Juicing/Cleanse Success Stories!



  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    I recently (Jan 2013) did a 3 day juice fast (www.theripestuffcleanse.com), not expecting any sustained weight loss, just looking to help break some habits. However, I lost 6 pounds (and I was not significantly overweight) and kept it off. I attribute the keeping it off to logging my calories in MFP, staying under my calorie goal 90% of the time, and incorporating 1-2 juices into my daily intake. A month later, I am now fasting again (this time, doing a homemade cleanse) for 3 days. I am on day 3 right now and have already lost 4 more pounds (so I'm now in a healthy weight range for my height). I am hoping that this 3-day fast once a month will help me accelerate my weight loss and bust through plateaus. So far, it's looking good. I hope this helps!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I recently (Jan 2013) did a 3 day juice fast (www.theripestuffcleanse.com), not expecting any sustained weight loss, just looking to help break some habits. However, I lost 6 pounds (and I was not significantly overweight) and kept it off. I attribute the keeping it off to logging my calories in MFP, staying under my calorie goal 90% of the time, and incorporating 1-2 juices into my daily intake. A month later, I am now fasting again (this time, doing a homemade cleanse) for 3 days. I am on day 3 right now and have already lost 4 more pounds (so I'm now in a healthy weight range for my height). I am hoping that this 3-day fast once a month will help me accelerate my weight loss and bust through plateaus. So far, it's looking good. I hope this helps!

    Thank you for sharing this story Sudzie. One thing that seems consistent between your story and the others is the value of a juice fast or cleanse as a habit-breaking ceremony. It seems when folks talk about "kick starting" weight loss with a cleanse really they mean memorializing the end of their old habits and a ceremony before starting new ones. It sounds like this was incredibly successful in that regard for you. It also sounds like you have no illusions about what is causing your sustained success - - good tracking and keeping a good calorie intake/output ratio.

    I'm curious what the six lost pounds were since you were able to keep them off - - I have understood that there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat so to burn six full pounds of fat, you would have to burn 6 * 3500 calories in three days; it couldn't have all been fat. But since you kept the weight off, it also couldn't have all been water - - dehydration would've resolved as soon as you resumed more normal eating behaviors. So not fat or water. You probably couldn't have catabolized six pounds of your own muscle in that short amount of time either. That much of a loss of bone density or calcium also seems unlikely. Very curious.

    In any event, congratulations on what sounds like a really good plan and a really sustainable and fundamentally healthy lifestyle you've created!!! Thank you for your time in responding to my query.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I know this isn't exactly what your looking for, but I did the 15 day reboot on www.rebootwithjoe.com. I lost 9 lbs in 15days. The reason I did the 15 day was because its 5 days of meals with juicing, then 5 days of juicing, then 5 days of meals and juicing. When I was on the meals portion I tried to make a different meal everyday to give me ideas for after my reboot of what to keep eating. I knew I wanted to incorporate other foods back into my diet like chicken, milk, and eggs. I have done this I have kept that weight off, (it has only been 3 weeks), but I've been doing insanity and I've gone from not being able to do a real push up to being able to do moving pushups and push up jacks. Most of the foods I eat are fruits and vegetables. You can take a look at my diary if you would like. Don't judge on yesterday though, I didn't have time to prepare before I went to work, so I ate what was at work and those are the things they had.

    Anyways I hope this helps you a little bit. I don't think it is exactly what you were looking for, but it is my experience.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I know this isn't exactly what your looking for, but I did the 15 day reboot on www.rebootwithjoe.com. I lost 9 lbs in 15days. The reason I did the 15 day was because its 5 days of meals with juicing, then 5 days of juicing, then 5 days of meals and juicing. When I was on the meals portion I tried to make a different meal everyday to give me ideas for after my reboot of what to keep eating. I knew I wanted to incorporate other foods back into my diet like chicken, milk, and eggs. I have done this I have kept that weight off, (it has only been 3 weeks), but I've been doing insanity and I've gone from not being able to do a real push up to being able to do moving pushups and push up jacks. Most of the foods I eat are fruits and vegetables. You can take a look at my diary if you would like. Don't judge on yesterday though, I didn't have time to prepare before I went to work, so I ate what was at work and those are the things they had.

    Anyways I hope this helps you a little bit. I don't think it is exactly what you were looking for, but it is my experience.

    I did look at your diary - thank you for sharing that. You have a really reasonable calorie target and appear to be doing a fantastic job at sticking to it. I am tempted to credit a lot of success to your persistence and diligence in recording and you're awesome hard work and progress in your strength and cardio training - - more than the liquid diet anyway.

    Do you know the sort of calories you were taking in while on the plan? Was it still a substantial deficit?

    As I thought when reading Sudzie's story, I'm having a hard time figuring out what nine pounds might have been lost in 15 days. It couldn't have been all fat because you would've had to be on a total starvation diet to burn 31,500 calories of fat in that time. If it was all catabolized muscle mass that your body used, you would've definitely noticed and felt very ill afterward. If it was water weight, that just fluctuates anyway so it shouldn't have been kept off consistently.

    I hope that if four months comes and goes and you've continued to see great success, that you attribute it to your own awesome work!! :happy: :flowerforyou: Great job so far!
  • fkeehnen
    fkeehnen Posts: 9 Member
    i just started juicing, also adding chia seeds to the juice. I watched a documentary called "hungry for change" if you are looking for proof, check this video out on Netflix
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    i just started juicing, also adding chia seeds to the juice. I watched a documentary called "hungry for change" if you are looking for proof, check this video out on Netflix

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE chia seeds. Protein, fat, fiber, carb, all rolled up into these little tiny seeds. They can be used as a thickener too because of the mucilage they form in fluids. Awesome stuff!

    I try to steer clear of those sorts of documentaries with an agenda though, because they always seem really manipulative to me. Stuff like that is one of the reasons I started this thread was to just talk with people who've had the first-hand experience, rather than some editor in a video booth splicing an interview.

    It sounds like maybe you're supplementing your diet with juices rather than embarking on a cleanse, and also you just started; so perhaps not meeting the explicit criteria of the thread but definitely embarking on a new possibly healthier intake regimen. Looking at the success stories so far it sounds like you'll be seeing success if this is just a small component in your new, broader healthy lifestyle. Good luck to you and check back in!!
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    There's a documentary called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead".

    That is a true statement. ("bump.")


    eta: apologies for the necromancing
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    There's a documentary called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead".

    That is a true statement. ("bump.")


    eta: apologies for the necromancing

    Apology not accepted.

    There is *never* an acceptable reason for thread necromancy.


  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    There's a documentary called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead".

    That is a true statement. ("bump.")


    eta: apologies for the necromancing

    Apology not accepted.

    There is *never* an acceptable reason for thread necromancy.



    We-Eee are never ever ev- whoops! I thought we were singing...
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Don't need a bunch of negative nellies telling me it's impossible, I'm just trying to find someone, anyone, who has the proof that such a thing has worked, and that it's unattributable to a simple caloric deficit over time.

    Criteria - - Anyone on the site who attributes a significant amount of sustained weight loss (defined as greater than 10% of your pre-regimen body weight, kept off for at least four months after regimen termination).

    So, for instance, if you started at 200lbs, you lost 20lbs arriving at or below 180lbs, and stayed at or below that new weight for at least four months after getting there, and you attribute that to a cleanse or juice diet.

    No stories about a friend of a friend, I'm looking for primary sources only, please.

    If you're still looking for data... I can tell you my story. I don't exactly fit all your criteria, but I might be pretty close to the sort of 'subject' you're looking for.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Don't need a bunch of negative nellies telling me it's impossible, I'm just trying to find someone, anyone, who has the proof that such a thing has worked, and that it's unattributable to a simple caloric deficit over time.

    Criteria - - Anyone on the site who attributes a significant amount of sustained weight loss (defined as greater than 10% of your pre-regimen body weight, kept off for at least four months after regimen termination).

    So, for instance, if you started at 200lbs, you lost 20lbs arriving at or below 180lbs, and stayed at or below that new weight for at least four months after getting there, and you attribute that to a cleanse or juice diet.

    No stories about a friend of a friend, I'm looking for primary sources only, please.

    If you're still looking for data... I can tell you my story. I don't exactly fit all your criteria, but I might be pretty close to the sort of 'subject' you're looking for.

    I believe the original poster juiced his way out of existence. But we are always interested in data.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I believe the original poster juiced his way out of existence. But we are always interested in data.
    BurtHuttz has deactivated their account.

    Ah yes, so I see.... I should have perhaps done that research before I posted. Such is the way of the juicer, I suppose....

  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    My husband and I did a 20 day juice fast... and we both gained the weight all back, though it took about 4-5 months for my husband to gain it back. I gained it back in about 3 months. I have severe allergy issues (unexplainable hives--Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria) and the fast helped my condition, though I still get occasional hives. On days 5-8 I had some of the most intense itching followed by relief and lots of energy in the following weeks. It's something we plan to do yearly after this child is born (I'm due in a week).

    My big issue was trying to incorporate the juice with a regular diet--I just never could figure out how to do it. "What's the point of juicing without fasting?", was what I keep thinking. I know it's a huge boost of nutrients, but there's no fiber in there. I'm just confused--I guess I just got into the mindset of 'all or nothing'. My husband took the juicer to work and he juices there in the mornings, but he doesn't weigh any less now. He says he feels much better for it though. He juices kale, carrots, ginger, and apple every day and swears by it.

    I know you didn't want weight loss examples from a friend, but I have one success story from someone I know very well. My good friend was a very overweight teenager--5'6 and over 200 lbs. She juice fasted for 6 months and got down to 140 lbs, and has stayed there for over 11 years now, but she really manages what she eats. She is mostly vegetarian except for fish--no dairy either. She also manages carbs and sugar. She's a food addict and really controls her exposure to trigger foods. For her the juice calories were never logged, and the cleanse was literally to cleanse her system. She's from NJ and knew lots of people with cancer, so she just wanted to get whatever was in her neighborhood--out of her! Her mom just passed away from cancer, and she works in health food stores now to stay motivated to eat healthily. For her the juicing was just a part of the big picture when it came to taking control of her health. She still takes a juice here and there, and drinks it very slowly, and uses it as a meal substitute.
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Well tomorrow will be day 7 for me on my juicing cleanse. I have lost 8.2 lbs so far. Tomorrow I will be breaking the fast and taking on as much clean eating as I possibly can followed by hitting the gym every morning during the week. I can tell you that juice fasting takes an incredible amount of will power and it is an extremely humbling experience. The first three days are the most difficult. I decided to break my fast tomorrow because it isn't advised to workout while fasting. I am sure if I went another 7 days I probably would have dropped another 8lbs, but I feel in my heart that by doing this fast before I start my intense weight training really will benefit me in the long run. It is the jump start I needed. During my fast I only consumed the juices of fruits and veggies, and lots of water. I experienced only one minor headache and no bowl issues on this fast. My skin looks and feels smoother and my hair is shinier and over all I feel really good. If you do try a juice fast please do a lot of research beforehand and mentally prepare yourself.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well tomorrow will be day 7 for me on my juicing cleanse. I have lost 8.2 lbs so far. Tomorrow I will be breaking the fast and taking on as much clean eating as I possibly can followed by hitting the gym every morning during the week. I can tell you that juice fasting takes an incredible amount of will power and it is an extremely humbling experience. The first three days are the most difficult. I decided to break my fast tomorrow because it isn't advised to workout while fasting. I am sure if I went another 7 days I probably would have dropped another 8lbs, but I feel in my heart that by doing this fast before I start my intense weight training really will benefit me in the long run. It is the jump start I needed. During my fast I only consumed the juices of fruits and veggies, and lots of water. I experienced only one minor headache and no bowl issues on this fast. My skin looks and feels smoother and my hair is shinier and over all I feel really good. If you do try a juice fast please do a lot of research beforehand and mentally prepare yourself.

    Interesting, but not really on topic for this thread.
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    The topic is juicing cleanse success stories I do believe I just did a juicing cleanse for the last seven days....so yeah I think it is on topic.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    The topic is juicing cleanse success stories I do believe I just did a juicing cleanse for the last seven days....so yeah I think it is on topic.

    Did you read the original post?
    So, for instance, if you started at 200lbs, you lost 20lbs arriving at or below 180lbs, and stayed at or below that new weight for at least four months after getting there, and you attribute that to a cleanse or juice diet.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member

    I believe the original poster juiced his way out of existence. But we are always interested in data.

    RIP Burt. Juiced himself away to nothing. Now his legacy is a zombie thread

  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    Oh my god I shared my experience. Maybe I didn't lose a huge amount of weight from it, but that wasn't what I was going for, but I figured I would share my experience to help others. Way to bring a fellow MFP member down.
  • northspoon
    northspoon Posts: 1 Member
    I was interested in reading your story, good for you. Trying the juicer for the first time myself and I like reading other people's efforts. Hurray for you !!!
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