway, shake or no shake.

    Will the weight come off when you stop doing shakes? If you go right back to eating over your calories/macros, then of course you will! Herbalife is no different than shakeology, medifast, visalus, etc. etc. What it does do is train you to pay attention, log your meals and break whatever bad habit is making you fat: sugar addiction, overeating, whatever it is, if you're taking in more calories than you're expending, you will gain weight.

    Herbalife is multilevel marketing, which is basically a pyramid scheme. You sign up, they make you a distributor, get more people to sign up, you get your shakes for free, then you start getting checks. Any multilevel marketing company can be successful if the product is a good one. Yes they want to sell you the product, and some people will give you a hard sell. In my opinion Herbalife is a friendlier company than Visalus with their "win a BMW!!" bs all over facebook a couple of years ago. Yeah, right.