No wonder I am overweight!



  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with Becky too. Sometimes, or a lot of times, people that have never had a problem with weight don't understand how some people can get to be sooo overweight. I think it is so easy to gain weight, and it is so sneaky, you wake up one day and wonder how did this happen and you cant just undo it overnight. It's not like quitting smoking, or other bad habits, because you can quit them cold turkey if you want to, but you do have to eat. I understand what she was saying about wanting to eat a whole bag just to prove a point. I can totally see that. I think people don't want to try to lose weight because it is hard and you have to do it all day long, everyday. Don't let your husband's remarks get you down. You are doing a great job. Maybe you should tell him exactly what kind of encouragement you need. I have been married for almost 19 years and in my experience, you have to spell things our for men. They often don't understand how they hurt your feelings. Hopefully he isn't like that all the time, or you might have other things to worry about, but I think you should talk to him or maybe get him more involved in what you are trying to do. Just an idea.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    By the way, I eat "snacks" all the time. Maybe a small bag of chips one day, or a childsize icecream another. As long as that isn't the only kind of food you eat and you keep track of it in your journal, it shouldn't matter if you have an oreo everyday. Exercising also helps work off some of those "extra" calories.
  • davebarron
    You did just fine eating that cookie and recording it. If you are being honest with yourself then you a real winner.

    I allow myself one small treat at the end of each day as a reward for a whole long day of eating well and exercising a bit. Either a fruit smoothie, a small square of dark chocolate to nibble, or a bit of honeycomb on an oat cake with spicy herbal tea, just about anything I really enjoy up to 100 calories.

    I'd lose control and eat a bag of corn chips if I didn't have that reward to look forward to.

    Also, try to find ways to remind yourself of the longer term rewards, like improved health and self image. Not to mention the new clothes you will get to buy when you lose a bunch of weight!
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    I'm with everyone else, one oreo in 6 weeks is better than me. My wife moans at me for being to concerned with calories and protien etc and thats with me having a six pack coming through. It never changes and no one understands better than you do.
    It's a lifestyle change and you will eat the junk food and treats you used to but this time you'll balance it with a limited intake and healthy foods.
    Your not alone
    : ))
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    All I can say is that there is no point getting upset over it. Next time just try explaining that you have factored it into your calorie "budget".

    That's what I always do. I just explain that I've allowed for it in my budget. If they don't listen or understand I just shrug my shoulders and ignore them.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My husband really just made me upset! I have been doing so good for the past 6 weeks and today I decided to eat just 1 oreo cookie. And he just gave me the 3rd degree about it. We actually argued because of 1 stupid cookie. He is so unsupportive and I am so mad. It makes me want to eat the whole bag just to show him that I can.

    I certainly hope that you're not capable of eating a whole bag of Oreo's. I also hope that you get a hold of any emotional eating that you may have. There seems to be a disconnect here. You would actually consider destroying the temple which is your body to get back at your husband some how. That does nothing to him whatsoever. There is a great book by Linda Spangle that is called 100 Days of Weight Loss. I recommend that you read it.
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks again everyone! It really means alot to have you all to give me your opinions and support. I will value everything said here and I really appreciate it! Today was a better day! :)
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks again everyone! It really means alot to have you all to give me your opinions and support. I will value everything said here and I really appreciate it! Today was a better day! :)
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Wow, that made me sad. That's so completely out-of-line for him to give you a hard time like that. You CAN'T deprive yourself all the time. Remember - this is a life change, not a diet, and you have to allow yourself to still enjoy the things you want, in moderation. And geez... it's ONE cookie? That's amazing willpower. I came from an extremely unsupportive and overweight family, so I know how that can feel. I feel lucky now to be away from that toxic environment and with a man that totally supports me and is there for you - and a spouse should be. I hope that you express this to him and make sure he understands how you feel and how this affected you. Communication is very important. Good luck to you sweetie. *hugs*